Around and Around - Cover

Around and Around


Part 3

Romantic Sex Story: Part 3 - New, silly college game leads to expect consequences

Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Romantic   Fiction   Exhibitionism   First   Oral Sex   Petting  

The bus with 48 very horny freshmen stopped in front of Bellman Center. It emptied quickly with most of the men hurrying to find the source of the music, and maybe a female that would go with it.

One person in that bus was already lucky—I was his girl and maybe more. I didn’t wave or even move. This was the first time we had seen each other since before semester break, and that silly little college sex game that never left my dreams.

John stepped off the bus and looked left and then right; his eyes searching for me. He looked so handsome even though his clothes were typical college attire of slacks and a sweater, but on his swimmer’s body, anything he wore looked good on him. And then I had a dirty thought, “With his clothes off, he looks even better!”

He finally spotted me and started grinning as he walked up. I reached for him and we kissed. Weeks of waiting to see and touch him were over; for the next four hours he was mine.

I grabbed his hand and pulled him away from Bellman Center. We might have a slow dance later, but for now we had to catch up with each other for all those weeks apart. John spoke first and said, “Linda, it’s been weeks since we saw each other. I missed you a lot; I thought of you every day.”

My best answer to him was to stop walking and put my arms around his neck and give him another kiss, but this time I pulled my body into his. I pressed my breasts into him deliberately, and in return I felt the first stirrings of an erection through his pants.

I released his mouth from mine and asked, “Does that answer any question you have of how I feel about you?”

He grinned at me and said, “Your vocabulary is exceptional when you want to emphasize a point.”

We continued walking hand in hand. We couldn’t stop talking; any subject that came up seemed to be the right one. Finally John asked the question that I dreaded, “Did your roommate go home this weekend?”

I knew what he was asking, but the answer was worse than terrible. I answered, “Not only has she not gone home like she said she would, but she has the flu and is sleeping in our room. I wanted a quiet place to talk and ... well talk, and it was only this afternoon that she told me that she wasn’t going home. She just wanted to sleep and hope the worst would be over by Monday.”

The disappointment on his face matched my thoughts. I tried to cheer him up and said, “All that means is that you have to come back soon when she is gone.”

We kissed and continued walking. John asked, “Did your school ever find out about the game?”

“No,” I replied. “There were a lot of rumors and some people thought they knew more than they did. Most of the stories went to one of two extremes—either the game was a simple high school game of spin the bottle for a little kiss, or the game was the orgy of the decade where all the females lost their virginity in one night. Of course, I didn’t say anything and neither did Sharon. Kim loved the game and gave out some hints, but I told her to keep quiet since we didn’t want to get in any trouble. Sue was so petrified when she played, she would be the last one to say a word. And she didn’t even have to show her breasts like one person I know.”

John chuckled and said, “Well one of the persons who had to show their extraordinary breasts was clearly the best looking body in the room. It would have been a tragedy for us to only see Sue’s small, freckled breasts, wouldn’t it?”

I laughed and answered, “I’m not going to touch that line with a ten foot pole.”

John quickly answered, “Linda, it really isn’t ten feet.”

I didn’t understand what he was saying for a moment, but then it hit me. I knew I was blushing. I tried to think of a retort, but I was too embarrassed. Finally I made a fist and hit him in the arm saying, “John, be good.”

He laughed and we started to walk again. With an hour left before the bus was to leave, we went to Bellman Center for a few slow dances. Each dance was the same—I clung to him with my arms around his neck and pressed into him. His hands explored my back and then a little lower as we tried to excite each other through layers of clothing. Occasionally he touched my breasts as if by accident. Each touch was wonderful. I could feel my nipples become hard, but there was nothing I could do. We were frustrated!

It was time for John to leave. We walked to the bus and had our last kiss. He promised he would be back in two weeks. Left unsaid was the thought that my roommate had better be cured two weeks from now. He waved to me as his foot touched the first step of the bus, and he was gone.

