Dawson's Creek: Fun at Creekside - Cover

Dawson's Creek: Fun at Creekside

by Allen Bergmann


Fan Fiction Sex Story: One day everything changed in Dawson's life

Caution: This Fan Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Consensual   Fan Fiction   Anal Sex   Oral Sex   .

Dawson Leary woke up one morning with a strange feeling in his pants. He let out a soft moan. Something was moving in his pants. He could swear that he was jerking off, but he could feel his hands over the sheets so he knew that couldn’t be it. He just laid back and enjoyed the feeling.

“Mmmm, feel good baby?”

Damson opened his eyes and to his amazement there was Abby sitting on his bed massaging his dick under the sheets. He leapt up on his bed, he was totally shocked. This was the first time a girl had paid this much attention to his cock.

“Hahaha, relax Dawson. I just stopped by to pick up the new script you were telling me about. I walked in and I saw you sleeping, so I decided to have a little fun that’s all. Now come on, I didn’t even get to see it. Come on, let me have a peek.”

“No Abby. Is this how you pick up your dates?”

“Ok, I can see you’re a little embarrassed by showing me your package, after all, you’ve probably never had the chance to whip it out before have you?”

“That’s none of your business Abby, now leave I’m not going to show you anything.”

“Dawson, Dawson, Dawson. Not even if I show you this?”

Abby lifted her shirt above her chest, revealing two firm and rather large breasts trapped inside of a dark purple bra. She then opened her legs to let Dawson look under her tight, black, and very short miniskirt. The panties were exactly like the bra, except a part of it on top was sheer. Now, not even Dawson could resist a female like this.

Dawson began to sweat and said, “Yeah right Abby, you’re just teasing with me.”

Abby smiled and unhooked the front part of her bra, letting her breasts free. Her nipples were light brown, and very hard. Her breasts were perfectly round, they even looked kind of fake, but they were definitely real.

“If you wanna see the rest, you gotta show me now.”

With these words she drew back the sheets and looked at Dawson’s dick. Abby looked at it and smiled. She grabbed the shaft and rubbed it for a few seconds. She smiled at it. She then laid her body back and pulled her panties to the side of her thighs giving Dawson a good look at her gorgeous pussy.

Her labia was shaved and the top of her mound and a nicely trimmed black stripe of hair. Dawson had never seen a pussy before, except for the time he caught his mother coming out of the shower. Abby’s pussy was much nicer though. Dawson’s mom never shaved her bush so it was quite thick, while Abby’s was shaved and look so fucking clean. She looked at him and said, “Masturbate for me Dawson please.”

At this point she could get him to do anything that she wanted. He began to stroke his dick very fast. She took his free hand and placed it on her thigh and just as he felt the warmth near her pussy he came on himself. Abby grabbed his dick and squeezed it.

Just as Dawson reached forward to touch Abby’s pussy she pulled his hands away and covered herself. She stood up and put her bra back on.

“Hey wait a minute Abby, it’s my turn.”

She leaned over Dawson and planted a big wet kiss on his lips. She drove her tongue in and out of his mouth like no one had ever done. Then she just parted her lips away and grabbed his penis, which was still hard and said, “Poor Dawson, you’re gonna need a dick much bigger than this one if you ever wanna get into my panties.” And with that she let go of his cock and walked out of his room.

Dawson just lay there feeling both humiliation and amazement at what just happened. He wanted to tell Pacey, but he didn’t want to risk anybody knowing about it because he didn’t want Joey to find out. After all, Abby would be too embarrassed to say what she had just done to anyone because Dawson was pretty much a loser at school.

Dawson spent all day long thinking about what had just happened at his house. He had constant erections throughout his classes. He really wanted to get home and jerk off, but he had to go over to Andy’s house to study with both her and Pace. Dawson hated being alone with both of them because he was just a third wheel to them. They would spend all day making out and Dawson would just sit there staring. Even though Dawson didn’t want to go, he had to; it was a big assignment.

