Adventures at the Bundy House - Cover

Adventures at the Bundy House

by Allen Bergmann


Fan Fiction Sex Story: Life at Al Bundy's house takes a turn

Caution: This Fan Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Blackmail   Consensual   Fan Fiction   Incest   Mother   Son   Father   Daughter   Spanking   Oral Sex   Size   .

It was a beautiful morning in all of Chicago. The sun was slowly starting to come up, the birds were singing, and Al Bundy was enjoying his favorite part of the day, his sleep. It was the only time where nobody bothered him. In his sleep, he could think back on how great of a football he was. Also, he continuously fantasized about the girls in his favorite magazine, Big Uns. All those hooters for his disposal in his dreams, it was perfect. Even though his wife, Peggy, had pretty nice tits of her own, Al only liked other women whom he felt didn’t set out to destroy his life.

That morning, Peggy woke up unusually early. Al had not gotten up for work yet. She was very sexually frustrated, and had been for a long time. Al hadn’t placed a finger on her for months now. He only promised her sex when their anniversary came up, and that was almost six months away. Meanwhile, she had tried millions of approaches to turn Al on but nothing worked. She wore all kinds of erotic lingerie, but to no avail. All Peggy could do was masturbate. She was thinking about masturbating at that very moment on her bed, until she came across something very interesting. She pulled the covers off the bed and headed for the bedroom to get her vibrator, but as she peeked at Al on the way there, she noticed that he had his dick sticking out of his boxers. Al apparently was having some sort of an erotic dream because his dick was rock hard.

Al had a huge dick. It must have been close to 12 or 13 inches long and quite thick as well. Even though he didn’t know how to use it, it was the only dick that really ever pleased Peggy. She had quite a large pussy and it would take Al’s entire dick inside. She stared at it for about one minute before she decided to take action. Peggy knew there would be no better chance.

She bent over in front of it and took it into her mouth. Peggy loved sucking dick. To her it didn’t taste like dick, it tasted like a lollipop. She went up and down at it, then stopped to lick the length of the shaft. She even took all of Al’s balls into her mouth. Al, who wasn’t very aware of what was going on, thought he was still dreaming and began to moan. Peggy continued sucking Al and eventually she stopped and stroked the shaft. She was in heaven. Having his dick in her mouth was something that didn’t happen very often. Suddenly as she felt his balls with her free hand she felt them tremble slightly and she knew Al was about to cum. She took as much of his dick possible into her mouth and swallowed every bit of semen squirted into her mouth. She was a real pro, she would continue jerking him off to make sure none was left. She then spent her time talking to the dick and even sucking it as it went limp.

“Oh, you done good baby. You done real good.”

Al, who woke up as he heard this noticed Peg down there in front of his dick and jumped out of bed.

“Peg, what the hell do you think you’re doing?”

“Gee, I don’t know Al, it’s been a long time you know.”

“Well, I don’t want to see you doing it again.”

“Jesus Al. I don’t know why God decided to curse you with that big dick of yours. It’s the only reason I ever liked you in the first place.”

Al looked at his penis and began to stroke it a few times. He caressed the entire length with his left hand first and then he switched to his right hand.

“Yeah, it’s a beauty isn’t it?”

To Peggy her morning had not been a total loss. She sucked a little cock and then masturbated. Al, like always, paid no attention to her and then left for work. He mounted the old dodge, set the radio station to the oldies, and drove off to the shoe store.

Meanwhile, Peggy decided to take a shower. Their 19-year-old son Bud, a socially challenged person, entered his parent’s room in search of his father’s dirty magazines. He checked to see if anyone was in there and then proceeded to go in. As he got the case out of his dad’s closet, he felt a sudden urge to pee, so he went into the bathroom. As he went inside he saw Peggy coming out of the shower. He saw almost every inch of her body. They both screamed and Bud ran out of the room, as Peggy covered herself up. She was very embarrassed by the situation, and decided to confront Bud about it. She slipped on some underwear and a robe and went into his room.

She walked into his room and saw him lying down on his bed with the covers up to his waist. There was a bump in between his legs and sticking from between his legs. He obviously got very aroused from seeing her. Even though he was her son, she still liked the fact that she turned him on. It had been a long time since she raised some dick. She looked at him and decided to have a little fun with him.

“Hi honey. Look, what you saw in there was a little accident.”

“Yeah I know Mom. I’m sorry.”

“Oh, there’s nothing to be sorry about. It’s only natural. You just saw a naked woman in there. I know you wanted to see me naked.”

Bud’s eyes opened up wide. He always had wanted to see her naked, but he had no idea that she knew.

“What! How would you know Mom?”

“Well sweetie, for starters your dick is as strong as a tent pole right now isn’t it?” She reached into his sheets and touched his dick through his briefs. She squeezed it gently before Bud’s reaction forced her hand off. “Now, now sweetie. I’m your Mommy. Let me see it.”

“No Mom! It’s embarrassing.”

“Come on honey, you saw me naked.

“Well, I’ll show you if you show me again.”

“Hahaha! Oh Bud, you want to see me so bad don’t you honey? You want to know how else I know that you want me?”


“You go through my panty drawer don’t you?”

“What! Of course not!”

“Honey, I found cum stains on them, and I know it isn’t your dad.”

Bud had a guilty look on his face now. Peggy who was having fun with Bud took her robe off. She was wearing a tight black thong with matching bra.

“These panties don’t look familiar honey?”

