Meeting the Neighbours - Cover

Meeting the Neighbours

by Bob Banger

Copyright© 2024 by Bob Banger

Erotica Sex Story: A divorce man living alone meets the neighbours daughter when her AC unit stops working

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Fiction   Anal Sex   Oral Sex   .

I had been divorced and living alone in this neighbourhood for over a year when the new neighbours moved into the roomy house next to mine about last winter. I had bought this house to stay close to my children who were living with my bitch of an ex one street over.

During the cold months of the winter, I never really got a chance to know them well. We would politely wave while shovelling snow or hurrying from the car to the house. That was about the extent of it. I knew it was a single mother with two teenage daughters. I couldn’t really tell much about their looks through the thick winter clothing that we all wore in the frozen north. All I could tell that they were all cute. The girls definitely looked like their mother who was fairly young herself.

Spring came early this year and with it came the crazy need for sunlight and warmth. When the weather changed and turned nice, the neighbour’s older daughter started showing up in the backyard in shorts and tee shirts. After a long winter of deprivation of the female form, I found that I couldn’t keep my eyes off of her. She had a great pair of legs that led to a magnificent ass. But her most stunning asset was her perfectly formed pair of tits.

She would come out to the backyard regularly whenever it was sunny and she would either lay in one of the loungers they had or she would spread a towel on the greening grass and would enjoy the sun’s warming rays.

One Saturday afternoon while I was out mowing the lawn, I was happy to see her also come out into her backyard. I was even more pleased and surprised when I saw her wave and begin to walk towards me. Watching her walk to me I felt the stirrings in my crotch. She was absolutely beautiful and I was already feeling guilty about the thoughts racing through my mind.

“Hi Mr. Walsh,” she said. “I know we haven’t formally met, I’m Sherri. I wonder if you can help me.”

“I’ll try, what can I do for you Sherri? Oh, how do you know my name?” I managed to respond.

“Oh, we got a couple of your letters in our mailbox one time, and I read your name before putting them in your mailbox.”

“I never noticed.”

“Anyway, my mother and sister are away for the weekend, and there’s some sort of problem with our air conditioner. Can you take a look at it? I don’t know anything about how these things work. I turned down the thermostat, but nothing happened.”

“Sure, I’ll take a look at it. I’m not sure what I can do for you though. I’m not an air-conditioning guy.” I responded.

After a few minutes of looking, I found a tripped breaker and reset it.

“All done. Your A/C breaker had tripped and cut off the power to your AC. It should work now.” I told Sherri as I put my hand over an air vent and felt the colder air starting to circulate.

“Oh, that’s great news. The house was starting to feel suffocating. How can I ever thank you?” She gushed and looked overly excited. Those magnificent tits of hers giggling enticingly.

“Don’t worry about it, that’s what neighbours are for.” I downplayed the issue and keeping my own thoughts about her thanking me to myself.

“I know, we have some beers in the fridge, please stay and have one, it’s the least that I can do.”

“Ok, sure.”

We sat down in their den with a couple of cold drinks. It was incredibly hot in the house.

“Wow, it got hot in this house. One cannot survive without an A/C. I’m glad that I fixed that for you. You wouldn’t have been able to sleep in this temperature.” I was feeling very hot, and I didn’t know if it was because of the air conditioning or because of the tight shorts and tee shirt that she had on that left little to the imagination and was having quite an effect on me.

“I agree, why don’t we get more comfortable,” she said with a sexy smile on her face.

Before I knew what was going on she slipped her shirt off to reveal the most magnificent tits that I had ever laid eyes on. As I sat there with my mouth hanging open she ran her fingers down her throat and over her tits to her hard nipples.

“Um, Sherri, what are you doing?”

“I’ve noticed you watching me across the yard. What do ya think?” she asked

“They’re great Sherri. But I’m not sure you should be doing this. Just how old are you Sherri?” I squirmed on the sofa as I felt my cock rising in my pants.

“I’m sorry if I made you uncomfortable. It looks like you need some help. How about I return the favour of you fixing the A/C? And I’m 18, so not jailbait. You can do this without a worry.”

With that she came at me and grabbed for my cock through my pants. When I felt her touch my growing member, I knew I was going to go for it. I reached up and kissed her and my tongue easily slipped between her lips. As I kissed her I finally got a handful of one her magnificent tits.

By this time Sherri had my cock out and was expertly massaging it up to its full manhood. As I began sucking on one of her nipples I slipped my hand into her shorts. I found a very wet pussy that was begging to be fucked. She stood up and removed her shorts and panties. Not wanting to feel over dressed, I lifted my ass off of the sofa and removed my jeans and boxers as well.

This was the first opportunity she had to see my fully erect cock.

“Nice,” She said as she knelt down in front of me began to slowly lick my cock. This young hottie was no virgin. She expertly began by licking up the underside of my cock and then circled the head with her tongue. She looked at me and winked as she opened her mouth and took my cock entirely down her throat. I couldn’t believe it. Seeing this beautiful young girl with her head buried in my lap was the ultimate turn on. I knew I wasn’t going to be able to take much of this. Having had no sex for like six months before my divorce.

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