My Dirty Little Whore - Cover

My Dirty Little Whore

by als2475


BDSM Sex Story: A lieutenant find that a female captain seems to be more submissive than somebody in her position should be

Caution: This BDSM Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Fiction   Military   BDSM   DomSub   MaleDom   Rough   Spanking   Anal Sex   Analingus   Oral Sex   .

This is the story of how I, a Lieutenant in the US Air Force, turned the shy and reclusive Captain Heather Jackson into my dirty little whore.

It all started while I was deployed; I had been here for four months of my one year tour. My wife is supposedly waiting for me at home. We had been having troubles due the extreme distance and her sudden religious zeal.

It had been three months since I had seen her and the lack of sex was just about killing me. Enter Captain Jackson; maybe five foot at the most, beautiful face and a small, slim body. Her uniform hugged her curves in all the right places. Through a lucky twist of fate, I was assigned to train her in the weapons system. My crew and most of the men on the base wanted her, a single, good-looking woman is impossible to find here. Unfortunately for them, she was also very prim and proper. Hiding behind her glasses and a shell of distance, she turned them down by not showing up to any social event. Heather was a dorm rat. I was interested in training her to do her job and on some deeply hidden, dark primal level. Being married and very lawful, I never thought that the primal urges would be unleashed, but they were.

It was perhaps a week after I started training Heather. After our last swing shift I had gone home, looking forward to hitting the club with my crew and starting our break. I realized that I haven’t given the Captain some paperwork that I needed to have her fill out. Since it was still early (about a quarter to twelve) I changed quickly and walked down the hall to Heather’s room. I knocked twice on her door and waited to be let in. After a moment, she opened the door. She had obviously been getting ready for bed, a plain cotton T-shirt, flannel pajama pants and white socks. “Figures,” I thought, “She would think it just too wild to sleep in anything less.”

I explained about the paperwork and how it had to be in by tomorrow and if she would mind filling it out right away. It was only a short page of fill-in information, but she seemed irritated by my presumption.

Grudgingly she stalked into her room, I meekly followed and stood near the door. Bending over her table to fill in the paperwork, she told me in no uncertain terms that I should have remembered earlier and that it was rude to stop by so late. I apologized outside and fumed inside, it wasn’t late at all for everybody else. Thinking of something to say, I asked her why she wasn’t coming down to the club to hang with the crew. You would think that I had asked her to kill someone, she blew up at me so. I tried not to argue, but she was being so bitchy.

I don’t know what came over me, but I blurted out “Captain, shut the fuck up or I’ll make you my dirty little whore!”

She looked up at me through her glasses with wide eyes. Time froze. I had just ruined my career; I had just committed sexual harassment, insulting a superior and probably a million other career ending things. She stood there staring at me.

It took her some time to speak and she simply said, “What?”

There must have been something in her tone that shifted my gears; suddenly I realized that her eyes were dilated and that her nipples were so erect that I could clearly see them through her shirt. The dark urge broke inside me.

I wanted to make her my dirty little whore, my very own sex slave. I also knew that she wanted it as well. Going for broke, I stepped closer to her and said in a low, dark voice “Shut up or I’ll make you my dirty little whore!” She gasped with ... excitement, fear, something dark and primal in her soul too?

I’m not sure, but I grabbed the back of her head by her pretty brown hair and, saying, “I think I’ll do it anyway,” forced her to her knees. I held her head with one hand and undid my pants with the other. My fully erect cock popped out and I pulled her head to it. She looked afraid and uncertain, so I forced her jaws apart with my hand and rammed my seven-inch cock into her mouth. She gagged, but using both hands on her head, I continued to mouth-fuck her. Her stifled protests and gags ceased as her throat opened and my entire length went into her mouth. The feeling was unbelievable; I felt so powerful. I remembered a Jack Nicholson line from “A Few Good Men.”

“There’s nothing like getting a blowjob from a superior officer.”

That is so true, but I’m sure that even old Jack had never felt what I was feeling, raping my Captain’s mouth. I was incredibly turned on. My dick slid in and out of Heather’s mouth in a blur.

I said, “When I come, I want you to swallow my load.”

She tensed up and tried to pull away, so I calmly took my cock out of her mouth and slapped her across the face.

