The Plot - Cover

The Plot

by Andrew Stevens


Incest Sex Story: Horny young man finds his drunk aunt in his bed. What to do?

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Drunk/Drugged   Fiction   Incest   Aunt   Nephew   Oral Sex   Pregnancy   Indian Erotica   .


It was Diwali night ... Almost all our relatives dropped by for a celebration. We had wine, beers and liquors. It was five years since I met all my relatives. To be honest, I did not know some of them. Aunt Chandra looked very sexy in her miniskirt and sleeveless blouse. Rayvathi, my sister, was in her long gown serving drinks to our guests. The music was continuous. We danced and talked about our yesterdays. Due to the heavy liquor consumption, everybody started to mumble and laughed over it. Mom and dad did not let me have much alcohol, so I was very aware of what was going on.

It was very late at night when most of my relatives left. Fortunately (for me) Aunt Chandra had a lot of drinks and she randomly picked a room to sleep, which just happened to be mine! No one knew that she was in my room nor did I want anyone to know that my aunt was there. If my parents knew, they would have told me to sleep in the guestroom or in the living room.

When I was small I had a little crush on Chandra. I used to get a hard-on whenever I would see her in a sari that exposed her waist area. Today was much more special. She was wearing just a miniskirt and a sleeveless blouse. This was not India, things here are much more outgoing.

The question was what could I do to her? The last time I had sex was two years earlier (age 16). Of course I had no intention of making love with Chandra since she was my dearest aunt. However, I did want to touch and kiss her ... but that’s all. Chandra’s not old; she is 38 but she only looked like 28.

I quietly entered my room and I locked the door. The thought of me touching and kissing her had already made my penis stiff. Her perfume was strong. I didn’t care about the punishment that I would end up with. I quickly got undressed and stood beside her. She laid there flat. I could tell that there was no way she was going to wake up. Her bright red lipstick was glowing under my room’s dim lights. Her lips were wet, inviting me for a taste. My face was getting hot. I looked back to ensure my door was locked. I leaned forward and opened my mouth upon hers, gently kissing her lips and brushing them several times. Our noses rubbed together. Moving back from her, the lipstick on her lips was partially gone. That kiss was superb. I hadn’t done this in a long time. I went for a second round and still there was no reaction from my aunt. I kissed her more and more until our lips were silky. My silky saliva was all over her mouth. I can say that this kiss was definitely more passionate than all of the accumulated kisses that her husband had given her over the years.

Yet I was not satisfied. Why don’t I proceed a little further, I suggested to myself. Nervously, I placed my palm on her breast. I made a gentle squeeze. Soft and full was the answer given to my palm. I did that again with both breasts beneath my palms. Her narrow cleavage was urging me on, to find what was inside there. This would be my only chance to see Chandra naked, I convinced myself. The next minute, her blouse was undone, exposing her white bra.

I lifted her body a little and took off her bra and then removed her blouse. Wow! I couldn’t believe what I saw. Her dark brown nipples were big and thick. She had medium-sized breasts for a 5’5 footer. Her light brown skin was so smooth. Her stomach was flat although she had two kids.

I rolled my tongue over her fat nipples and sucked them. I trailed my kisses all the way down to her belly button. Then I pressed my naked body on hers, feeling the heat. Her breasts crushed against mine and still there was no response from her. I kissed her some more and rubbed my penis on her miniskirt. My pre-cum trailed all the way on her miniskirt. My kisses became more passionate and I started to squirt my cum onto her miniskirt. Although it was too late, I still regretted doing a thing like that to my aunt. The amount of cum I poured on her was unbelievable.

I thought of suicide when I saw my cum drip down her miniskirt to her panties. It would definitely be obvious to her when she woke up, I thought.

Feeling scared and guilty I started to remove her miniskirt to dry it underneath the fan and to spray it with some perfume. I didn’t know if that was a good idea or not but I had to try to fix my mistake, so I just removed it from her. Her white panties was soaked with my cum on the pubic hair region. This was really bad, I thought...

I looked at Chandra to see if she was still in dreamland. The smell of my sperm was emitting from her and I knew I was in big trouble. The next minute, her panties were also removed. Her vagina was completely exposed. My aunt was totally naked. Her public hairs was moist with my cum. Her vulva was also moist with the mixture of both our cum. Her natural womanhood smell was putting me in trance. I just tossed aside her miniskirt and panties.

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