New Family Arrangement - Cover

New Family Arrangement

by John D. Rodburn

Copyright© 2024 by John D. Rodburn

Incest Sex Story: When his sister's lover come to stay with them, he becomes the man of the house

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Mult   Consensual   Lesbian   Fiction   Incest   Mother   Son   Brother   Sister   Group Sex   Exhibitionism   Oral Sex   Pregnancy   Voyeurism   Nudism   .

The problem with having the only driver’s license in the house is that you have to take everyone everywhere, any time they want or need you to. That’s what I was doing about three months ago. I was taking my sister, Melissa, to the airport to pick up her friend, Teri.

The two had been roommates at college. Melissa took some time off when Dad died last year, and never went back. Teri kept going, and now had a break for the summer. We were about half way to the airport when she dumped it on me.



“There’s something I need to tell you.”

“You didn’t forget something at home, did you?”

“No. It’s nothing like that. It’s about ... Teri and me.”

“You’re lovers, right?”

“How did you know?”

“You’re not always quiet when you’re on the phone, sis. You weren’t home two weeks, and I could hear you through our wall.”

“You heard ... what?”

“You talking to Teri. Of course, there was the scream at the end.”

“You heard that too?”

“I figured that you two had been talking about something other than school.”

“I didn’t know you could hear that much through our walls.”

“It helps when I have a cup that I can put to the wall. You wouldn’t believe how much that amplifies everything in your room.”

“You bastard,” she said with a smile. “How long have you been doing that?”

“Since I was old enough to know what girls are supposed to be for ... for a man.”

“I think we were attracted to each other the day we met,” she said. “She was shy at first, but I guess I was the one that broke the ice. We started talking, and she opened up more. She told me that she was attracted to women, and one thing led to another.”

“Oh, to be a fly on the wall.”

“Yeah, well. We were always naked in our dorm room at night. Sometimes we would just lie on one bed or the other and study, and sometimes we would ... well. Sometimes it was both.”

“You’d make love. I guess that means that any hopes I had with her are now down the drain.”

“You damned straight. She’s my girl.”

We got to the airport, and had to walk what seemed like a mile to the baggage claim. Before we got near it, Melissa spotted her lover and took off running, screaming her name. They embraced with a long passionate kiss. I walked up to them, and just stood there.

“Ahem,” I said. They broke the kiss, but not the embrace.

“Oh,” Melissa said. “Teri, this is my brother, Brad. Brad, Teri.”

“It’s nice to finally see you in the flesh.”

In the flesh didn’t half describe it. Teri had on a tube top, covered by a very thin blouse. In fact, it was see-thru. Her shorts would make a stripper blush. The waistline was down almost to the top of her mound, and the legs ... there were no legs. When she bent over to get her bags, the back of them slid up, revealing a little bit of her pussy lips. She didn’t look bashful to me. I had a big problem.

I tossed her bags in the trunk, and the girls got into the back seat. They were at it again before we were even out of the parking garage. I readjusted my rear-view mirror. I couldn’t see it all, but I have a vivid imagination about what I couldn’t.

I looked back again as soon as I got on the highway, and Teri’s head was pressed back into the seat. Her mouth was open, her eyes were shut, and her head slowly nodded back and forth. It wasn’t long before I heard a loud groan. There was also a strong aroma coming from back there.

When we got home, they stayed downstairs long enough to introduce Teri to Mom, then they disappeared until dinner time. They both sort of bounced down the stairs, and had big smiles on their faces. They both wore something similar to what Teri had on before.

“I can see that I’m going to have some buddies that will want to drop by a lot now,” I said, as we ate.

“They’ll be wasting their time,” Melissa said.

“It depends on how cute they are,” Teri added. “I have dated some cute ones before. If they’re as cute as you, I might.”

“Really?” I said. “I thought...”

“You thought that we were strict lesbians? No. We will date a cute man once in a while.”

“We felt that we had to, at first,” Melissa said. “We got to talking to a couple of other girls and found out that we didn’t. In fact, we found out that it was so liberal on campus that a girl and guy kissing will get in trouble, and a gay or lesbian couple won’t. I don’t think that’s fair, but I don’t make up the rules.”

“We made an agreement a long time ago,” Teri said. “We can date any man we want to, as long as we don’t make love to them.”

“That’s kind of risky,” Mom said. “What if you go out with a rapist?”

“We check them out thoroughly,” Melissa said. “We also have a backup plan. We have friends that will be nearby.”

“I still say it’s a risk.”

The girls cleared up after dinner, while Mom and I went to the family room to see what was on the tube. They went upstairs, and we thought they would just stay there. No. A little while later, they came down ready for bed. They had on see through nightgowns that had a strip of fabric across the top to hide their tits. The panties didn’t have a seat in them, and not much in the front. They cuddled at the other end of the couch from me.

“You two are determined to drive me crazy, right?” I said.

“Just watch your show,” Melissa said. “Don’t even think about us being here.”

“Yeah, right.”

During the movie break, they got up and went to the kitchen. As they got up, it seemed to me as if they purposely pointed their asses in my direction. That was bad enough, but the hems of their nightgowns didn’t drop until they stood up. They came back a little while later with two big bowls of popcorn.

“Hey Mom. Did you know that Brad has a cup in his room that he puts against my wall? He listens in on everything I do.”

“You sound as if that’s not a problem for you,” Mom said.

“No. I guess not. It doesn’t bother Teri either. I guess he has to learn somehow.”

“Learn what?” I asked.

“How a woman works, and how to pleasure her. Unfortunately, you’re not a fly.”

“I know where I can get one of those spy cameras that hooks up to my computer.”

“In that case, you may as well come in and watch us.”

“Is that a valid invitation?”

She looked at me a minute, with a smile on her face.


For the next few weeks, I was spending a lot of extra time in the shower ... with the cold water on. It seemed to me as if they were trying to really aggravate me with what they wore, and what they didn’t. The clothes got skimpier, and they were kissing, hugging, and touching each other more. I came into the kitchen once, and Melissa had her hand in Teri’s pants. One night, Melissa came out of her room just as I was going to mine.

“Hey. Do you still want to be a fly on the wall?”

“I lost my wings somewhere.”

“How about a fly in a chair then?”

“I could do that. Why?”

“Don’t ask questions. Get in here.”

She grabbed my arm and dragged me into her room. Teri was standing in the middle of the room, and Melissa went over to her, then wrapped her arms around her waist.

“Watch and learn,” she said, as she began to kiss Teri.

They stood in the middle of the floor kissing, and had their arms wrapped tightly around each other. The way their faces were mashed together, I couldn’t see how they could breathe. They finally broke that kiss, and that’s when the show began. They started undressing each other.

Their nightgowns were the first to go. Melissa’s hands slid up Teri’s sides as she pushed her top up and over her head. Her hands came down her friend’s front, stopping long enough to cup and caress her tits. Teri did the same to Melissa.

They embraced again. Melissa broke the kiss, then started down Teri’s body. She sucked in her nipples when she got to them, then headed farther down. She got to Teri’s waistband, and looped her tongue around it. She got it into her teeth, then pulled down, rubbing her nose on the girl’s mound as she went. She finally got them down and off.

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