Pam - Cover


by Doughman

Copyright© 2022 by Doughman

Erotica Sex Story: A young man's first time

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   mt/mt   Consensual   Heterosexual   Fiction   First   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Voyeurism   .

Not having anything in particular to do, I decided I would sleep in. What the heck, weekends were made for enjoyment. About 9:30, I was awakened to the sound of the door opening.

“Who could that be?” I said aloud to no one in particular. My family had a grocery store that the whole family worked at, and they were all at work. After a moment, I remembered that Pam, my sister’s best friend, and almost an adopted family member was coming over to the clean the house. She did that a couple times a month for extra money when everyone was at work. It also helped my mom out a lot, by not having to do more work when she came home from work.

For as long as I can remember —at least since I started appreciating the female form—, I had a crush on Pam. She kind of looked like a younger, prettier Patty Duke, if you can remember that far back. My brother was 8 years older than me and he always had a thing for her. To this day, he denies ever makin’ it with her ... I’m not so sure. She was about 5’ 2” and weighed about 110 pounds. She had a very athletic looking body, honey blonde hair. Her tits were not big at the age of 16, probably somewhere between a B or C cup, upturned, with the prettiest rose pink nipples you could ever want to see. I knew this because me and my best friend had spied on her in her bedroom one night after she had gotten out of the shower.

We couldn’t believe our luck. Her bedroom window was right next to his house. One night we were sitting on the ground by the side of the house, and her light came on. The blinds were slightly opened, just enough to see in. We scrambled over to see what we could see, and boy did we get an eyeful!

She had her wet hair wrapped up in a towel, with a robe tightly wrapped around her. After a couple minutes, she went to lock her door, and came back to stand in front of the mirror. With her back turned to us, she dropped the robe. To our disbelief, she was standing stark naked in front of the mirror. What a great ass! Billy and I just looked at each other. We were both fourteen at the time, but already jackin’ off on a regular basis. We had never done it together ... at least not before that night.

I could already feel my cock begin to grow at the beautiful sight before me. I reached down to feel my engorged cock through my shorts. Pam was admiring her developing body in front of the mirror over her dresser. Slowly, she began a slow walk around in a circle to eye every part of her body. When she turned to face toward us, I thought I would shoot my load right then and there. Here was this beautiful creature, not more than 10 feet in front of us, separated only by the glass pane in the window, and of course these blinds that offered us just enough of a view. Beautiful breasts, with a perfectly manicured, triangular bush of blonde hair, that was slightly darker than the hair on her head. “God, I’d love to suck on those nipples, and stick my cock inside her,” I whispered to Billy.

“I second that,” he replied.

Continuing her circular walk, she was again facing the mirror. I couldn’t believe what happened next. Simultaneously, one hand moved to her breast and the other moved down between her legs. She was masturbating right here in front of us! I couldn’t take it any more. “Hey, would you think I was gay if I pulled my dick out in front of you?” I asked Billy.

“I was thinking the same thing,” he responded. “if I don’t do it now, I’ll do it as soon as I get in, and I guess it doesn’t matter as long as we don’t tell anyone,” he added. With that agreement, out came both of our dicks. I couldn’t resist looking at Billy’s cock. I had never seen it hard before, but it was bigger than I ever expected it to be. It seemed to be almost as big as my brother’s who was 21 at that time.

After sliding her hand up and down her snatch for a few minutes, she moved over to her bed, and lay down with her feet hanging over the side. We had a perfect view right between her legs. I thought we had died and gone to heaven. Her fingers were sliding up and down her slit, pausing occasionally to insert a finger. She was rotating her fingers near the top in small circles. I could clearly see the wetness glistening on both her inner and outer lips. I didn’t know at the time, but she was working her clit over. With her other hand, she was tweaking those rosy nipples. By this time, both of us were slowly jacking our cocks, imagining it was inside her. I looked over at Billy’s cock, and this odd thought poped into my head. “I wonder what his cock feels like,” I thought to myself. I asked him if I could touch his cock. (When I was younger, this older friend of the family asked me to play with his cock, and I found it kind of fascinating.)

“As long as you don’t tell anybody,” he replied. I removed my hand from my own cock, and placed it around his, and it felt different. It was definitely bigger than mine, but it felt good to hold it in my hand. Slowly, I began to move it up and down.

“That feels different than doing it myself,” he said.

“How ‘bout doing it to me ... we’ll jack each other off while we watch the show.”

He moved his hand over and slowly began to jack me off. Oh man, what a feeling! It didn’t feel like we were gay or anything, just having a good time. Pam seemed to be getting ready to come, as she kept her finger inside and was beginning to move it in and out at a quickened pace. Moments later, she began thrashing around on the bed, arching her back and clutching her tit with her free hand. With one more jerk, I could feel my orgasm coming, as my balls tightened, and the white hot feeling of my come, came spurting out jet after jet splashing against the side of the house. I could feel Billy’s cock harden, and right behind me, he shot his own load of cum against the side of the house. With each shot, I could feel his cock spasm in my hand. What an intense orgasm! I used this scene to jack off so many times after that.

So, lying there in bed, with a morning hard-on, I began to hatch a plot to see if I could get in Pam’s hot little pants. What if I told her I saw her masturbating, just to get her reaction? Naw, she might get mad if she thought we were spying on her. I decided to just pull all the covers back and let her see the hard-on I was sporting in my briefs. I would just see how she reacted to that sight. When she cleaned the house, she cleaned the whole house, my room included. Laying there fantasizing about her, I could feel pre-cum leaking in my underwear. I began to rub my cock through my underwear, alternately squeezing it. I was getting pretty worked up with my fantasy. I looked down at my briefs and noted that I had a wet spot about the size of a half dollar on my underwear. This should get a reaction.

As soon as I heard the door begin to open, I just lay there pretending to be asleep. Pam came in the room, and I could tell she had stopped in her tracks. I wanted to open my eyes, but I wanted to see what she was going to do first. She began to pick clothes off the floor. Hearing her begin to stir, I very slightly opened my eyes, to see what she was doing. She was wearing a pair of shorts, and a cropped blue t-shirt. She came over toward the bed and began to dust off the nightstand. I could see that she was looking down toward my cock. I had a light hanging over my bed and when she reached up to dust that, I had an unobstructed view right up her top at the bottom globe of her breasts — her naked breast; she wasn’t wearing a bra!

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