Convenience Store Lovers - Cover

Convenience Store Lovers

by Anonymous

Copyright© 2024 by Anonymous

Erotica Sex Story: Two convenience store clerks find love one night

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Ma   Consensual   Gay   Fiction   .

I had just closed and locked the doors to the convenience store where I worked. It was midnight and Jason and I were anxious to take off but we knew that we needed to restock the cooler first. The cooler was a large walk-in type with 8 full size doors.

So Jason and I walked into the cooler and started opening the boxes of beer and putting the bottles on the shelves. Jason said how much he could use a beer. Laughingly I suggested that he open a beer and take a swig. He asked me if I wanted one and I said no but I would share one with him.

He took a couple of swallows and handed it to me and I did the same. We started talking about a guy that had come in earlier to buy condoms and we joked about the fact that at least someone would see some action tonight.

Then Jason said, “The only way my dick will get some loving tonight is if my hand is in the mood, if you know what I mean.”

I laughed and told him I knew exactly what he meant. (Since I was horny as hell and planned a good manual cum when I got home that night.)

It was then that Jason suggested that we get a porn magazine from the store rack and bring it back to the cooler to jerk off to.

“Unless you would feel weird jerking off in the same room as me. I mean ... you know, it might be fun to do it together. You know?”

Jason had no idea, (or at least that’s what I thought) that I was not only gay but also very attracted to him. Jason looked a lot like the actor who plays Jack on Dawson’s Creek. Dark hair, about 5’11”, and with eyes that would make any guy weak in the knees. Although I was nervous about jerking off in front of him, the chance to see his cock was something that I couldn’t pass up.

Jason left the cooler and came back with a playboy. We each opened another beer and Jason and I stood next to each other. Jason unbuckled his belt and unbuttoned his jeans. He then pulled the zipper down and opened the fly so his white boxers were in full view. He then slid his hands over his hips and let the jeans fall to the floor. At this point, I could clearly see a bulge growing on him and then he pulled his underwear down to his ankles. Fuck I was in heaven!

It was then that he said, “Are you going to jerk off too, or just watch me?” I realized that I had been staring at him the entire time, and he knew it. “No, No, my dick needs some loving too.” Then I undid my pants and pulled them and my underwear down to my ankles. We both just stood there for a moment, big erections on both of us. We were standing so close that my left hip was touching his right hip and I could feel his body heat. It was incredible.

Jason then opened the magazine and held it open so that we both could see the pictures. Only, we were looking at each other’s dicks instead of the girl in the magazine.

“I have an idea. This is a really awesome feeling, especially since it’s cold in here.” He then pulled the magazine closer so that it was up against both of our dicks. He moved even closer to me so that the open magazine covered both of our cocks. He then put his hand on the outside of the magazine and told me to do the same. Then he started rubbing the magazine up and down on our dicks.

At his point I really wanted to kiss Jason but I still wasn’t sure if he was gay or not. I decided to find out. I said, “Man, I don’t know what I’m doing wrong but you’re certainly having a better time than me.”

Jason said, “It’s all in the motion. Want me to show you how to do it right?”

“Sure,” was all I could say since my heart was in my throat.

Jason turned to face me and put the magazine so that it was only on my dick. He gently started rubbing up and down. The feeling was fantastic and I lay back as far against the boxes as I could so that by abdomen was extended to make it easier for Jason to work.

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