Pizza - Cover


by Alexa


Erotica Sex Story: Horny woman can't find satisfying sex and resorts to seducing the pizza delivery guy

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Light Bond   Oral Sex   .

I was walking, looking to get laid is a crude term, so we will stick to looking for some action. My wondering had gotten nothing but a few homeless men and the lesbian on the corner of eighty eighth. My failure to pick up real men made me hungry and pizza seemed to be the only solution. The pizzeria I order from knows me. I’m a regular, considering how many times depression due to no sex has ailed me.

I ordered the same pie-Sicilian, the same toppings-extra cheese, a code, if you will. Making the call, my mind started to wander to sex, after all there was a new delivery boy. It’s not like the fucking pizza cheers me up!

I figured my new thong had to serve a purpose. It was red, vinyl. A favorite of mine. And since I didn’t buy the matching bra, I decided to put the money for the pizza in the thong instead and go without any bra at all. I found a sheer black tube top to wear instead. To complete the outfit, I put on my explicitly high heeled shoes that anyone with even a slight shoe fetish would appreciate.

I went over to the dresser and removed a pair of handcuffs. After which I ‘accidentally’ handcuffed myself to the bed. Thus trapped, I felt secure in the knowledge that I had left the front door unlocked, and so when the delivery boy arrived he would save me.

To my great relief, and enjoyment I didn’t have to wait long. My hero rang the door bell, waited a little and took the liberty of entering the apartment. Seeing no-one, he stepped further into the apartment and walked around asking whether there was anyone at home. He did that so nicely. I have to say, that boy’s voice is one of the sexiest I have ever heard, or maybe I was just really desperate at the time. So as meekly as I could I called out where I was, and that I needed his help.

Seeing his reaction when he saw me, was Kodak, simply Kodak. He choked out a greeting, polite as can be, dick getting hard by the second. Said his name was Sam or Nick, or something like that, I’m bad with names. Not that I cared particularly either, his cock was what I was after. I called him over and asked him to help me. Instead, he kissed me. Not even knowing my name, I liked him already.

I decided to let him do that, but he didn’t stop with that kiss. He pulled the tube top to my waist. Exposing my breasts to the cold. He started to knead them, soft at first then harder, hurting me a little. I fought him then, for a little while, for fun, since I was handcuffed, I was forced to let him have his juvenile rape scene fantasy with me. He replaced one of his hands with his mouth. And started sucking my tit like it was a fucking water bottle. His hand kept kneading the other breast. This was making me extremely wet, to say the least. I started thrashing on top of the bed, arching my back higher, and higher. This was fun shit.

Small moans were escaping my lips as the boy’s teeth bit into my breasts, which suddenly seemed to be under his control. He held me down on the bed and slid my tube top down my hips, over my thighs and removed it altogether. He slid a finger through my panties and pulled them down one side. Seeing the money hidden inside, he smiled, pulled it out and put it on the bedside table. It was wet, but hell, I doubt he minded.

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