Unwashed Woman - Cover

Unwashed Woman

by Alex


Erotica Sex Story: Alex likes filthy women and Yanti fit the bill perfectly

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   True Story   Analingus   Oral Sex   Scatology   .

I had seen her for the past couple of days wandering around near to my office somewhere on the outskirts of Kuala Lumpur, the capital of Malaysia. She was an Indian woman in her 50s, wearing a sarong (a colorful piece of cloth worn around the waste) and a loose shirt over her fat body. I could see her big boobs hanging loose as she was not wearing a bra. She was unkempt and I wondered how long ago she’d washed herself for the last time. I could smell her from a distance and noticed that passers by avoided her.

But it was exactly this dirtiness that turned me on. I wondered if she’d be around a night too, so I told my wife that I had to work overtime and drove back to the office. It was quiet as usual in a commercial area like this and, this being a less developed country, not well lit. That suited me fine.

Yep there she was, sitting in a dark corner, talking to herself, a half empty bottle of cheap liquor beside her. I parked my car nearby and walked up to her. I could smell her from a distance of at least 10 meters, a mixture of alcohol, sweat and piss. Boy did that turn me on. Since it was after office hours I only wore a T-shirt and shorts no underwear. I like it that way. I looked around but nobody was there, except she and me of course. I grabbed my dick, which already started to grow. Only when I stood in front of her did she notice me.

“Hi” I said, “how are you”? Not much of an introduction, but I didn’t know anything more fancy to say.

She seemed to welcome my talking to her, guess not many people do, and she invited me to sit down. I don’t think she noticed the, by now, huge bulge in my shorts. I asked her where she lived and she gave me an address not far away. She told me that she was staying with one of her daughters, but that she’d run away after they had had a quarrel almost one month ago. She apologized for not having washed that long, but I said I didn’t mind. She just smiled.

We sat there for a while saying nothing. My dick was hard as a rock by now, but she still hadn’t seemed to notice.

“I see you’re not wearing a bra.” I broke the silence. “May I touch,” I asked.

Without awaiting her answer I just grabbed her tits. They were big and saggy, and I could feel her erect nipples.

“Nice tits,” I said.

“You like ‘em,” she replied.

“Yeah. They’re great, big and soft,” I said in return.

She immediately pulled her shirt up so that I could see them in full glory.

“Wow,” was all I could say. I grabbed one and started to suck on the big nipple. Her tits were coated with dirt, which increased my lust even further. She moaned softly.

“You’re not wearing a bra, how ‘bout underwear,” I asked in between sucking her foul-smelling tits. She didn’t reply but instead invitingly pulled up the sarong. The pungent odor of her thighs penetrated my nose and I savored the aroma. “Gosh you smell good,” I said, and I grabbed between her legs. Her cunt was huge and dripping wet. I stuck two fingers in her slimy fuck hole and pulled them out again. The odor of the wet substance on my fingers was overwhelming. I sucked them until there was no more taste. It was just delicious. With some difficulty I lowered my shorts, taking out my hard prick. The horny slut grabbed it immediately and started to jerk fast.

“Let’s go for a ride,” I suggested. She smiled, showing me her stained teeth. We got up and walked to the car. I needed to find a place where we could have sex without being interrupted by unruly individuals.

When I started the car, she moved her face over to mine and started to kiss me. I hungrily put my tongue deep inside her mouth, to my surprise it tasted sweet. This dirty old stinking woman, with her unwashed sarong at her ankles and her sagging tits in that equally dirty loose hanging shirt, was one hot bitch. I tried to swallow as much of her sliver as I could. It made me so excited that I had trouble not cumming there and then.

I put the car into gear and drove off. She sat next to me with her legs spread wide, a naughty grin on her face. “I like you,” she said, playing with my dick, which she had freed from the confines of my shorts. When we reached the main road, I got a shock. There was a roadblock, with police stopping each passing car. I panicked, and slipped my cock back into my pants. She pulled up her sarong, but there was not enough room for her to fasten it around her waste, so she kept it loose barely covering her belly. The upper parts of her leg and her ass were still very much visible. “Driving license, please,” the policeman barked when I had moved down the window. The car must have been smelly from my newfound girlfriend, I thought, as I noticed the cop’s reaction. He eyed me in a strange way, and I said a short silent prayer. The policeman checked my license and looked at my passenger. Luckily he didn’t ask for her ID, and we were allowed to continue our journey. Phew, that was a close shave, I thought. Thank God. Relieved we took off, in search for a quiet place to have sex.

I remembered that there was a forest behind the zoo, which should be deserted at this hour. It was only a mere fifteen minutes away from the point where we were. On the way there I told her how much she turned me on, and asked her if she knew of more man who liked unwashed older woman. She told me that her name was Shanti, and that during the past month she had been fucked only once, by a drunk Indian, late at night in an alley behind the offices. It wasn’t very good, she said, because he almost couldn’t keep his hard on, due to his drunken stupor.

We reached the road that led behind the zoo. No one was there. Good. We stopped next to a wooden picnic table with attached bench. The place was completely dark, so I let the front lights of my Malaysian-made car on. Let’s take off our clothes, I wanted to say, but Shanti had already dropped her sarong and was pulling her T-shirt over her head. That’s my girl, I thought, and I too started to undress.

“Lay down on the table,” I order her, and she did as she was told. She put her plump body on the table, with her ass just reaching over the edge, which made gave me easy access to her love holes. I sat on the bench in front of her and let the strong smell penetrate my nose. “Gosh you smell sooooo good,” I murmured. “You like it,” she asked.

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