The new rules

It was the following Wednesday when someone knocked on my room door. My roommate had recovered and was in the library studying. I opened the door to find Kim in front of me.

Kim was five feet ten inches tall with small breasts. In the first game she had been the loser and had to strip naked in front of all of us. Even before taking off her panties though, it was obvious that she was by far the biggest exhibitionist of the players. She also seemed to be the most sensual. At one point we thought Kim would have an orgasm as her boyfriend teased her nipples through her clothes with his hands and fingers.

Kim came into the room excited and said, “Linda, what do you think about having a second game? We all had fun playing the first one, and I was thinking that maybe with some rule changes we can make it even better.”

I answered, “Before I say a word, just what rule changes are you talking about?”

“Well,” Kim replied, “I would be the one making up the action cards, and one change would be that there could be a different action card for the female and male. It was funny the first time to see the men have their breasts massaged, but really that action should have been done to a female. Some of my action cards would be gender specific.”

“That’s the change?” I asked.

Kim responded, “Well no. I think the first part of the game could have been a little more risqué. I would change the rules so that each person would only wear a T-shirt and a baggy pair of workout shorts. The actions would be able to take advantage of the new clothes; we would be able to have hands touching skin instead of feeling through clothes.

“Finally, I think we should have a winner instead of a loser. That means that part one ends only when there is one couple left who has not gone to the fifth card; and in part two it ends when at least one person in two different couples is naked. The winning couple is the one where neither is naked.

I answered, “Kim, aren’t you going a little too far...”

Kim interrupted and said, “And another rule would be that we would do things to people other than our partner. It would make it an entirely different game; a lot more exciting.”

My first thought as Kim had started talking was that one game was enough, but then I thought, maybe a second game could be fun. I looked at Kim and said, “I don’t like the last rule change. John and I are getting closer to each other every time we meet. I don’t want any female doing anything to him except me. Do you understand?”

Kim laughed and said, “I knew you would never agree to that, so we will not change that rule—only with our partner, but that means you’ll play, won’t you?”

Kim had trapped me. By saying no to one rule I had kind of said yes to the other rules. I said, “Before I say yes, I have to ask John if he will go along with a new game and the new rules. I’ll call him tomorrow. And by the way, who is going to play?”

Kim replied, “I was thinking about that too. I don’t want to ask Sue because I know she would never do anything like that again; she was so scared. I bet Sharon and Bob will play. They really enjoyed the game. Maybe just the three couples; we could make up a new spinner with the circle divided in thirds. If we ask a new person, I’m a little afraid we might invite one who couldn’t handle the new rules. So I think just the three couples from the first game.

“Oh yes, one last thing. In part two we will only have three pieces of clothes on—shoes and sock, shorts and tops. I think it would be great if the partner removed the article of clothing from the losing person.”

I said laughing, “Kim, you are just terrible ... how can you think of all these things?”

Kim grinned.

The next night I wasn’t sure what I was going to do. I had pretty well agreed to play, and I hadn’t even asked John. He seemed to like the first game, but this game was going to go a step ... or many steps farther. I thought, “As soon as he answers the phone, I will blurt out that we are going to play a second game with slightly different rules and I just knew he wanted to play.”

I dialed John’s dorm and when I asked for him I was told to wait. A few minutes later I heard his voice say, “Hello.”

I answered, “This is Linda. How are you? I have some...

John interrupted, “Linda I’m really glad you called. The books are a lot tougher for me this semester, and swimming practice is getting to be intense. I needed a break to get me out of my depression and you called. How did you know I wanted to hear your voice?”

I answered, “You always want to hear my voice, don’t you John?” And we were off talking about school and stuff. Every time I wanted to bring up the second game, John led me off down a different path. I knew the phone call was going to end soon, and my game plan with John had failed.

We had stopped talking for a second and John asked, “Linda, you sound great and I really miss you, but is something wrong? You sound different or something.”

I thought, ‘What a super klutz I am. I have to tell him the truth.’

