Peeping Sister - Cover

Peeping Sister


Chapter 1

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 1 - Finding a camera being used to peep on you could change your life significantly

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Consensual   Fiction   Incest   Brother   Sister   Anal Sex   First   Voyeurism  

Serendipity happened on the 21st of December, the longest night of the year. Darkness came early enough for my daily masturbation session to occur in darkness, otherwise, I wouldn’t have noticed anything and my life wouldn’t have changed as it had.

The green light blinked briefly, very briefly. But it was dark enough already and I happened to be looking at the right spot at the perfect moment.

My instinct told me to not acknowledge that short blink.

The next day when I came home from school I went straight to that spot without worry of revealing that I noticed anything as I was alone at home. The source of that blink turned out to be a well-hidden, tiny wifi camera!

Having somebody spy on me was shocking to say the least. Whoever did went to enough effort to make me think it was serious. I went to my laptop and ran a scan on our home network and found the device. It was on the local network and it was set up as ‘JerkCam’. Must be the bitch.

Let me introduce the bitch to you. My older sister Laura is the biggest pain in my ass. She’s sixteen months older and been lording it over me since she hit puberty at thirteen and started growing her very drool-worthy, very large, family-trait tits. She’s sixteen and few months now. She isn’t pretty by any measure of the word. She has a very plain, and bitchy face marred by a dark patch of skin from her nose to her left ear. Her only redeeming quality were her very large tits which sat above a thin waist and wide hips with a round butt. But her attitude made her unpopular at school.

Prior to her puberty we were best friends. We played together and spent most of our out-of-school time together. And then Laura’s boobs started growing and suddenly it was all about boys. She never had time for me anymore and she started showing a great deal of contempt towards me even though she never dated.

Mom tried to keep the peace between us and it was fine on my end, but Laura simply became a bitch to me, especially when any of her two friends were around. Before dad’s death a couple of years prior I had an ally who could put a limit to how far Laura was allowed to go in annoying me. Since the tragic car accident mom relied on Laura for more things than ever, and that gave my dear sister a lot more power over me.

So the only person who has access to the house’s wifi network and is most likely to call me ‘jerk’ is my dear sister, and very unlikely to be mom.

But why would Laura spy on me? To what nefarious reason? I had to find out.

It was a dilemma to solve. If she’s watching me, I couldn’t confront her and if I changed my behaviour she would notice too. It was a vexing problem. The only solution that came to mind was to spy on her myself. But I had no access to enough money to buy my own camera and certainly can’t put it on the network lest the bitch finds it like I found hers.

The simplest solution turned out to be the most effective. I had received an MP3 player a couple of years back that had a recording function as part of its feature set. It can record for days. So I simply made sure its battery was charged and it was set to record and taped it to the underside of her bed’s frame.

I did my best to keep my routine. I got up in the morning, had my breakfast, went to school, came back few minutes before Laura, masturbated in my room, fully naked on my bed —which turned out to be a turn-on knowing that somebody was watching— got dressed and went downstairs to spend the evening with dear sister and mom when she came back.

After much patience, I retrieved my recorder three days later and hooked it up to my laptop to retrieve what it recorded. I used some software to eliminate the blank periods and started listening to whatever noises my sister made in her own room.

Boy oh boy, what a surprise!

There were three distinct sessions of moaning, which I assumed were dear Laura masturbating. I used the software on the computer to figure out the timing of the masturbation only to find out that it coincided with my own masturbation session.

Holy shit, my sister was peeping on me while I masturbated and got her jollies too. That seemed too good to be true, but the evidence was undeniable. I had a peeping sister.

At the time I didn’t know enough about people to understand the complication of this and why my sister treated me like crap. But I was intelligent enough to know that I had an interesting opening to exploit.

But how can I benefit from this?

I’ve never been impulsive, so for the next few days I thought about the situation. I was too fond of our family and our way of life to want things disturbed much, so I didn’t consciously change anything.

However, things changed subtly without me doing anything on purpose. A couple of days later I found that my attitude towards my sister had changed. I stopped resenting her bitchiness. Maybe knowing that somebody uses you as masturbatory help gives you some kind of hold on them, I don’t really know. But I knew one thing for sure, I felt much more relaxed around Laura and way more tolerant of her moods. I usually kept as much physical distance as possible between me and Laura, but now I found that I’m not seeking to distance myself from her anymore.

