The Spice of Life - Cover

The Spice of Life

by Jean G.

Copyright© 2024 by Jean G.

Erotica Sex Story: John does his best to keep routine and boredom away from his marriage without actually cheating on his lovely wife

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Fiction   Oral Sex   .

John believed that variety is the spice of life. He knew that routine leads to boredom and boredom lead to apathy and apathy led down a slippery slope that rarely if ever ended in a good place.

John had a good life, a sweet wife, three great kids and a good job. He and his wife, Jane, had a great sex life. Even after delivering three kids she had a relatively tight cunt and loved wrapping it onto his hard six inch cock. And he usually could get it up easily.

His kids were all smart, good looking and had plenty of friends. John was pretty sure they had all been laid a time or two. He and Jane had a good talk with them when they got mature physically about being safe with sex. John loved to look at the girl friends of Mandy, age 18, and Cissy, age 14, because they all had great bodies, including his kids. His son Todd, age 16, had a steady girl friend now that was a real knock out.

One night, for example, after everyone had hit the sack, Jane came out of the bathroom with nothing on but a smile. He quickly got his T-shirt and boxer shorts off. She climbed onto John and kissed him deeply. She rubbed her bountiful tits on his hairy chest and started kissing his ear. He loved that. Her nipples got hard instantly.

He reached up and started massaging her tits and got a “hmmm” out of her. She scooted down so that his hardening cock rubbed her neatly trimmed pussy. He could feel moisture forming and getting his cock wet.

“Move around so I can kiss that lovely cunt of yours babe,” he whispered. She did and he immediately started sucking her clit. She was ready and didn’t need or want much foreplay tonight! She gave his cock some wet kisses and started swallowing as much as she could. She wasn’t much for deep throating but loved to suck his cock.

He was going to bring her off fast tonight. He loved getting her to cum before he entered her so that he could pound her to another climax as he shot his cum deep into her cunt. He started finger fucking her and she started jacking him as she sucked and licked the tip of his cock.

Jane started squirming which meant she was close. He was too, but concentrated on his wife which held off his climax. She could never say he wasn’t attentive to her sexual needs! He stuck his tongue into her sopping pussy as deep as it would go and used his wet fingers to probe her anus. He did this sometimes and Jane loved it even though she thought it was gross.

Her pussy started getting that familiar itch and she knew she was going to blast sooner than she wanted to. Tonight she was hot! She stopped jacking him long enough to concentrate on her feelings as wave after wave of ecstasy rolled through her. “Oooooh John,” she moaned. The kids wouldn’t be able to hear her because their rooms were on the other side of the house.

She drenched John’s face with her climax. He swallowed and licked as much off as they rolled over so he could enter her. She spread her legs and he quickly slammed his hard wet cock deep into her. Another slight climax made her shiver as he hit bottom. He loved sliding into her wet pussy. He started jack hammering his cock in and out. Their pubic bones smashed together with each downward thrust!

John was so close to cumming that it only took a few minutes of fucking her to get him to the point of no return. He would have rather stayed right on the brink for a while longer but their need for relief was too strong tonight! They both felt his dick get bigger and knew he was close. He felt his cum boiling in his balls and start its journey from his testicles, through his penis and into her vagina. Every once in a while he thought of the true medical name for their body parts. It would happen just as he climaxed.

Jane wrapped her legs tight around his waist and came again as several globs of his hot white cum hit the inner walls of her cunt. “EEEIIISSSSSSS!!!! Oh Jane! I love you!!!!!” He wailed as he went over the crest. She kissed him deeply as they joined in the eternal love making act. Their tongues wrestled with each other as they slowly started coming down from their highs.

When John’s dick and Jane’s cunt stopped jerking he rolled his sweaty body off her likewise skin. They lay quietly as they basked in the afterglow of great sex! A few minutes later they faced each other and vowed their love for one another.

To ensure that his life didn’t turn completely routine and his marriage remained strong, John had started visiting titty bars. There he could get some variety, while not cheating. His heart remained his wife’s, but his libido desperately needed the variety, even just looking.

For several years nothing serious really happened for him. Oh there were some dancers that let him kiss their nipples once in a while, and lightly touch their skin in private places, but no deep fingering of their pussy or a dancer grabbing his cock.

That was until the club on Radcliffe Avenue opened a VIP room upstairs. It was on the second floor overlooking the main floor. A customer could sit on a couch that was there and only be seen by the disc jockey that was clear on the other side of the building/room. The manager, Mike, would look their direction now and again, and waitresses and other dancers would come up periodically. But the couch up there was pretty well left alone.

John’s favourite “nasty” dancer was Shala. On his first visit to the club, after the VIP room was open, he took her up there and was enjoying relaxing on the couch with Shala dancing all over him. Her figure was full and natural. She had a three-year old kid and it showed only slightly on her stomach. Her large tits were fairly firm. John massaged them and no one could see him do it! She loved him doing it and let him know as she kissed his ear.

Shala’s nipples were rock hard as was John’s cock. After the next dance she sat next to him and put her hand in his lap lightly stroking his hard-on through his pants. “Damn! Your fingers sure feel good on me!” he moaned into her ear. She switched to his left side and put her legs over his knees so that she faced away from the DJ. John took the hint and slowly traced concentric circles around her tits until she pulled away her bra material and he gently squeezed her hard nipples.

“Hmmmm John I love the gentle way you play with my tits.”

“I love what you are doing to my dick!” He answered. This mutual touching carried on for several songs. John whispered, “Shala. You’d better stop. I’m about to cum!” She looked around and seeing no one coming up the stairs picked up a napkin off the table, unzipped his pants and jacked him into the napkin. “Ohhhhh DAMN” He groaned as wad after wad of hot white cream soaked the paper. She quickly put his deflating cock back into his pants and looked around again. It appeared no one was the wiser of her indiscretion. She looked directly into John’s eyes and licked the cum off the napkin. His cock jerked again at the actions of the sexy wench.

“Let me return the favour!” He whispered into her right ear and put his right hand under the front of her T-back and eased his middle finger into her wet slit. Shala groaned as his digit sank deep into her cunt. He pulled it out, smelled it and then sucked it as he looked directly into her eyes. She appreciated his action. He looked around checking for unwanted eyes and not seeing any returned to her cunt.

John alternated between finger fucking her deeply and playing with her clit. Sometimes he would fuck her with his long middle finger and at the same time play with her clit using his thumb. John was a big man and his fingers were big enough around to be very enjoyable jacking in and out of Shala’s pussy. They kept looking around as his fingers kept busy between her legs.

Shala was getting very excited. She had never let a customer get this far with her. Sure, several had touched her pussy on top of the T-back but only a few had been allowed under it to touch her pussy. And then only a light touch was permitted.

He could see that she kept her pubic hair trimmed to a small patch at the top of her slit. The soft pubes weren’t as long a he liked them but were long enough not to feel like a wire brush. Shala was real close to cumming now, just as her friend Lalena started up the stairs! DAMN!!!!!!

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