Anna Swings - Cover

Anna Swings

by Anonymous

Copyright© 2024 by Anonymous

Erotica Sex Story: While their daughter is away for the first time, Don and Anna get carried away at play

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Mult   Consensual   Fiction   Swinging   Anal Sex   Oral Sex   .

While our child is away visiting her grand parents my wife and I experiment with the swinger life style for the first time.

For the first time in since her birth, our daughter wasn’t at home. My parents had finally convinced me that putting her on a direct flight would be okay, and with a tearful wave at the excited nine-year-old, we watched her board the plane for San Francisco and her grand parents for a two-week visit.

It was as if my husband Don had become a new man. We always have had a great sex life, a child didn’t change that, but he suddenly couldn’t get enough sex.

It started in the car on the way home from the airport, with him rubbing me through my ever-increasingly damp panties while I tried to maneuver the car. I had my first orgasm as we pulled into our driveway, and I was barely inside the front door before he ripped my panties off and shoved his stiff cock deep inside me.

We fucked halfway up the stairs, in the doorway of our bedroom, on the bed, and again later in the shower. At five o’clock the next morning, he entered me from behind to start the new day.

We were “normal” people. A house in the suburbs, SUV in the driveway, PTA meetings, church committees, card games with friends, that kind of things. I’m an elementary school teacher, Don’s a lawyer, and we had a great life, and we never felt as if we were missing anything. That soon changed, though.

By the third night, my drive had caught up with his. Not knowing exactly where the nerve came from, I rented a porno flick and brought it home with a bottle of wine. Halfway into the bottle, I popped the movie into the VCR and watched my husband’s cock rise for the third time that night during the opening scene. He reached over and started playing with me, smearing the come from our earlier bouts all around the lips of my cunt and my clit. I just gave him a slutty smile and leaned further into the cushions of the couch, never taking my eyes off the screen.

Two couples were going at it - the men fucking the women doggie-style while the women french kissed and played with each other’s tits. Watching the scene unfold in front of me, combined with my husband’s ever-talented fingers, brought me to an earth shattering orgasm. When I came back down, the wine was spilled all over the front of me and Don was staring at me with a gleam in his eye.

“Does that kind of sex turn you on, Anna?”

I laughed and crawled across the couch towards him. “You touching me, turns me on. Yeah.”

He put a hand on my shoulder, effectively blocking me from crawling into his oh-so ready lap. “No - the movie. Does it turn you on?” His hand moved from my shoulder to my breast, then he started to play with my nipple. “Does watching two girls kissing each other while they get fucked turn you on?”

His hand was torturing my nipple, sending a hot streak of lust straight to my pussy. “Oh yeah,” I said, all inhibitions gone from the effects of the wine and my pure lust. “Yeah, it turns me on. Quit teasing me, Don. I admitted it now fuck me.”

His hand snaked down my body and started teasing my clit. “Man - you’re a regular little hotty tonight.”

I finally pushed my way onto his lap. “Quit teasing me and fuck me.”

By the time the bottle of wine was emptied, he had me convinced. I don’t know how - never in a million years would I ever have thought that I would do anything like it, but I sat on the closed lid of the toilet with my legs spread while Don shaved my pussy and told me, in great detail, how much fun I was going to have that night.

Freshly shaven and still horny as hell, I let him pick the shortest skirt out of my closet, left over from Halloween two years ago when I dressed as a French maid, and a sheer blouse that I wore to work, but always with the proper camisole and suit jacket. We dug through my underwear drawer and found a black garter belt and stockings, then three inch heels came from the back of the closet, another accessory from that Halloween party. I tried to put on a bra and panties, but he stopped me with a shake of his head and a smile. Getting more excited than ever, I quickly dressed.

I’m nearly five-eight, with auburn hair and green eyes. Even after having a baby, my body stayed lean and firm, and I knew I looked good. Don who is six-three and close to two hundred pounds with dark-blonde hair and ice blue eyes watched me primp in front of the mirror and occasionally rubbed his cock. This was new territory, exciting for both of us.

By the time I was dressed, I was into the whole plan. The thought of what we were about to do turned me on so much that my nipples stayed hard during the entire drive.

Unknown to me Don had gone onto the Internet several days ago and looked up local swingers clubs. He’d we found one far enough away from our house that was still close enough to drive to by nine o’clock on a Saturday night. I alternated rubbing my crotch and rubbing his cock as he maneuvered through the city.

We pulled into the parking lot, and Don hesitated before opening the car door. He looked at me in the glow of the streetlight, his eyes as serious as the day he asked me to marry him. “You look so fucking hot honey.”

I leaned forward and kissed him deep. “It’s been hours since I drank anything. I need a drink.”

We paid the fee to a rather intimidating doorman, then went all the way into the club. I don’t know what I was expecting, but understated elegance in a room furnished in creams and gold’s wasn’t it.

There were sofas scattered around the huge room, different people sitting in various costumes while they talked and drank and ate hors devours served by passing waiters. And then couples would get up and walk into the back or up the sweeping staircase, paired two or three at a time. Don and I paused in the entrance, not really sure what to do from this point forward.

A beautiful blonde woman saw us from across the room and began to make her way towards us. She was taller than me, with breasts that beat out my humble 36B’s by a long shot and she was dressed in a sheer flowing white dress. She obviously had nothing on underneath it. She stopped when she reached us and beckoned a waiter while she sized up my handsome husband.

“Hello. Welcome. My name is Diane.”

We introduced ourselves while she handed us champagne in fluted glasses. “My husband is over there at the bar, if you’d care to join us.” She hooked her arm through Don’s while she looked me up and down with a stare that was hot enough to send a shiver through my body. I took a sip of the wine to appease my parched throat, and followed the two of them.

When we reached the bar and her husband, I swear that my mouth started watering. He was gorgeous - girlie magazine centrefold gorgeous - with long black hair that was tied back in a ponytail and dark brown eyes. He was as tall as my Don, as well built, and I suddenly looked even more forward to the evening ahead.

We sat at the bar and discussed everything from sports to the weather while we all finished our drinks. Diane couldn’t keep her hands off Don, and I couldn’t keep my eyes off Nathan. The longer our eyes held, the hotter I became, until, finally, Diane suggested that we find more private surroundings.

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