One unexpected thing this change had led to was an elevation in my happiness level. Living with an adversary is mentally hard. Living with somebody that masturbates while watching you on the other hand is awesome. That knowledge on its own changed things considerably.

Once the potential for conflict diminished, my mental state changed from always being cautious of my sister, and always being on the lookout for the next fight and doing all I could to avoid it, to being generally relaxed.

The change was so profound that even when Laura picked one of her silly and totally made up fights with me now, I could simply brush her off and not be affected because I knew on the inside that it’s not because she hated me.

This relaxed mental state eventually led to other things, better things.

One thing it led to was more exciting masturbation sessions. Knowing that somebody was watching and masturbating too gave me a charge and I found myself giving Laura somewhat of a show with exaggerated moves and excessive noise.

Even a simple thing as a shower changed. Because I wasn’t afraid of Laura’s ridicule anymore, I stopped feeling the need to finish everything in the bathroom including getting dressed. My routine changed to wrapping my bath towel around my waist and going to my room then air-drying a little and getting dressed, like I used to do in the past.

One day, as I left the bathroom to my room, I bumped into Laura in the hallway. As we crossed paths, Laura did the same thing that made me start getting dressed in the bathroom. She snatched my towel off my waist, took a couple of quick steps away from me and laughed. However, this time instead of being extremely embarrassed by my nudity and Laura’s behaviour and running into my room to hide, I simply turned towards her very calmly.

“You know, if you wanted to see me naked all you have to do is ask.” I said, and extending my hand to her, “Can I have my towel back? I haven’t finished drying myself.”

Laura’s laugh died on her lips and her mouth gaped at me. I smiled inwardly as I noticed that eyes being glued to my exposed penis. Under her gaze, my penis quickly turned into what we call a Cock. It filled up with blood and soon enough it stood up and proud. I enjoyed the situation immensely. Here we were, in what only weeks ago would have been a mortifying situation to me, yet now I was having fun.

Laura didn’t utter a word. Her eyes didn’t leave my cock for a second. I was even surprised as her tongue swept around her lips while she looked.

I didn’t move and I didn’t feel the need to cover myself now that I know that she’s seen my cock countless times. I stood there, fully exposed to my busty sister’s gaze and waited for her response. A minute later when Laura didn’t say anything, I snapped my fingers next to her face to get her attention.

“Up here!”


“Would you stop staring. My eyes are up here.”

“What?” Laura was obviously not thinking very well.

“Helloo! You’ve been staring!”

“No I wasn’t.” She said quickly, while her eyes were still focused on my crotch.

“Sure you weren’t. Can I have my towel back?”

“Oh, Here you go.” She said handing me the towel.

“Thank you.” I simply said as I turned to walk away.

From behind me I heard Laura take a deep breath and then surprisingly said:

“Pervert! I can’t believe you would expose yourself to me like that. I’m telling mom.”

I guess she needed to get control of the situation somehow and was grasping at straws.

“Go ahead. Tell her. I’ll tell her that you snatched my towel.” I said nonchalantly as I walked away.

For the next few days Laura avoided me completely. If she was watching TV and I walked into the room, she would leave and go to her room. When we ate dinner with mom she wouldn’t look me in the face and tried her best to only talk to mom. She kept it up until mom noticed.

“What’s up with you? Why aren’t you talking to your brother? I know you don’t like him much but this is too much. You’re siblings and I won’t stand by watching you ignore your brother like that. Now tell me what’s going on.”

“It’s nothing. Nothing is going on. I just don’t feel like talking to him.”

Addressing me, “How about you Jake, what’s going on? Why is your sister behaving that way?”

“I don’t know mom. She hasn’t talked to me in a couple of days and hadn’t mentioned if something was wrong to me either. Give her time, she’s obviously going through something. Everything will be ok.”

As I said that, I noticed mom’s eyebrows going up.

“Well, listen to you talking all grown up. Now I’m worried. Something is definitely different with you too. Usually you can’t wait to jump at the smallest opportunity to complain about your sister. Now you’re defending her. That’s just strange. Now both of you tell me what’s going on or I swear you’ll both be grounded for a week.”

Mom was clearly getting agitated and that wasn’t good. But what could I do? I wouldn’t rat out my biggest fan. I couldn’t tell mom that Laura was peeping at me and definitely couldn’t tell her that Laura snatched my towel and was hypnotized by my cock. So I simply shrugged.

