In Public - Cover

In Public

by Red Rider

Copyright© 2025 by Red Rider

Erotica Sex Story: An adventure at a restaurant

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Oral Sex   Public Sex   .

My girlfriend and I arrived at the Martinique a few minutes before our reservation, and when the maître d’ accepted my hand in greeting, there was a twenty in the palm, which from experience is instantly detected and deftly passed from my hand to his pocket.

He knows that it is a twenty by instinct. He is also converted immediately to one of my most loyal and accommodating friends, willing to move anything and anybody in the house to make me happy and to ensure the presence of another twenty. In a very low voice, I let him know that my pleasure would be a corner table with a view of the dining room. For a moment, he had that wild look that says that he’s trapped in a hopeless situation.

Then, whispering, just a moment, he disappeared and just as suddenly returned, announcing that our table was ready. We both know that, that table, disappeared from the party that overlooked his twenty.

For the brief moment that he was gone, I had been standing close (very close) to my newest adventure, Angela. I was to her side and just behind her, and I could smell her wonderful perfume; it was faint, and that was good; I had to get even closer.

I could feel the warmth and swelling between my legs, and I knew that the evening was going to be fun—it already was—this beautiful girl, dressed so attractively, sparkling in the half light of this beautiful restaurant, and me getting an erection just standing there, thinking about her, Fun!

I turned my head to ask her if she liked what she saw, and by moving my hips forward the least little bit, my bulge brushed the cheek of her ass. Wow! I could immediately see in my imagination both of those smooth round surfaces and the crack between their soft curves, the inside of her thighs, and what lay ahead of that. Thoughts of guilt; of course. But the pressure grew stronger, and I hadn’t moved.

She half turned toward me to answer my question, and I buzzed her on the cheek. I couldn’t help it; it was an impulse. Then we headed for our table and sat very close, making the wine and then the menu decisions. With the wine serving, we were told that the chef took special interest in the order for chateau briand and requested our patience while the delicacy was prepared.

After pouring the second glass of wine, I looked around, and the time was perfect. So I allowed a gold piece that had been the subject of conversation to roll off the table, and I immediately went after it. There it was right at my feet, but now I was under the cloth and looking around. I saw that my cover was complete.

I put my hand on one of her knees and then the other. They were separated the way girls do when their legs are concealed, but with my touch, they began opening wider. I pushed her skirt hem upward, and there it was: the absolute beauty of her sweet, sweet pussy.

She must have thought ahead because she was wearing hose with a garter belt and no panties, revealing the thing I wanted to see most. I moved forward, brushing her thighs with my lips, and placed my nose in her pubic hair. OOOOH GOD heaven! Her smell was delicate and musky with a spice: cinnamon? Ginger? ... all three!

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