My Sister-in-law Mindy - Cover

My Sister-in-law Mindy

by Cling


Erotica Sex Story: He's in a sexually barren marriage and around him is his young sister in law

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/ft   Consensual   Fiction   InLaws   Anal Sex   Oral Sex   .

I had married very young, when my wife was only seventeen. I had gotten her pregnant, and as her mother was overbearing, my wife wanted out of that hellhole, so we eloped.

For three years we lived together and raised our son. While our sex life was adequate for a while, recently she found religion, and so far has decided against sex.

All that we had done before for fun is considered sin. As I haven’t changed myself, I was forced to develop a healthy masturbation habit.

My wife’s sister, Mindy, had an even tougher childhood - she got pregnant at fourteen from a step-uncle, and now she’s a mother of a little cute girl at sixteen. She wasn’t attractive by any means; skinny and bony, in a very white trash kind of way, she has no hope of attracting anybody. With a face full of acne and bad teeth, no man gave her a second look.

She was shy and withdrawn, wearing flannel shirts that did nothing for her flat chest, baggy jeans that draped on her in folds.

But as they say and thirsty man will drink piss if he had nothing else, I still fantasized about her out of desperation. There was no other prospects around where we lived.

My wife had told me that when they were younger and slept in the same room, Mindy was very horny and had spent hours masturbating ever since she was twelve. She told me that she was often woken up by Mindy’s bed creaking. Mindy’s sheets would sometimes be wet after a long session of vigorous masturbation that left nothing to my wife’s imagination.

Of course, all of these little insights, combined with my horniness, only intensified my fantasies about Mindy. She still lived with her mother, about a mile from my house. She came over for dinner often, and babysat my son regularly.

One such evening, my wife was away at some churche function where she helped, Mindy came as she sometimes did and we ate together.

Trying to open the sex conversation with her, I asked her about Bob, the step-uncle that had impregnated her, then left for parts unknown. When I called him “an asshole”, she said, “Well, I sure miss some things about him...”

She then told me about how great the sex was with him, and that she missed “all that.” I had always thought that the act was almost a rape, and happened over the course of 2 days. She told me, no, that she had visited his house for 3 weeks, and that she “liked it”. I decided to respond in kind, and told her of my lack of any sex for the past 8 months, and how I missed the old days, when her sister was a little more horny. Her eyes shined a little when we talked, (or at least I imagined they did), and that night I imagined that I came in her mouth while I beat off in a washcloth.

That Saturday, while my wife and kid went to church, (gone from 10:00am to past 7:00pm - lots of potluck and bible study), I settled in to watching baseball on the tube after cleaning the garage all morning. A knock at the door turned out to be Mindy, dropping off sewing for my wife. She flopped on the couch next to me.

“I’m so bored, Mom took Tiff to Grandmas for the day, I’m stuck with no TV.”

“Stay here, watch what you want, this game sucks, watch anything you want,” I said. I glanced at her, nasty pimple crop, oily hair, and all, I still was horny for her. She was wearing a T-shirt and sweatpants, looking very “white trash”.

“I killed my ankle on Mom’s step yesterday, nearly fell off the porch - it’s still sore,” she said.

“Let me see.”

She slipped off her ragged tennis shoe, no sock, and lifted her foot up. I didn’t see anything wrong, but took her ankle and felt around, trying to check for a swelling.

“I don’t feel anything - does this hurt?”

“No, but it feels better when you rub it,” she sighed.

I kept rubbing her foot and ankle. She pushed her foot into my lap, which was currently also occupied by my hard-on, which had developed as soon as she came in. Her eyes widened, but she left her foot squarely against my short, (about 5”), but big around, (almost 4”) cock. (Nickname in college - “Tunacan”).

I rubbed harder, essentially beating off while rubbing her foot. Taking a minor chance, I rubbed up her calf. She closed her eyes and sighed. I slipped my hands under her sweats and rubbed her calf. She put her other foot up also, and looked away. I rubbed that one too, up and down her calf. Meanwhile, my cock was really straining - I knew she could feel it. I was wearing gym shorts, no shirt.

She says, “Do you have a Coke?”

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