A Snob Goes Down - Cover

A Snob Goes Down


Copyright© 2024 by JOCA

Erotica Sex Story: Snobbish Ann goes back home for a break from school. Her brothers get back at her for all the shit she gave them

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Mult   Drunk/Drugged   NonConsensual   Rape   Fiction   Incest   Brother   Sister   Oral Sex   .

Ann arrived home on a four-day study break from college to celebrate her 21st birthday. Her snobbish superior attitude was more evident than ever before.

She was an overachiever who held a 4.0 average with ease. Her academic achievements were far beyond that of her three brothers. She was almost finished her third year of college with credits to spare. At this rate she would finish a four-year program in three and a half years.

As soon as she arrived home she started to give orders to her younger brothers. “Frank, get my luggage and my car needs to be cleaned. Lee, get me something cold to drink.”

It didn’t take long for the guys to get together.

“We need to do something to get back at her for all the times she’s ordered us around,” Frank said.

“Hey! I got it. Remember those date rape pills Roy gave us? Well they say it only takes one and they’re out for hours.” Lee replied.

“How do we get her to take one?” Frank asked.

Lee looked around and said, “I’ve got it covered, leave it up to me.”

Later that evening Lee heard Ann going down to her room. He walked down to Ann’s room and entered her room with an ice tea in his hand. Ann was standing by her bed she was thinking about all the pressure from her boyfriend to go beyond kissing and holding hands. There wasn’t anyone good enough for her so she wanted hands off relationship anything else was unthinkable.

“What do you want?” She asked sharply, without looking at him.

“I brought you a cold ice tea.”

“Put it on my nightstand and get out of here.”

Lee stopped at the door and glanced back into the room just as Ann took a drink of ice tea. Wow! This was going to be perfect.

Lee went up to the family room where Frank was waiting. After waiting for an hour that seemed like hours, with cameras in hand they quietly went down to Ann’s room. Lee cautiously opened her bedroom door and peeked inside. The light was on and the empty ice tea glass set on her nightstand.

Lee entered her room followed by Frank. Ann was lying under the covers on her back, her mouth slightly open and one arm over her head.

The boys stood beside her bed. Frank touched her, she didn’t move, he shook her foot, still no response. Feeling reassured he pulled the covers down; she was sleeping in tee shirt and panties. Her legs were parted giving a clear view of her budging mound.

So far it was going beyond expectations, encouraging more explorations.

Lee lifted the waistband of her panties to peek inside. He held it while Frank got a peek too. Next they both palmed her panty-covered mound. There was no way to describe their awesome high. They imagined her pressing against their palms.

Ann was still undisturbed.

Lifting up her tee shirt they gazed at her firm tits. Why not just pull it up above her tits Lee asked. He held his breath as he pulled her tee shirt up and tucked it under her chin. They were astounded at their good fortune. They were looking at an awesome set of tits a sight that had long been denied them.

Pictures and video were taken from every conceivable angel. Frank did some close ups with the video camera. Lee placed her hand inside her panties making it look like she was playing with herself.

Lee rubbed his stiff dick on her lips, and Frank taped it. Much to their surprise Ann parted her lips just enough for Lee to slip his dick into her warm mouth. He started to slide his dick in and out of her mouth. To their amazement Ann started to suck working her mouth like a baby sucking a nipple.

Lee had a big grin on his face as he stroked and she sucked, it didn’t take long before he was groaning and his legs twitching. He pumped his load into her hot mouth. Frank had it all recorded on tape including the cum that dribbled from her lips.

Wow! What a treat.

Frank was next to push his cock between her lips. Again her mouth began to milk his cock. Within seconds Frank was shooting his load and Ann swallowed and swallowed.

They were overcome with the excitement. As if a bell rang they looked at each other. Without speaking they silently agreed to pull her panties down.

Slowly Frank worked her panties from under her buttocks and down her legs. He stood back and admired his accomplishments.

They stared at her hairy mound and puffy pussy lips. Frank ran his finger lightly along her warm slit, then into the folds of her pussy lips.

In her drug-induced sleep Ann was in a dream like state. Her dream was of a sensuous nature; pressure from her boy friend was controlling her subconscious mental activity.

Frank rubbed his finger around her tight opening. Ann didn’t show any signs of coming out of her drugged sleep.

Frank pushed his finger into her tight opening when a low moan escaped her lips. Lee had a clear shot at video taping Frank’s finger sliding into her. Ann moaned and moved her hips against Frank’s finger.

For the next hour they fingered her with a passion taking pictures as she subconsciously humped their fingers. Her pussy lips were puffy and slightly parted giving a clear view of her bright pink inner folds. Lee used her mouth again, his hand rubbing her extended nipples as she sucked his hard cock like a baby sucking a nipple for milk.

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