“Shut up whore and do it.”

Then I rammed my cock back into her mouth. After a few more minutes of this I started to come and, as I had instructed, Heather swallowed every drop. I had her clean my cock with her tongue and then sat down on her recliner. She collapsed in a heap on her floor.

For a few minutes I rested and then broke the silence with my instructions.

“You will do what I tell you, when I tell you. I will use you as I want to use you, only for my pleasure. Any pleasure you receive is because it pleases me. You will not resist me in any fashion. You will not speak unless I allow you permission to. Professionally, we will go on as before, but personally, you will serve my every sexual whim. I will never call you by Heather, or Captain here, here you are my whore, my slut, or my slave. Do you understand whore?”

“Yes, I understand,” Heather replied.

Swiftly, I grabbed her and bitchslapped her, hard. “You will always end each sentence you speak to me with ‘Master’. Do you understand whore?”

“Yes, I understand, Master,” my little whore replied.

“Good, now strip for me.”

Heather slowly stood up and bowing her head began to take off her clothes.

“Hold your head up. My dirty little whore is proud of her status.”

She raised her head and even smiled a little. She removed her glasses and I nodded approvingly at her. Knowing that I was proud of her, she tugged off her shirt with more enthusiasm, revealing her beautiful breasts. They were smaller than I was used to, maybe B cups, but well formed. She removed her PJ pants and underneath wore white cotton brief panties. She hesitantly slid those down her smooth legs to reveal a full bush of brown pubic hair.

Finally, her socks came off and she stood naked before me. She was quite beautiful, I couldn’t wait to use her body as my own dark playground.

“Kneel before your master.”

Heather quickly fell to her knees about two feet in front of me.

“Good, I am pleased with you. Now you will tell me about your sexual experiences, I want to know everything. When, who, how old you were, what you did, how often you masturbate, everything.”

What followed was Heather’s recount of her sex life and, as I had thought, it was rather short and dull. She had saved herself for marriage in high school, only to find out she was actually saving herself for college. In her junior year she lost her virginity to her boyfriend of six months. It was short, painful for her and ended with him coming quickly and leaving her even quicker thereafter. Her second time was two years later, during her first assignment when she had a one-night stand with another young officer. Once again, she hadn’t really enjoyed it. Heather had never had oral sex. My cock was the first to ever be in her mouth and she had never tasted cum before. Neither of her men had eaten her either. Of course no anal sex or any kinky experiences. She rarely masturbated, and was usually unhappy afterwards.

“Why do you want to be my dirty little whore?” I asked, interested in her answer.

“The way you talked to me and then treated me was the most exciting thing ever, I want to give you control, I want to be used, I think it’s something deep and secret within me, Master.” She looked directly at me when she answered and I knew she was telling the truth.

“Excellent, now, show me your clothes.”

Heather’s wardrobe consisted of nothing that I would call sexy, her clothes were demure and unrevealing. Her underwear consisted of cotton briefs and simple bras, mostly white, with some color thrown in. She only had pantyhose, low pumps and no lingerie items at all. I was disappointed, but not surprised.

“I will select new clothes for you to buy. You are to wear what I tell you to wear. Now, I’m going to shave your cunt bald.”

She seemed taken aback, so I threw her onto the bed and commanded her to stay.

In her bathroom, I found what I needed, scissors, razor and shaving cream.

Calmly walking into her bedroom, I told her to spread her legs. She complied. I quickly and efficiently removed all the hair from her public mound. I regularly shave my wife, so I’m pretty good at this.

After finishing, I wiped away the extra cream and hair revealing the most incredible cunt I had ever seen. I spread her lips apart and feasted my eyes on the perfect inner labia and clitoris. I felt my mouth begin to water. As my wife can tell you, I love to eat pussy and I knew I would die if I didn’t feast on my slave’s cunt right there and then.

Burying my head in her snatch, I licked her cunt, savoring the heavenly taste. I sucked her clit, I licked her labia lips, I fucked her hole with my tongue. It was fabulous, the best pussy I had ever eaten. And as for Heather, my ministrations began to have their effect, her body relaxed and she began to moan. I slid a finger into her wet vagina, then another. I concentrated my tongue attack on her clit and sped up my pace. I could tell she was getting close, so I took my middle finger out of her vagina and shoved it up her ass. The sensation was too much for her, she sucked in a breath and then came, spasming wildly. I continued to eat her until she was done, a good thirty seconds later.

