Latin for Beginners - Cover

Latin for Beginners

by Angie

Copyright© 2021 by Angie

Erotica Sex Story: A man picks up another at a bar

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Ma   Consensual   Gay   Anal Sex   Oral Sex   .

Then I saw him, there he stood. His head was down, his hair a dark curtain covering his eyes. My gaze lingered on him for an instant, his head tilted to the side a little bit, so that one eye peaked out of his dark hair. He looked directly into my eyes. My drink stopped at my parted lips, I felt foolish, blushing, I swallowed hard and set the drink down on the table in front of me. Gathering my courage up, my eyes drifted down the rest of his body. He wore a black net long sleeve shirt, his upper body was totally visible through the netting. I could see the chiseled look of his chest, the dark circles and glint of silver where his nipples stood out against the material. His legs were encased in what looked like broken in black leather, tightly buckled at the waist with a silver buckle. Black biker boots with small silver buckles on the sides rounded out the package. Both of his hands were stuffed into the front pockets of his pants, his shoulders were down and rounded, sorta like a little kid who knows he’s done something wrong and is just waiting for the punishment.

When my eyes had made it back up to his face, he had moved his head a little more to the side and back so that I could see his entire face. He was looking right back at me. I hope he likes what he is seeing, I thought to my self as I straightened out my shoulders and sat up a little straighter. A small smile curved the corners of his mouth, and I blushed again. I don’t usually go to clubs alone, but my date had canceled and I had just sorta wondered in.

The guy had taken his hands out of his pockets and placed them against the wall behind him, fingers spread out near his hips, palms against the brick. He looked like he was about to push off the wall, but he stayed there, looking at me with that half smile on his lips. When my heart stopped beating so fast and my breath came easily again, I realized that he was waiting for an invitation. Fear bloomed in my stomach, what the hell was I doing, did I really want this to happen?? I looked down at my hand on the glass and realization dawned warm and comforting in my groin. I looked back up at him, he had raised his eyebrows a little, sort of a question mark in his eyes. I nodded at him and the question left his eyes and a smile took its place. He pushed off the wall, winked at me and turned around and strode out the door of the club. So I was supposed to follow him, did I dare? Fear doubt and an incredible electric feeling hit my stomach again, I stood up and downed the rest of the drink in one gulp. I walked quickly to the door, pushing out into the warm air. The noise level went down considerably. There he was, just turning the corner to where my car was parked. I followed. The parking lot was not lit very well, lights at either end of the building where you either spiraled up or down to the next level, but no lights in between. He was leaning against my car, waiting for me. I got a better look at him up close, it was still dark but I my eyes were getting adjusted.

He had small silver nipple rings and no hair on his chest. His smile revealed perfectly white teeth. His hair was black, shining and just past his shoulders. He had one hand in his front pocket and the other was leaning against the top of my car, bent at the elbow his hand cradling his head. I did not know what to say.

I pulled keys out of my jeans and walked around to the passenger side of the car, the side he was on. His hip was pressed against the door handle. I held the key out in front of his groin and made a stab at the lock. I missed, the key clattered against the paint on the door. I could feel his eyes on me, I looked up nervously at his face, the keys jangling slightly in my hand. He really did have perfect teeth, they were all showing in the smile he was wearing. The hand that was in his pocket came out and lightly touched my hand that was holding the keys. I felt a bolt of electricity shoot up my arm and go directly to my lower stomach. I dropped the keys. They lay right on his silver buckled boot. I smiled nervously and bent my knees, going straight down the front of his body to retrieve the keys. His boot moved slightly so that the keys fell between his boots. I swallowed on a dry throat and got my hand around the key ring. My face was directly in front of his crotch, the leather smelled warm and rich. As I was standing up, I let my hand stay between his legs, softly raking the key up the inside of his leg. When I got to groin, I scraped up the front of his thigh and looked into his face again. I felt more power, more control.

His eyes were closed and his mouth was slightly open, his hips had pushed forward a little. But I could still hit the key hole. The key slide into the lock, I turned it and brushed the front of his pants with my knuckles. Again I felt the bolt go up my arm and straight to my cock. He leaned closer and whispered something in my ear. Was it Latin? I didn’t understand it. He simply smiled and opened the car door. He folded himself into my little sports car. I ran around to the drivers side. He had reached across and unlocked my door. I got in and noticed how big he looked in my car, he looked uncomfortable. I reached between his legs and found the control that moved the seat back, my elbow was brushing against his cock as I struggled to move the knob from my position. It finally let go and swept him back about 15 inches. He stretched his legs out and sighed. I put the key in the ignition and paused to think of what I was doing. What was I doing? Where was this going? I looked again at his body, he was beautiful. I turned the ignition and put the car in reverse. I went to the spiral that went down and we were soon on the street, heading to my house.

It was incredibly hot in my car, he touched a button on the door and the window came down on his side. His hair flowed freely around his face and shoulders. I could smell him on the breeze, in the car. He smelled very masculine, with just a little polo. I wanted to touch him, taste him, get in really close and smell him. I struggled with all these emotions, and more. Did this mean I was gay? Had I been gay all along. Sex with My girlfriend had been satisfying, I came didn’t I? But I don’t think I had ever been this aroused at just the thought of touching someone. I wanted desperately to reach out to him, caress him. He hummed slightly, his eyes closed, his head turning slightly to catch the breeze.

It was a short drive, I live just outside the city. I rolled to a stop in my garage and pushed the button on my visor to close the door. I sat there waiting for something, anything. I was losing a battle with my self. He touched my leg, his hand was incredibly hot. I felt burned. A decision was made. I turned to him, there in the car, and looked into his eyes. They were a dark liquid brown. He looked at me expectantly, searching my face for some kind of clue. His hand still burned on my leg, he gave a small squeeze. I took his hand from my leg and brought it up to my mouth, brushing my lips across his knuckles. That’s when the dam burst inside me, I knew what I wanted and I knew how to get it. I got out of the car and headed for the door to the house. I heard his door shut and knew he was following me. I opened the door to the landing inside the house. From the landing you could go three ways, down to the basement, up to the second floor, or straight ahead to the kitchen. I chose the basement, I had a pool table, wet bar and a very comfortable leather couch down there. Not to mention the big screen and stereo. I could hear him padding down the stairs behind me. I turned on the light over the pool table and went to the bar and poured a white Zin, and offered it to him. He was looking at my stereo set up. He found the power and Nine Inch Nails started pumping out of it. He turned it down a little and turned to me with that big smile.

He took the Zin and offered it to my lips, I did not catch it all in my mouth, some escaped. He came in close, his body pressed to mine and licked the wine off of my chin and the corner of my mouth, I think that was the no turning back point. One of my hands found his ass and the other tangled in his hair. He set the glass down on the pool table and wrapped his arms around me. Both of his hands scratching down the small of my back and into my jeans. My mouth found his, it was hot and alive with electricity. I could feel small explosions rocking my head, my cock, my hips, my stomach, my mouth. He was licking my teeth, biting and sucking at my lips, reaching further into my mouth with his tongue.

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