“John,” I blurted, “There is something and I didn’t know how to say it. Kim wants to play a second game with her rules. I said I wouldn’t play unless you agreed, but I kind of said that we would play. I’m so embarrassed and mad at myself for trying to be so devious. I’m sorry.”

John laughed, “Wasn’t Kim the tall thin girl with the pale yellow underwear that we could see through and who lost? The one who had the legs that went up forever with the tiny ass?”

I blurted out, “Are you saying I have a big ass, because if...”

John interrupted again really laughing now, “I’m teasing Linda. I love your ass; it was beautiful when I saw it. I just didn’t see it enough.

“I’m through teasing now. You better tell me the new rules.”

I explained the rules as I remembered them. John was quiet for a moment and finally said, “Well there will be a lot more skin touching than the first game. There is no doubt about that. My only real question is how wild is Kim? Is she going to have us doing really extreme things?”

I answered, “Well I was worried about that too. Maybe I should talk to her before the game to make sure she hasn’t really gone bonkers. But will you play?”

John answered my question with a question, “Do you want to play Linda?”

I couldn’t lie to John. I answered, “The first game really was fun and I became a member of my club because of it. I want to play again, but only with you and only if you want to play.”

John said, “Then the answer is easy. Of course I will play with you. I will do anything you want me to do. You’re my girlfriend, aren’t you?”

I couldn’t contain my excitement and gushed, “Oh thank you John. I really think it will be fun, and I hope I’m starting to be a little more than your girlfriend John.”

He replied, “You are Linda ... you know you are.” We talked a while longer. I would meet him at the bus Friday night ten days away and if the game was on, we would play. We said good night to each other. I hated to hang up the phone.

The game

John got off the bus carrying a little swim bag. We kissed, my tongue briefly probing his. He asked, “Is there a game? If we play, here is my uniform,” as he held up the bag.

I replied, “We have a game and it is in my room like the last time because my roommate has gone home until Sunday. I talked to Kim and made sure she wasn’t going to make us do anything really gross or extreme. She told me that of course she wouldn’t—we were only going to have fun. But John, Kim is a nut sometimes.”

John kissed me again and said, “I can get through it if you can. Let’s just go with the flow and enjoy ourselves.”

I grabbed his hand and we walked to my room. My room was really two rooms—a study area where we would play and a sleep area with two twin beds. John went into the sleeping area and changed his clothes. He came out with a loose T-shirt and baggy shorts that came to mid thigh. I changed next. I had a loose T-shirt and baggy shorts also. I caught John staring and said, “Now John, are you looking at my legs?”

John said, “No ... well maybe, I will just have to look at something else,” as his eyes stared at my breasts. My breasts were pushing against the T-shirt; I knew the banter had excited me a little and I could feel my nipples starting to harden. Since I wasn’t wearing a bra, John could see this development clearly.

There was a knock on the door and Kim and Ron walked in. Kim lived on the same floor as me, so they were already dressed for the game. Kim, the brunette, stood tall. Her legs were beautiful, and although her breasts were small, I knew that she was wild, and from the first game that her breasts were ultra sensitive. Her boyfriend Ron was a thin six feet tall. He was usually quiet, but I noticed that he touched Kim often.

Right behind Kim came Sharon and Bob. Sharon carried her five feet six inches well. Her blond hair and green eyes were attractive, but her main assets were her breasts which were the biggest in the room. Bob was about five feet ten inches tall and always seemed to have a friendly smile on his face; an offset to Sharon’s excitable personality. Sharon went in and changed and then Bob. They both brought out their clothes and laid them on the couch.

Kim took charge. “OK guys, we all know the rules. The new spinner is divided into three parts. The second spinner still has four quadrants. John and Linda are number one; Sharon and Bob are number two; and Ron and I are number three. Part one of the game still has five action cards. This time there might be a different action depending whether the male or female is the active person. We all enjoyed Bob having his breasts massaged by Sharon last time, but it won’t happen this time.”

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