Agony - Cover


by Wiley06

Copyright© 2024 by Wiley06

Erotica Sex Story: She goes on a date with the football team's captain

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   NonConsensual   Rape   Fiction   Group Sex   Anal Sex   First   .

She screamed in agony as he forced his cock deep into her bowels, stretching her ass until she thought it would tear, her slender body shaking and jerking in revulsion and terror, her body bent over and tied achingly to a large chair.

She couldn’t believe, her mind a whirl of pain and humiliation, that she had left her house just a few hours ago to go on a date-it seemed like another world altogether. She had taken over an hour to prepare, combing out her long, blue-black hair and tying it in a loose braid, applying makeup to enhance her glowing Asian eyes, powdering her delicate features to give her face a clear, pale glow. She had even bought a special dress, a short-sleeved affair which covered her upper body, pulling attention away from her almost non-existent chest to her narrow waist, and which fell from there into a short, flirty skirt which showed off legs strong and well shaped from years of bicycle riding.

It had been so exciting, she remembered, being asked out by the captain of the football team, Tommy. All her friends had just died.

She was forced back to reality as Tommy took her chin in his hand and forced her to look at him, her tear stained face a mask of fear and desperation.

“Please, uh, please let, aahgg, me go,” she whimpered as his friend continued plowing her virgin ass, sending streamers of agony through her each time his hips crashed against her ass cheeks, the penetration tearing her apart.


“You are so beautiful Sylvia,” he answered softly. “I’m not done with you yet.” With that he stood up and urged his friend on, telling him to fuck the little bitch hard, to hurt her, to make her scream. She turned red in shame as she felt him come inside her ass, her ass burning at the violation.

She remembered they had gone out to dinner, and she had talked, and he had talked, and then he had taken her back to his place, since he had forgotten to bring the flowers he had gotten her. He invited her in to meet his parents, but instead found Greg waiting for her just inside the door. Greg, a six foot two, two hundred pound offensive lineman, had picked her up like she was a rag doll and thrown her to the ground. She hadn’t realized what was going on even as he ripped the clothes off her. It was only when she had seen Tommy stepping out of his pants that she had realized that he was going to rape her.

And rape her he had, taking her virginity brutally while she thrashed and screamed and begged and pleaded beneath him, the pain and humiliation and betrayal and shame making her buck with inhuman strength to throw him off, but all in vain. He had taken her with his friend Greg watching and helping, and they had laughed each time she screamed after he drove into her hard.

And they had joked after he had come and was still inside her, with her moaning, defeated, on the ground. She had thought they would let her go then, but she was wrong. Greg wanted his turn, and had tied her bent over a chair so he could have “her remaining virgin hole.” It was a hell from which she felt she’d never be released.

“You really think the chandelier is strong enough?” she heard Greg ask, his cock thankfully removed from her anus.

“Sure. Hell, I used to swing from it when I was ten. She can’t weigh much more than I did. Of course, we’ll have to gag her. We don’t want her caterwauling bringing over the neighbors.”

“Ok. Let’s do it.” They laughed and she heard them giving each other a high five.

She had no fight left in her as they untied her, ignoring her pleadings to be released. Still she managed to squirm and try to keep Tommy from shoving her panties into her mouth until Greg grabbed her head and forced her jaw open. Tape then covered the lower half of her face as she was effectively gagged, and the rope was brought around to fasten her arms together in front of her, her wrists fastened painfully together.

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