“I don’t know what’s wrong with her.”

“Young lady, you better start talking. What’s going on with you? Did Jake do something wrong to you? Speak up.”

“Nothing! It’s nothing. Jake didn’t do anything. Leave me alone.”

And Laura started to get up and leave, but mom quickly stopped her.

“I said if you two don’t tell me what’s going on that you’ll be grounded. I’m serious.”

“It’s nothing and if you don’t believe me then fine, ground me. I don’t care.”

“Something is going. Since when you don’t care that you’re grounded.”

“Really mom, it’s nothing. Jake didn’t do anything. I just don’t feel like talking to him. If I can’t convince you, then what choice do I have. Do you want me to lie and accuse him of something just to get out of being grounded because you don’t believe me?”

“Fine. You’re both grounded for two weeks, or until one of you confess to what the hell is going on.”

Two Weeks?” I almost yelled. “What the hell mom? I didn’t do anything. Laura said so herself. She’s the one not talking to me, how is this my fault?”

“She’s not talking, so now it’s your job to convince her to talk. I want to get to the bottom of this.”

“That’s not fair!” Came out of my and Laura’s mouth simultaneously.

“Too bad!” Replied mom.

So I got up and left the table taking my dish to the sink.

“I’m not hungry anymore.”

Laura did the same.

I went up to my room and slammed the door. I was angry. I really couldn’t say anything and I’m sure Laura couldn’t either. I didn’t blame her. Mom was being unreasonable.

Soon after I closed my door, I heard Laura’s door close too.

Well, not much to do now. We were both grounded, which in our family usually meant no going out and no internet as mom blocks our access on the router with some nanny software, which sucks big time. I was a bit nerdy but so far that router proved to be impenetrable to my novice skills.

Few days passed and nothing happened. But I noticed that Laura has been looking at me whenever she thought that I was unaware of it. Every time I looked back she looked away and blushed soon after.

On the fourth day, as I left the bathroom with a towel wrapped around, I saw Laura heading to her room. Before she could turn around and go back downstairs as the previous times, I made an impulsive decision and simply opened my towel and stood in her way.

Her eyes grew big and her mouth opened. She stared as my cock filled with blood and became painfully hard.

“What the fuck are you doing?” She hissed a good fifteen seconds later.

“You don’t like the view?”

“Don’t be a pervert!” She whispered as a deep blush came over her face and started down her neck.

“I’m not the pervert and you know it. It was you who snatched my towel last time. I’m doing this so that you talk to me and stop avoiding me.”

“How is this helping?”

“Well, you’re still here staring and talking to me.”

“I’m not staring.” Laura said as she raised her eyes to mine defiantly.

“Yeah, uh huh, sure you’re not.”

“I’m not, you perv.”

“Of course you’re not and yeah, sure, I’m the perv.”

Laura resisted for ten seconds and then her eyes dropped to my cock again.

“See, you’re staring again. Maybe I should hide it.” I said as I closed the towel around me, obscuring my cock from her view.

Laura’s eyes blinked and she looked up at my eyes. Her blush deepened.

I flashed her for a second. Her eyes darted to my crotch instantly.

“You know, I’m serious, if you want to see it, all you have to do is ask.”

“I don’t want to see it.” She denied while looking at her feet.

I could easily see her nipples poke out at her top. They were massive. Despite being a virgin myself, I knew what that meant of course: arousal.

“Do you want to touch it.”

“What? No, I don’t want to touch it.” She denied quickly.

“Are you sure?” I teased as I flashed her again.

Laura bit her lower lips and didn’t answer as quickly this time.

“Yes, I’m sure. I don’t want to touch it.”

“Suit yourself.” I said fastening my towel securely around my waist. “But you have to get over whatever is going on in your head. We’re siblings and you can’t not talk to me. I would never say anything to mom about what happened. You should know that by now.”

“Yeah, I know. It’s stupid, I’ve been stupid. You didn’t do anything wrong, but I can’t help it.”

“Why not?”

“I just can’t, ok?”

I couldn’t push her anymore. I needed a new tactic.

“You know, you started this.”


“You started this whole thing. You snatched my towel last time and started this whole not talking to me thing and got us both grounded.”


“You owe me.”

“I owe you? Owe you what?”

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