The Nail Fetish - Cover

The Nail Fetish

by Alicia


Horror Story: A nail fetishist meets a woman with the prefect nails. She invites him over...

Caution: This Horror Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Magic   Transformation   .

It’s kind of hard to believe what has happened to me. It’s even harder to try to organize it into this story. But I’m going to try. I think it all starts with my fetish. I mean, many people have fetishes. There are rubber fetishes, feet fetishes, many types. I have a fingernail fetish. In my mind, there is nothing more erotic than beautiful hands with long, perfectly painted nails dancing on a computer keyboard or a piano or tapping on the table. If I see a woman, I get hard instantly. Well, I used to get hard, anyway.

It was a normal Monday night. I left my dorm and drove to the local Long John Silvers with a handful of coupons that I got in the mail (college students have to save money wherever possible). I was the only person there so I was waited on immediately. This beautiful girl was at the register, and when she reached her finger to hit the “Three Piece Chicken” button, I saw a perfectly manicured 1-inch long nail with glittery gold polish on it. It was beautiful! When her nails scraped my hand when she gave me my change, I almost came right in my pants. She put a bottle of “Special Malt Vinegar Sauce” on my tray and said it was good and to try it. I was still staring at those beautiful hands.

I selected a table and sat down, debating if I should go to the john and jack off, but I didn’t want anybody accidentally throwing away my food. So, I sprinkled some vinegar on my fish and took a bite. My watch beeped the hour at 8:00 PM, and a few minutes later the heavenly handed woman sat down across from me and introduced herself as “Jeannie.” I guessed that she was just getting off shift. I almost fainted when she reached out to shake my hand. And then she said something that totally caught me off guard.

“I saw you staring at my hands. Do you like my nails? I do them different every day. I go to a beauty school and I’m working for my nail technician degree.” All I could do was hyperventilate. “Would you like to come to my place and, er, study?”

I couldn’t say a word. All of a sudden, I felt her foot working its way up my thigh. I looked down and saw her golden toenails, clad in sheer nylons, start to rub my cock. “I’ll take that as a ‘yes’!” she said when she felt my cock stiffen.

She told me I could leave my car in the parking lot and we got into her Ford Escort. We ended up at a stylish studio apartment just outside of the city. On the way there, all I could do is watch her hand work the gearshift and hope that later it would be shifting my cock into gear.

In school, she was practicing “nail tips” and she wanted to practice on me. I figured what the hell, nail polish comes off. Well, before I knew it, I had 1 1/2” long nails and she was asking “what color?” I selected a “pink champagne” color and she said that was an excellent choice. I soon had very nice, translucently pink nails. You could just barely see a hint of the white tip that Jeannie put on.

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