Penang Shit-slut - Cover

Penang Shit-slut

by Alex


Erotica Sex Story: Alex find prostitute as interested in scat as he is

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Analingus   Oral Sex   Scatology   Prostitution   .

Since young I have been fascinated with shit and piss. I used to drink and eat my own, as I was too afraid to admit my perverted tendencies to others. Whenever the occasion presented itself, I would sneak into the women’s toilet and wait for someone to come in and do her job. Once she would be finished I would quickly move into that toilet, hoping for some shit to be left over. Well, there was, and I feasted on the delicious taste of fresh shit, while jerking my rock hard dick. I’d always imagined that I was eating the turd straight from the woman’s mouth, which made me even hornier. But I’d always made sure I would not cum before having finished my meal, as reaching my orgasm always made me realize how disgusting shit eating actually is.

When I grew older I got the opportunity to actually eat shit straight from women’s mouths. This is one report of my many adventures.

Due to my work I relocated from Europe to Malaysia, a tropical country near Thailand and Indonesia. As a white man it’s easy to find women for a fuck, but often I’d go and find a prostitute. So one day I found myself in a cheap whorehouse on the island of Penang. It was one of those cheap places where you can find old, well-used women whom you can have sex with for a couple of dollars. They’re usually way over the hill, ugly, old and fat. It’s that kind of woman that turns me on most. I get a hard on even thinking of cheap and ugly old tarts. It gives me the feeling that you can use them any way you want, and often that is, indeed, the case.

I entered the place from the rear door, which was located in a back alley smelling of piss. There were a few women, none of them younger than forty, but all of them ugly and fat. It was exactly the standard you might expect to find there. My eye fell on an old Chinese woman, as she was the only one who bothered to look up when I entered the establishment. I guessed her to be about 50 years old. She was pretty fat (I guessed some 80 kilos) and wearing a cheap loose hanging dress with no bra underneath. When I asked her the price, I found out that she was a mute. She stuck up two fingers, meaning 20 ringgit (approx. 5 dollars). I nodded my head and we went upstairs. None of the other women even looked up, only an old Chinese guy stuck his head around the corner of the room in the front he must have been the caretaker.

We entered the room, which was surprisingly big. The only furniture consisted of a large bed with a stained mattress, and a sink in the corner with an old wooden kitchen chair in front of it ... It was hot and the only coolness came from a noisy overhead fan. Like all other rooms, this one was made of wood. The walls didn’t reach the ceiling, so anyone standing outside the door could hear what was going on inside. It was quiet at the time (I must have been the only customer), but I couldn’t care less anyway.

Once we were inside, the woman flashed a smile. It was the first smile I’d seen in this place. It was a genuine one, though. She gave me the feeling that she liked me. I guess she doesn’t get fucked by a white guy that often. She didn’t ask for money, which surprised me. Usually you have to pay upfront with prostitutes, but she took it afterwards.

She pulled her dress over her head and she was bare naked underneath. Wearing underwear is just a hassle anyway if sex is your profession. I quickly took of my clothes and started to explore here well-used body. I got the impression that she liked it. I started with her sagging tits. They were quite large for a Chinese woman, and the nipples were really big. I sucked on them for a short while and then moved my hand to her crotch.

We were still standing near the sink, and she put one foot on the chair, giving me easy access. I wasted no time in my exploration and went straight for her cunt. It was huge, exactly the way I like it. I knew this was going to be great. Another surprise, she was soaking wet already. No mean feat for an old hag like her. After playing around for a little while, I summoned her to lie down on the bed. She seemed to be eager for me, so she did so quickly and spread her legs as far as she could. I shoved a pillow under her ass, exposing both fuckholes. Boy did that view make me horny. I wasted no time in eating her big wet cunt. It tasted delicious. She moaned softly while I was enjoying her pussy juice.

It was time for more and I summoned her to turn and sit on her knees so that I could get a taste of her ass. I opened her soft ass and exposed her willing rose bud. I knew immediately that this was one helluva well-used arsehole. I stuck my tongue in it, and the hole parted easily. Boy did that taste good. The woman started to moan even louder. She seemed to like this even better than me licking her cunt. Next, I wetted two fingers and stuck them inside. Barely inside I could feel her shit. This was what I needed right now. I dug out one big lump and showed it to her. I wanted her to see how I put it in my mouth and chewed on it. It tasted delicious. Nothing tastes better than a horny woman’s shit. By now my dick was as hard as a rock. I craved for more, much more of this tasty brown stuff. The woman gestured to get more, so I now dug three fingers deep inside her. More soft shit came out this time, and I chewed it, enjoying every bit of it. There was still some shit on my fingers, so I presented them to her. She sucked them clean. Wow. This woman was a shitlover too.

I couldn’t hold my cum much longer, so I quickly put on a condom and started fucking her. First her cunt and soon after her ass. While fucking her big open ass, I felt her coming. I was soon to follow and quickly took off the condom. She turned and held her mouth open wild. I had though of spraying her big ass, but this was even better. My load blasted into her hungry mouth and she swallowed it quickly. Some of the sperm had landed on her cheeks. She wiped it off with her finger and stuck it into her mouth. What a woman! Where in the world, besides Penang of course, can you find a whore like this? I needed more of this slut, so I wrote down the name of my hotel and the room number. 8 PM I added to it. She gestured to me that she would be there. I knew that I was going to have the time of my life. I washed my dick in the sink and gave her a good tip. It was time to go and find a restaurant, time to build up a fresh load of shit and piss.

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