My Phone Lover, Liam - Cover

My Phone Lover, Liam

by Angeleyes


Erotica Sex Story: Girl's first phone sex experience

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Consensual   Masturbation   .

I was only 17, and of course, still living with my parents. I got bored one night, and decided to browse the chat rooms online, and see if I could find anyone interesting to talk to. That’s where I met Liam. We seemed to connect right away, in a certain way, and our conversation hit some very personal levels that night. Those of you who go in chat rooms online know how conversations can lead to different topics, and ours certainly did. We started asking each other questions about sex, and about each other in particular. It seems neither one of us knew a whole lot about sex at the time. I started getting very turned on by talking to Liam about his body, and things that he did when he was alone, and couldn’t help but touch myself. I had had cyber sex a few times before, and thought it could be a lot of fun. I found myself wanting Liam more and more as the conversation went on, so I finally decided to slip in the idea of cyber sex. That’s when Liam told me that he had never tried cyber sex before, but he thought it was pathetic, and didn’t like the idea.

It drove me crazy, talking to him about sex for so long, and not even being able to have cyber sex with him. For some reason, later in the conversation, Liam changed his mind.

He was amazing, and I still have a hard time believing that was his first time. Just reading his words on the screen made me cum several times that night.

After that, we talked a lot, and got to know each other a lot better, and the time came when I wanted to hear his voice. I asked him if I could call him, and he gave me his phone number, and we started talking on the phone.

One night while I was talking to Liam on the phone, we got on the topic of sex again, and I found myself getting very turned on by him again. Only this time, it was worse, because he had a very sexy voice, and hearing him say the words made me even more crazy. I found my hands wandering all over my body. I started caressing my breasts, and rubbing the inside of my thigh. Finally, when I thought I was going to go crazy if I didn’t cum soon, Liam commented on the way I was breathing. This was the time to tell him I wanted him! I was very embarrassed, because I had never had phone sex before, and it was totally different than cyber sex, or really actually having sex.

I finally whispered a “yes,” and then noticed a difference in his breathing. I returned his question, and got the same answer. Listening to the way Liam was breathing made me even more crazy. I slid my hand down and ran my index finger over my pussy. I was shocked to feel how wet I was, and it made me even more horny to feel all the wetness. I shaved my pubic hair, and the wetness was all over my bald pussy lips. I started rubbing my clit very, very slowly, waiting on Liam to say something else.

“Tell me what you wanna do to me,” I finally heard him say in a sexy whisper.

I found myself getting embarrassed again, but I liked it. In fact, I loved it! I took a couple deep breaths, and then started in. “I ... I wanna touch you all over ... and...” was all I could get out. “I’m sorry. I’m really embarrassed right now,” I finally confessed.

“It’s okay,” he said in his sexy whisper again, and his understanding, and sexy voice combined made me want him even more than I already did. I shoved a finger in my pussy, and let out a little moan, then I started in again, telling Liam all the things I wanted to do to him.

“I want to feel you thrusting your cock inside me, with my legs wrapped around you, and your body rubbing against mine,” I finally got out, in between my deep breaths.

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