A Loving Family - Cover

A Loving Family


Chapter 3: Mom's Turn

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 3: Mom's Turn - Jake is caught masturbating to a picture of his older sister. How much of trouble will that cause? A whole lot it turns out.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   mt/Fa   Consensual   Fiction   Incest   Mother   Son   Brother   Sister   First   Oral Sex  

Despite telling the girls that I’m coming up with a plan for dealing with mom, I couldn’t really come up with one that I was convinced would work.

Of course, we kept sneaking around. Whenever mom wasn’t home, we had free run of the house and did whatever we wanted. And night time activity was a regular thing. My balls were constantly drained. Servicing two highly sexual teenagers was hard work, but eventually after all the novelty wore out and we weren’t worried about mom catching us much, we settled on me having sex with one of my sisters every day, so the girls got a turn every other day. I usually ejaculated twice per day.

For over six months we had a good routine going on. I believe I was the most sexually satisfied sixteen-year-old man in town.

But even though were were careful, we were bound to be caught and it happened one night when Jenny was leaving my room. Mom was coming back from the kitchen for some reason at 4am in the morning and bumped into Jenny leaving my room naked.

The scream that came out of mom’s mouth could have woken up the dead.


I jumped out of bed and frantic to stop mom from totally losing it, I rushed out of my room into the hallway to find mom pounding with her fist on cowering Jenny’s back.

I wrapped my arms around mom to stop her from hurting Jenny and carried her to her room. I fell on her bed with her still wrapped in my arms and did my best to avoid her kicking legs.

Thru the door came Louise holding Jenny in her arms.

They turned on the bedside lamp bathing the room in a dim yellow light.

Mom was still struggling.

I kept my arms around her and wrapped my legs around hers to keep her from kicking too much.

“I love you mom.” I kept repeating in her ear, trying to calm her.

“Everything will be OK. You have to calm down. This is not good.”

It took nearly five minutes for mom to become too tired to physically fight. When she couldn’t struggle anymore, the crying started. Mom kept sobbing for a good fifteen minutes, meanwhile, Jenny and Louise sat on the far side of the bed and waited for her to calm down.

I kept up my attempt at reassuring her and calming her down.

“Why?” Mom asked few minutes after she stopped sobbing and soon after I had relaxed my bear-hug around her arms.

“Huh?” Came from three mouths simultaneously. We didn’t know who she was asking.

“Why Jenny? Why did you do that too?”

“I love Jake. Jake loves me. I trust him. He makes me feel really really good. I’ve never had it that good with anybody else.”

“But he’s your brother.”


“You can’t fuck your own brother. That’s sick.”

Mom’s words were coming out really tired. She seemed to be resigned to the fact now but seemed to be trying to find a rationale for our unusual behaviour.

“It’s unusual, yes.” Admitted Jenny, “but it’s far from sick.”

“Incest is sick.”

“That’s what society thinks. But our experience is different. There is nothing sick about what we’ve been doing.”

“Incest is sick.” Repeated mom.

“It’s not!” Replied Jenny and Louise almost at the same time.

“Your brother is raping you. It’s sick and perverted.”

“He didn’t rape me.” Replied Jenny, “I went to his room with my own two feet the first time. It’s been consensual all the way from the start between the three of us.”

“It’s unconventional, we admit,” said Louise, “but it’s not sick, it’s not by force and it’s been beautiful and perfect.”

Mom was a thirty-nine-year-old, somewhat chubby blonde. She had raised us on her own after my father died ten years ago. She did a great job if I can express my totally biased opinion on the matter. And she’s been alone ever since. She never brought anybody home as she was worried about our reaction and the fact that strange men tended not to care much out children who weren’t their own.

“You guys can’t keep doing this. It’s unnatural. I can’t stand by and watch my own kids engage in highly immoral, disgusting, and let alone illegal behaviour. I’ll have to take you to the shrink again all of you. Including Jenny now.”

“Mom, don’t waste your money and effort.” I said from behind her head. “Louise, Jenny and I love each other and no matter what you do or what the shrink says, we’ll stay with each other. We’ll keep doing this. Whether you accept it or not, we’ll keep doing it. Anything you do will make things harder for everybody. You and us.”

“What are you talking about?”

“Mom,” interjected Louise before I had a chance to answer, “Mom, I love Jake. I know he’s my brother, but he’s the most caring lover I could imagine having.”

“Stop referring to your brother as your lover! He should never be your lover. You’re siblings, you can’t be lovers.”

“Mom, shut up and listen!” Yelled Jenny.

Mom was taken aback with Jenny’s tone.

“Mom,” I said, “We’re hurting no one. We care for each other more than any stranger would ever care for us. We started this by accident and we would like to continue it. We know it’s not forever. We have no illusions about permanent sexual relationships with each other. No marriage plans, no plans for kids, nothing too weird. But for now we’re having fun and we’re satisfying each other’s needs until we find that somebody special that we’ll spend the rest of our lives with. Which is better, picking somebody while you don’t have uncontrollable needs? Or trying to pick someone while under great physical need to just go with anybody?”

“It’s still wrong.”

“I know it’s wrong by societal standards. We also know why those standards exist. They are the way they are to discourage the hidden abuse. There is no abuse here. Just love. Nobody is being forced. We’re all participating very willingly.”

“Doesn’t matter.”

“I does matter. What we do in our family is our business and nobody else’s. What are you planning to do? Tell the police? Tell the shrink? What would they think? You raised us and we turned out this way. How far would be the idea that you had something to do with it be?”

Mom didn’t answer. I waited and waited and no answer was coming. I knew from what the shrink let slip that mom was feeling guilty about this.

“Will you accept what we’re doing?” I finally asked.

“I don’t seem to have a choice.”

“You do, but it’s not a good choice. If you tell, you may end up in jail as Jenny and I are still minors. Louise would go live on her own. Jenny and I would be sent to live in foster care and god knows who may abuse us. And you would probably end up in jail. So you have a choice, but the options all suck. The safest option is to accept what we’re doing and do nothing about it. We get our needs fulfilled by each other until we need to and then move on when we grow up or simply find a good option. This way, we don’t lose each other and we stay together as a loving family.”

Mom didn’t say anything for a while.

I could feel her body relaxing within my arms. She relaxed so much that her round ass came in contact with my crotch area with no movement on my end. She didn’t seem to even realize it.

I made eye contact with my sisters and motioned for them to go. So they started moving.

“Good night mom,” Said Louise, “We’ll let you think things thru. We’re all tired and need our rest, especially you. Don’t forget, we love you very much and we love each other very much. We want to stay together with you. We can’t imagine life away from you. Please mom, consider everything before you decide what you’ll do.”

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