Arrested - Cover


by MercySlayer

Copyright© 2024 by MercySlayer

Erotica Sex Story: A married couple find themselves in trouble with the law, but the wife finds a way to get them out of trouble.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Mult   Reluctant   Fiction   Group Sex   Oral Sex   .

Deanne and Brent have been married for fifteen years with three children. Although Deanne kept her five-foot frame in great shape and her 36C breast were still firm, at only 32 their sex life had begun routine and boring.

Deanne and Brent decided that they were going to have a Saturday night of sexual adventure. Deanne arranged for a babysitter for Saturday night and would not let him into the bedroom while she dressed for the evening. Brent waited anxiously downstairs with a constant erection at the anticipation. Already, just planning the evening, added excitement back into their sex life.

Finally, Deanne descended the stairs. When Brent saw her he let out a long whistle. Deanne was dressed in a short, schoolgirl, plaid skirt and dark sweater. She wore high heels with ankle straps, no stockings, and a black ribbon choker around her neck.

Brent could see the outline of her beautiful breasts under the sweater. Her nipples were already rock hard and strained at the confines of the sweater. Deanne glanced around to make sure no one was watching and reached between Brent’s legs and squeezed his balls and hard cock. Brent reached for Deanne but she slipped away from him.

“Not yet,” she said with a laugh.

Brent gave final instructions to the babysitter. He and Deanne left and went to the car. Brent was being exceptionally attentive and Deanne enjoyed controlling him like she was. Brent opened the car door for Deanne. As she slid into the seat she made sure that she gave Brent a clear view between her legs.

“My God,” Brent exclaimed, “you’ve shaved.”

Deanne giggled. Brent always begged her to shave her cunt, but she refused thinking only sluts did such a thing. But tonight was special, so she took the time to shave her cunt and ass just for Brent. Brent shut her car door and rushed around to get in on his side. As they left out of the driveway, Deanne reached over and started stroking the bulge at the zipper in Brent’s trousers.

“Do you like the way I look,” Deanne cooed. She knew her skirt was pushed up to within an inch of her naked cunt. Brent looked down at her legs and then at her breasts and Deanne could feel his cock twitching.

“You look great, Sweetness,” Brent said with glee. Brent reached over and stroked the inside of Deanne’s thigh just inches from her cunt.

Deanne opened her legs slightly and let Brent slowly inch his hand upwards. While he drove, Deanne unzipped Brent’s pants and reached inside and wrapped her hand around his cock. She started to slowly move her hand up and down the entire shaft. Brent’s finger found the slit between Deanne’s cunt lips.

“Damn, you are so wet,” he said to Deanne.

Brent slipped his finger in between Deanne’s cunt lips and slowly dragged it upwards finding the hard nub of her clit. As Brent’s finger started a slow stroking of Deanne’s clit, it was her turn to let out a deep breath. She increased the speed of her strokes on Brent’s cock and feels it growing.

Knowing Brent is closed to cumming, Deanne removes her hand. Brent protests as Deanne closes the zipper to his pants. Next she takes Brent’ wrist and pulls his hand from her wet pussy. She straightens her skirt and sits quietly trying to suppress her owe urges to have Brent pull over on the side of the road and fuck her like crazy.

“You are frustrating the hell out of me,” Brent complains and pulls into the parking lot of the theatre.

As Brent and Deanne exit the car, Brent reaches into his pocket and tried to position his cock so his erection will not be so obvious to anyone.

“What’s wrong, Brent,” Deanne giggles.

Inside the theatre, Brent and Deanne chose the two seats farthest from the aisle on the last row. When the lights go down and the movie begins, Brent immediately pushes Deanne’s skirt up so that her cunt is visible. He again starts stroking her clit working the wetness from Deanne’s pussy all around her clit. Deanne pulls Brent’s cock from his pants and starts stroking him again. While she is stroking Brent’s cock, she uses her other hand to expose her right breast.

“Suck my tit,” Deanne begs.