All afternoon long, Dawson, Andy, and Pacey worked on their assignment and it was finally time to go home. Dawson left first, since he wanted to give his best friend privacy to be with his girl. Later on that evening Dawson realized he forgot his school bag in Andy’s room. He would usually wait till the next day to pick it up, but his script was in there and his notes for editing his new film, so he decided to go back.

After knocking the door several times no one answered. After about five more minutes he decided to go in and just quickly grab his bag from Andy’s room. As he went up the stairs he heard snoring. Apparently Andy’s mom was sleeping. The door to her room was open and Dawson could see inside from the staircase. All of the sudden he heard a door open and a bunch of steam coming from Andy’s room. It appeared as though she had just finished taking a bath, and that’s why no one answered the door. Then, suddenly, Abby walked out of her bathroom door with a towel wrapped around the top of her breasts.

“Jesus! This is Pacey’s girl! What am I doing?” Dawson thought.

Then, as Dawson looked on, Abby took off her towel, revealing her entire body to Dawson’s eyes. He had never realized it, but Abby had a fantastic body. Abby had pretty big tits that had nice pinkish nipples. They weren’t big, but they were cute, and looked nicely with the contrast of her milky white skin. Her bush stood out due to her blonde bushy pussy. She had thick pubic hair, Abby was not the type of girl who would ever shave her pussy. Dawson could not believe what he was seeing. Abby jumped on her bed and laid back, but Dawson could still see everything through the reflection of the mirror. Out of nowhere, Pacey came out of the bathroom totally naked.

Dawson was shocked as he thought to himself, “Oh, they showered together! Why wouldn’t Joey ever let me shower with her?”

Pacey had a huge dick and he knew how to handle it. After all, Ms. Jacobs had taught him how to use it. It was like 10” inches long and quite thick too.

Andy’s face lit up when she saw it! She even started talking to it.

“Come to mama baby, come here.”

She then began sucking on it, couldn’t get the whole dick in her mouth, but still she tried. Pacey spread her legs and she did so, little did he know that Dawson was watching. Andy had a nice pink interior. Her lips were small and visibly wet. He couldn’t see her clit from where he was, but he could tell it was rather small.

Pacey began fingering away at Andy and she just starting moaning. The moans actually scared Dawson because he was afraid Andy’s mom would wake up.

“Oh Pacey! Oh sweetie!” just came from her room.

Pretty soon Pacey put his dick on top of Andy’s pussy. He pushed it inside, but it took him a while. Andy was not sexually active before meeting her boyfriend and her pussy was still very tight, but after a little while Pacey’s dick was pistoning in and out of Andy at a very high speed. Her tits were bouncing up and down with each hump he gave her and after about 8 to 10 minutes of this, he got off of her.

Andy turned around and positioned her ass towards Pacey. She starting begging, “Come on honey, you know I like it.”

Pacey began licking Andy’s asshole. Andy just continued to moan and say “Oh, you naughty boy, you like that don’t you.”

After a couple of minutes Pacey finally pushed his cock inside of Andy’s ass. They were both moaning now and going at it for like a full 15 minutes! Dawson never knew Andy was like this, so horny and so full of sexual energy. Andy then squeezed her sheets, closed her eyes, and her body began to vibrate, she was obviously in mid orgasm and Dawson was watching. Pacey drew his cock out of Andy and turned her around. He started cumming all over Andy’s face. Long cum shots landed on her cheeks, her hair, some even inside her mouth. When the cum shots finally stopped, Andy proceeded to suck his cock. As his dick started to go limp, Andy stroked it.

“Mmm, baby. That was wonderful. Wanna go take another shower?”

Pacey looked down on his adoringly blonde angel said, “Yes.”

They both ran back into the shower. Dawson didn’t want to risk anything, so he just left the house.

Walking back home he was totally amazed. As he got home he went back and started to masturbate. All he could think about was how Andy looked so innocent. Dawson once caught a peek at her panties under a skirt she once wore, and she was wearing some white cotton panties with little blue hearts, the kind of panties little girls wear. She acts so childish, yet, she is very much a wild and savage woman in bed. She looked so weird with her face filled with cum.

