Three on One - Cover

Three on One

by timjake

Copyright© 2024 by timjake

BDSM Sex Story: A new guy the base gets approached by few women, but things go very wrong

Caution: This BDSM Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Mult   NonConsensual   Rape   Fiction   Cheating   FemaleDom   Light Bond   Rough   Group Sex   First   Pegging   .

My supervisor had warned me about the old military line, “What goes on TDY, stays TDY.” He said it was something people hid behind to justify affairs and other things frowned upon by the military. Since I had only been in for a year and this was my first ever deployment, he wanted me to stay out of trouble. “Stay away from married women!” was his last warning as he booted me out the door of his office so I could get to the transport flying us out. I listened to him, but some of the married women had other thoughts in mind...

By the time we landed overseas, I could already see several of the married women had removed their wedding rings and were flirting with the young airmen. A couple looked my way, but I kept it at chitchat. Each moved on to other guys who were more open to their advances.

The barracks they had us in were reasonably comfort- able, but not what we were used to. First, they had the old style community bathroom. Next, there was a wonderful dayroom with a bar, pool tables and a fire- place (never see that in a U.S. barracks!). The other thing I noticed was the security of our rooms was pretty shabby. Bypassing the latch was so easy, it was pathetic. When I asked about it, I was told there was no need for locks because theft was nearly unheard of. If there was anything taken, the investigation was swift and punishment severe.

After we got settled, we all met in the dayroom for the normal “this is what we’re here for” speech by the detachment commander. When the speech was done, the bar was opened and we had a mixer. I started a beautiful fire in the fireplace after a couple guys made a pathetic attempt to do it. Within a half hour, there were several couples lying on the carpet or on the sofa in front of the fireplace.

“Nothing more romantic than a fire in the fireplace,” I commented as I put more wood on the fire.

“You can light my fire anytime.”

I blushed as I turned around to see Denise, one of the women I knew to be married, looking right at me. Her blouse was unbuttoned far enough I could see her black lace bra and what was filling it. I instantly started getting an erection, so I excused myself before it really became obvious and went to my room.

The next morning it was obvious many of the couples spent the night together. The guys started trading stories as soon as they got in the showers and continued through the day as we launched and recovered our missions. That evening I was called upon to light the fire and keep it going. People paired up again, though not with whoever they were with the night before. I felt a pair of hands on my shoulders as I knelt in front of the fire adding more wood. I turned to see Claire kneeling down behind me.

“Want a massage?”

“That would be great.”

“Let’s go to my room.”

I sighed. Another married woman...”No thanks. A shoulder rub here would be just fine.”

“What? Am I not good enough for you?”

“I don’t fool around with married women,” I said.

She went off in a huff, but didn’t say anything else to me. I saw her later as she led a guy from the engine shop into her room. The next day I caught a few bits and pieces of him comparing notes with a few of the other guys. I thought I heard something about “cuffs,” but I had no idea what he meant and didn’t want to ask for fear of sounding naive.

By the end of the first week, I had turned down offers from at least six different women. Not that I wasn’t tempted ... Cindy was drop dead gorgeous. On Saturday night, I was cornered by Denise, Claire and Cindy. Each had made a play for me more than once and they wanted to know why I kept turning them down.

“I told you, I don’t fool around with married women.”

“What goes on TDY, stays TDY. Haven’t you ever heard that before?” Denise practically spit the words at me, standing there with her hands on her hips. She was obviously pretty pissed off. Then I said the words I would live to regret.

“Guess I have more respect for your wedding vows than you do.”

Denise was livid. She was opening and closing her fists as they all turned away. I saw the opening and got out of the trap. I stoked up the fire one last time, then headed for my room. I read for about an hour, figured they’d found others to have sex with, then I went to sleep.

Several things happened at once as I woke up and knew in seconds I was in trouble. The light over the sink came on as Claire toggle the switch. Denise and Cindy yanked back the blankets and pinned my arms down before I could react. As I started to push with my legs, Claire walked over and sat on them. I was well and truly pinned down.

They adjusted their places to keep my arms and legs pinned while Claire pulled up her sweatshirt to reveal a beautiful pair off breasts with puffy nipples.

“You know you could’ve had these any time you wanted,” she said as she lowered it to my mouth. “Now you’ll do what we tell you. Suck it.”

I licked the nipple, then put my lips on it. I sucked it into my mouth. Something must have warned her, because she pulled back just as I bit down hard. I wound up just getting the tip of her nipple, but that was enough. She yelped, pulled back, then uncorked a vicious slap across my face. A hand dived between my legs and grabbed my balls hard.

“If we didn’t want to have some fun with you, I’d smash your balls right here and now. Girls, hold him. I’m gonna get the toy box.” I heard the door as Claire walked out.

Denise leaned down and started licking one of my nipples. I’d never felt that before and it felt GOOD. A hand started caressing my dick and it started responding. Pain lanced through me as lips turned to teeth and Denise bit down on my stimulated nipple. Cindy pushed a pillow over my face as I let out a cry of pain.

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