Brent looks around at the dozen or so people in the theatre and all are involved in the movie. He leans over and takes Deanne’s erect nipple in his mouth and gently sucks the hard nub.

“Suck my entire breast,” Deanne orders.

Brent works to get as much of Deanne’s 36C tit into his mouth as possible and starts to suck. As he sucks the firm flesh in and out of his mouth, Brent works two fingers into Deanne’s cunt. Brent slowly opens and closes his fingers stretching Deanne’s vaginal walls. Deanne moves and Brent releases her tit with an audible pop.

As she leans over and takes Brent’s cock into her mouth, he glances around the theatre to make sure no turned at the sound of him abruptly jerked from Deanne’s tit. Deanne wets Brent’s cock with her tongue. She starts bobbing her head up and down on his cock and Brent is having difficulty keeping silent.

“Let’s get out of here,” Brent says and pulls Deanne’s head from his cock.

“But what about the movie,” Deanne responds with a fake pout.

“Fuck the movie,” Brent replies and grabs Deanne by the hand and leads her out to the car.

While Brent drives quickly to a seclude area behind the warehouse where he works, Deanne’s hand has removed his cock from his pants again. Deanne is working vigorously jacking Brent off while he drives. Brent finally pulls behind the warehouse and shuts the engine off. As soon as he stops, she pulls her sweater over her head. Her tits bounce free on the sweater and look great by the light of night. Brent watches as Deanne raises her hips and strips off her skirt. Deanne is completely naked.

“Lay back in the seat,” Deanne orders.

Brent does not even hesitate as he flips the lever and drops his seat into a reclining position. Deanne leans over and unsnaps his pants and grabs the waistband on the pants and Brent’s underwear. Brent raises his hips and allows Deanne to pull his pants down below his knees. His cock is rock hard and aching to cum.

“Now, that’s better,” Deanne coos.

Deanne bends over Brent’s cock and rubs her tits over the head. She positioned herself so that Brent’s cock is between her tits, then holds her tits together and slides herself back and forth, tit-fucking Brent.

“God, you fantastic,” Brent moans.

Deanne slips down and takes Brent’s cock in her mouth again. Brent runs his fingers into her hair and pushes Deanne’s head further down onto his cock. He is getting closed and Deanne increases her intensity, sucking and slobbering on Brent’s cock.

“I’m going to cum,” Brent said in a gasp.

“What’s going on in there?” the officer shouted through the window.

Deanne quickly jumped into her seat and tried to find her clothes.

“It’s the police Brent, hurry, get dressed,” Deanne shouted.

The policeman shined his flashlight into Brent’s face.

“Both of you, out of the car right now,” the officer ordered, “stop what you’re doing and exit the car.”

Deanne only had time to put her skirt on as the officer opened her side of the car. She heard him radio his partner “Sam,” and request that he come out her. Deanne was so embarrassed as she tried to cover her breasts while she and Brent stood beside their car.

“Well, looks like we got a couple of lovers,” the policeman said, “looks like I got her just in time.” He shined his light at Brent’s still erect cock, glistening from Deanne’s salvia. There was a pearly, white, drop of pre-cum on the end of Brent’s cock. Deanne could not believe Brent was still erect.

Next the officer shined his light on Deanne’s hands covering her tits.

“Drop your hands,” he ordered. Deanne hesitated and the policeman radioed to Sam to call for backup. Deanne slowly lowered her hands, “Belay that order Sam, she’s cooperating.”

“Damn, what a nice pair of tits,” the policeman said.

Suddenly, “Sam” appeared and to Deanne’s surprise, Sam was a woman. Deanne could see that she was in her mid- thirties, very athletic body under the police uniform.

“What should we do with them?” the policeman asked his partner.

“I don’t know Rick, seems awfully cruel to leave the man here with blue balls, perhaps though jail is the best thing,” Sam said.

Deanne started to cry and Brent pleaded with the officers. Rick told Deanne and Brent that if they did what they were told, they would not take them to jail, but let them go. Deanne and Brent agreed, but did not realize what they were agreeing to do.

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