Soon after she said, “Master, that was incredible.”

Enraged, I punched her cunt hard, causing her to scream in pain. Then I grabbed her one of her nipples and twisted it cruelly. I picked her up and threw her onto the floor. She cowered before me.

“Did I give you permission to speak whore? Did I? No, I didn’t. You must learn.” I then grabbed an arm and dragged her into the bathroom. I roughly pushed her into the bathtub and made her kneel. I pulled out my semi-soft prick and aimed it at her.

“You will learn that you are here for me. You are now mine!” That said, I released by bladder and urinated on her. I peed on her face, her hair, her entire body, claiming it for mine. She knelt there, eyes closed, learning the true meaning of servitude.

When I finished, I zipped up my pants and told her, “Take a shower, put on your robe and go down to my room. I am going to the club for a while. When I get back to my room, I want to find you kneeling nude in the center of my living room. Understand, slut?”

“Yes Master.”

I went down to the club and enjoyed a few beers with my crew. It was odd how surreal my life had become. I knew that Heather was right now waiting for me to come home and dominate her, but I played it cool, calmly drinking and chatting. About an hour after I had left her room, I walked up the stairs to my dorm room. Would she be there? I was very confident that she would be. I was right of course, I walked into my room and there was my whore, kneeling before me on the floor. Her discarded bathrobe was nearby, so I knew she had followed my instructions completely. I said nothing to her.

I walked past her and into my bathroom. There, I quickly showered and shaved. I came out in my bathrobe and found two glasses. I poured some wine into both of them.

“Thirsty, slave?”

“Yes Master.”

I picked up the wineglasses and moved in front of her. I placed one glass on the table nearby and held the other in my hand.

I took a quick sip. “Open your mouth.”

Heather did as I commanded.

I untied the belt of my robe to expose my nakedness beneath. My soft cock dangled before her head. I took another sip of wine and then calmly placed my prick in Heather’s mouth. “Close your mouth around me.” She did.

“Now drink, you dirty little whore.” Heather seemed confused for a moment; the moment before I released my pent-up beer piss. She got the idea quickly enough as my warm pee filled her mouth. Her eyes flew open wide, but I stared hard at her and she began to swallow my urine. I kept the flow slow and steady. I occasionally sipped my wine as I took the best piss of my life. After about five minutes, I ran out of pee. I was proud of my whore, she had drank three beers worth of my urine.

“Now,” I said taking my prick out of her mouth, “Drink this.” I handed her the other wineglass. I then sat down in my recliner, watching Heather gulp down her wine.

“Didn’t you like your drink, whore?” I asked, mocking her.

“Yes, I liked it Master,” she lied.

“Crawl over here,” I ordered.

Heather did. I reached down and caressed her breasts. It was the first time that I had felt them. They were marvelously firm. “There’s one more little thing whore,” I calmly said, then I tightened my grip on her tits, causing her to gasp in pain and surprise. “Never lie to me, bitch. I do these things because I enjoy them. If you feel pain or discomfort, it is because doing it to you turns me on.” I wickedly twisted her nipples one last time before roughly pushing her away.

“Now, lie back, spread your legs and masturbate for me. I want to watch you get yourself off.”

Looking rather embarrassed, Heather followed my orders. She spread her nice legs wide and leaning back, began to play with her sweet pussy. She began by running her hands down her body. She squeezed her tits for me and even pinched her nipples. Heather’s hands traced their way down to her snatch. She lightly caressed her bald cunt, moaning at the sensation. She was beginning to enjoy herself. She spread her cunt lips with her hand and began running her fingers over her clit. Her other hand found its way to her vagina and she inserted two of her small fingers. Her moans became louder and she humped her hips into the air. My little whore was getting off for me and loving the sluttiness of it. Heather ran her tongue over her lips and then surprised me by easing her middle finger into her ass. Once again the sensation of anal penetration set her off and she came with a mighty groan. Her fingers danced on her clit until the orgasm ended. She fell back on the floor, exhausted.

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