Dawson was so frustrated by this point. All he could think about was how lucky Pacey was to get so much pussy, while all he had ever touched was his own dick. Dawson decided not to think about it and he went to take a shower.

After he finished, he went downstairs for a glass of water and as he came up the stairs he heard some groaning, but this time it was an older woman’s voice. Dawson heard the noises from his mother’s room. Dawson immediately got worried and rushed to his mother’s room and opened the door.

As he rushed inside of the room there was Dawson’s mother naked on her bed masturbating. She used to love sex with her ex husband, but since the divorce she hadn’t had any. Dawson’s mother had her legs spread wide on the bed with a vibrator inside of her dark furry bush with one hand, and the other hand she used it to pinch her nipples.

Dawson had caught her at her moment of climax and her eyes were shut, but when Dawson flung open the door he mistakenly knocked over a small bench his mom used to put her make up on, and that caused Ms. Leary to open her eyes.

She was so embarrassed, she yelled “Dawson!”

But it was too late, he had already seen his mother’s pussy spread open in front of him. He had already seen a rather large dildo all the way inside’s his mother’s pussy. Dawson said he was sorry and rushed out of her room. He climbed out of the house through his window and went over to Jen’s house to get away from everything.

Lately, he had been getting along well with Jen, and amazingly enough, he told her everything that he had gone through today. He told her all about Abby, Pacey and Andy, and then the scene with his mom.

Jen just laughed at him and said, “Boy, Dawson Leary finally got to see some naked women eh? Must have been hard for you if you couldn’t touch Abby huh? I can’t believe you see Pacey and Andy! What was going through your mind?”

Dawson starting laughing and said, “Well, actually I was thinking how Abby’s bush looked just like the hair on her head. Do you have blonde pubic hair as well?”

“Well, that’s a rather personal question wouldn’t you say Dawson?”

“You’re right, I’m sorry.”

Jen looked at Dawson’s face and felt sorry for him and so she answered his question. “Ok Dawson, you win. Yes I have blonde pubic hair, but I actually shave all of my bush, happy?”

“Wow, you do? That’s so cool. I’ve always wanted to see one of those.”

Jen smiled at him and she took her t-shirt and jeans off. She had on a black bra and matching panties, she looked very sexy.

Dawson was sort stunned by all of this.

Jen noticed that about him and said, “Relax Dawson, someone has got to finally please you. Take off your clothes.”

Dawson obeyed, but he was still so shocked that his cock didn’t react, it just hung there, totally limp and pathetically small.

Jen looked at it, “Aww Dawson, you’ve got a cutie ten year old’s dick. Whats the matter don’t I turn you on?”

Dawson still could not say a single word. He had never seen Jen acting this way for him before. Before he knew it Jen pulled the front part of her panties up so that it would bunch up between her pussy revealing the two large folds of her pussy lips, all perfectly shaved. Dawson’s dick immediately rose.

She looked at it and said, “Yeah, I thought that would get your attention.”

She then took off her bra and showed Dawson her huge tits, she had the largest ones at Creekside for her age. Dawson once caught a glimpse of Jen’s nipple when he caught her with two guys making out at a party and he had to break it up. As he took her home that night her bra accidentally moved to one side, revealing the nipple. But now, Her light pink nipples were totally exposed for Dawson. They were small nipples compared to the size of her tits, but still, Dawson wanted to cop a feel. Jen ordered Dawson to lay back on her bed. After he did, Jen placed Dawson’s dick in between her tits and began to tit fuck him. Dawson had never felt anything better. Both tits had plenty of flesh that covered his entire dick. Right when Dawson was about to cum, Jen stopped.

Jen looked at his dick and said “Not yet.” She stood up in front of Dawson in the bed and slipped of her panties. Her pussy was huge. Her labia was large and chubby, and her clit poked out of the sides of her pussy folds, there was not one spot of a hair on it. Jen then went over to Dawson and put his hand on her pussy. Her pussy was wet and dripping all over Dawson’s hand.

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