All Bud could do was stare. He was so nervous he was in cold sweats. Peggy took off her bra to expose her two huge breasts. Her nipples were huge and hard. They were a perfect match her tits. She pulled down her panties slowly exposing her thick red bush. As the first strands of hair came into view, Bud nearly came. Peggy stopped pulling her panties down until she reached the beginning of her slit. All Bud could see to this point was pubic hair. Peggy looked at him and said, “Now Bud, show me.”

Bud lowered the sheets to expose his barely average sized dick. It must have been about five inches or just a bit longer. Peggy being a size queen laughed right in his face.

“Oh Bud, wow, you don’t think you’re going to do anything to me with that thing do you?”

As Peggy gently stroked it, a lot of pre-cum just oozed out of the tip of his dick. As she did so he placed his hands in between her legs. He didn’t ask permission because he wasn’t sure what his Mom would say. He felt her pussy through her panties. All he could really feel was a bunch of wet hair and a bit of skin behind that. Peggy wasn’t sure about all of this, but she let Bud have his moment for a few more seconds. Just as he sunk one of his fingers inside the side of her panty, she took his hand away. All Bud felt was one of Peggy’s pussy lips; he was so close to her slit, yet no cigar!

“Now Bud, I never gave you permission to touch me there. You can touch my tits if you want to.”

With that, Bud started massaging his mother’s chest. Both of his hands were filled up, and he tugged at her nipples. Peggy was so wet that even Bud’s bed was soaked with her stains. Her juices went straight through her panties. She decided to take them off. She ordered Bud to stand up in front of her. “Bud, show me what you do with my panties. Do it now, or I’ll put them back on.”

Even though it would be Bud’s most humiliation moment, it was also his very first sexual escape of this size. He took her panties and pressed them up against his nose as he masturbated himself with his free hand. About three seconds of doing that he came. He shot three long strands of cum right on Peggy’s tits.

“Oh baby, so soon?”

Peggy placed his dick in between her huge tits and titfucked him for a minute or too. His dick didn’t even bother to go down after he came, it just continued to stand up. Peggy spread her legs on his bed to reveal to Bud his first real pussy. Her bush was nearly perfect. Her mound was covered by beautiful red, thick pubic hair. Her labia were rather large, and so was everything in between. Her pussy hole was completely visible to Bud’s eyes, and as she spread her pussy some more, her big clit came into view. Bud had never seen a clit that big, not even in magazines. It was the perfect match to all her other large endowments.

“Now Bud, put my panties on your head so that the part where my pussy goes can cover your mouth and nose. I want you to look at me through the leg holes. Also, don’t you dare touch your dick.”

After he did so, she made him beg to eat her pussy.

“Oh please Mom, let me touch you. I’ve never touched a girl there before. I’ve masturbated so much throughout the past few years.”

Peggy took one of her fingers and placed it on her clit. “Wanna lick here honey?”

“Oh yes Mommy please!”

She then stuck her finger slowly into her pussy. “Want to put your pee pee in here sweetie?”

“Please Mommy let me.”

“How bad do you want me sweetie?”

“Oh, very, very much. You don’t know this but I spy on you all the time. I love catching peeks at you in your sexy pajamas, and I try your skirts all the time. I search your panty drawer constantly searching for new panties. Please Mommy, let me touch you.”

Peggy looked at his poor little eyes and said, “You know what honey?”


She stood up and placed her hand on his dick. She noticed that while Bud begged, pre-cum would be oozing from the tip of his dick. She knew it was ready to blow. All she did was squeeze it, and Bud came in her hand.

She then answered him, “Well, you’re pathetic.” She then walked pass him and went towards the door. She turned around and said, “Oh Bud!”

He turned around with high hopes thinking she changed his mind, but the she said, “When your dick grows give me a call.”

So then she left. Leaving him standing there with a pathetic sized boner, wearing her panties on his face. He was completely humiliated, but nevertheless, he saw her pussy. Weeks passed and Bud tried but couldn’t get that day out of his head. He had dreamed about that moment for so long, that when it actually happened, it was perfect. He always wondered what a pussy with red pubic hair looked like, and he finally saw. He needed a plan to get someone to sleep with him.

He sat next to his window and thought about it for hours and nothing occurred to him. Suddenly, as he stared out into the dark and cold street, Marcy Darcy drove up into her driveway. Bud could see into the Darcy’s driveway from his room, in fact, he could see just about any room for that matter that faced the Bundy residence. Bud, along with almost everybody else in his house hated Marcy for being such a show-off. Her husband, Jefferson, only lived with her because of her money. He was a well-built and handsome man, who gave her sex in return. Bud, being such an astute young man, had taken pictures of them having sex lots of times. Marcy liked to get a little wild and crazy in bed. She wore leather, and spanked Jefferson for hours. In the past, Bud only took those pictures to bribe Jefferson for some money, but now he found another reason to use them. Hell, Bud was so horny that he would even want to fuck Marcy by now. He didn’t care that she didn’t have big tits like his Mom, all he wanted was to finally get laid. He took his pictures and went next-door. He knew which window was hers by taking all his pictures, and decided to climb up and through it. When he reached it, he waited for the perfect moment to come inside.

Marcy came home from work and went straight up to her bedroom to change. She worked in a bank so she had to dress up pretty conservatively. She went into the bathroom first to take off her makeup and then came into the bedroom again. She took off her skirt, and as she started taking off her pantyhose, Bud decided to come into her room. She didn’t see him so she finished taking it off. As she turned around she nearly screamed from the sudden fright. All she was wearing was a blouse and a pair of panties, which quickly caught Bud’s attention because they were sheer to the point of her labia being visible.

Bud could see her dark brown, nearly black, bush straight through her panties. She caught him staring and covered her underwear by placing both of her hands in front of them. “Bud, what the hell are you doing here you little pervert!”

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