Cheating With Mike - Cover

Cheating With Mike

by Amy Lewis


Erotica Sex Story: Amy recounts the first time she fucked Mike

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Fiction   Cheating   Anal Sex   Oral Sex   .

My name is Amy and I’ve worked for a school bus company in Delaware for the past six years. I’m engaged to a guy named John, but he works out of town during the week and that leaves a void in my sex life. About ten months ago I met a guy at work who totally fulfills my sexual voids. His name is Mike and he fucks me Monday through Thursday and on the weekends I get it from John.

Mike and I had become really close friends and he was spending a lot of time at my house. We would watch television while sitting on the couch and Mike would rub my feet for me. This went on for a couple of months as just friends. Then one night we were talking about our families and I told him about my sister who had committed suicide. I became very emotional and was in tears.

Mike took me in his arms and held me and cuddled me. He started kissing my forehead, small kisses, and then he moved to my cheek. He then took my chin in his hand and kissed me on the lips. When I didn’t pull away, he pulled back and looked deep into my eyes. I’m sure he could see the lust in them. He leaned forward and kissed me again, this time sliding his tongue into my mouth.

I returned the kiss passionately as my nipples became erect and my pussy moistened the crotch of my panties. He kissed down to my neck and then nibbled gently on my ear lobes, which gave me goose bumps and made me moan. He asked me if I wanted to go upstairs and I took him by the hand and led him up to my bedroom. Once inside, he took me in his arms again and sucked on my lips and tongue. He kissed down my neck, nibbled on my ear lobes and then started kissing and licking lower as he unbuttoned my shirt. I wasn’t wearing a bra and he pulled off my shirt and started sucking on my 38D tits. He sucked on my nipples until my panties were soaked and then he licked down my stomach to my belly button. As he slid to his knees, he lowered my shorts leaving just my panties on. He pushed me back onto my king-sized waterbed and put his head between my thighs sucking my juices from the crotch of my panties. Then he licked the inside of my thighs going lower to my knees and then kissing his way down to my feet. He started sucking on my toes and tickling the undersides of my feet with his tongue. He kissed back up my legs and licked up my inner thighs until he reached the fabric of my panties.

The feeling was incredible and I had my first orgasm. He reached for the sides of my panties and pulled them off spreading my legs wide. He started licking my pussy and driving me wild digging his tongue in and actually tongue fucking my pussy. His tongue tickled my clit as he reached up to play with my tits. He licked up and down my pussy as he put my legs over his shoulders with my heels resting on his back. He reached under the cheeks of my ass and lifted upward as he pulled his tongue from my pussy and thrust it into my asshole. It actually went past the opening and into the hole. I had a screaming orgasm right then. He licked all around the hole and tickled it with his tongue tip. Mike went back to licking my pussy and paused only long enough to remove his shirt. He undid his belt and slid his jeans down and off without missing a lick. His blue bikini briefs barely concealed his hard dick. He came up from between my legs and shoved his tongue into my mouth allowing me to suck my own juices from his tongue and lips. I kissed down to his nipples and sucked them to hardness.

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