Linda - Cover


by Agilum


Erotica Sex Story: The bar tender and the new waitress

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Fiction   Workplace   .

It all started with this new job I got to earn some extra money next to my life as a student. I was 25, and, like the vast majority of hot blooded males, I was highly interested in women.

My name doesn’t matter I think. What I am going to tell in this story are my memories of a special woman I met at this job, and then about what we did together...

Almost having finished my Masters Degree, I sometimes worked in a convention-centre. The work existed out of bar-work, serving people and things like that. The place where this convention-centre was located was a city with lots of students, so many of them worked in this centre as well. This caused me to meet many female students over there, which I liked very much, since I didn’t have a girlfriend.

When I met Linda, I was working in a very small bar. This nice woman of about 20 years walked towards me, smiled, blinked, and told me she had to work there as well.

I said, “Cool, I always like working with beautiful women like you,” and introduced myself to her.

We shook hands, she told me her name, and I gave her a little hand-kiss.

“Linda, a beautiful name for a beautiful woman,” I said.

She smiled again.

We had to work during the brakes of a show-program, organised for children and their parents. In between of the brakes, we had our brakes. It was easy work; very busy for about 30 minutes, followed by some cleaning and about an hour off.

We worked about an hour, when we were ready to take our brake. She asked me to join her to look at the show. She took me to a place where only the artists and supporting people were allowed to come. We could see the show, and while looking at it we talked. Our conversation was getting more intimate every minute. By now we were talking about how erotic it was, being together here, all alone from any other human being. I told her that I wouldn’t just be standing here if she was my girlfriend. She got the clue and asked me what I would do then. I looked at her again, this young woman. Long yellow-blond hair, tied together in a pony-tail. Beautiful blue-grey eyes and a erotic smile. Her body looked nice as well, not superb but very nice. I walked till I stood behind her, put my arms around her body holding her waist and I said, “I think I would be much more intimate with you right now, if we were a couple.”

She allowed me to keep my hands where I got them and said, “Oh really? But why do we have to be a couple to do that?”

While she said that she softly pushed her ass against my dick, which was semi-hard by now. My body pressed back towards her, without me eve being able to stop it if I wanted to. “Oh Linda,” I said, “actually I don’t know.”

After saying that I put one of my hands on her belly, pressing her closer against me. Our bodies were riding against each other and we were both moaning softly. My other hand started pulling her long blond air, pulling her head backwards. I started kissing her neck, keeping her head back with force.

I said, “Linda, you have made me feel so hot, now what are you going to do about that?”

While riding against me even harder she told me, “Me? I did this? It was you? And what you’ve started you have to finish!”

As she wished, I did. I turned her around. She was now facing me and my right hand was still holding her hair in her neck. I pulled her towards me and she pulled me towards her. Our bodies made contact again, and started riding against each other. Our mouths met and we started some heavy and wet kissing. We both moaned and wanted each other. While my left hand took her butt and pressed her against me hard I said, “Linda, I want you!”

She then pressed my body away, and her hand went down to start rubbing my cock. It felt like heaven, her hand on my rock-hard dick.

She replied to me saying, “And I want this! And I want it deep inside of me! And since women go always first...” and then she stopped talking. Perhaps it was because I had started pinching her nipples. She moaned loudly. We started kissing and we were moaning into each other mouths.

She then took action. Pushing me away she pulled my shirt out of my pants and started unbuttoning my pants. She then slid it down, leaving me with nothing else but my boxer. She went down on her knees and started feeling my dick through my underwear. I groaned again and put my hand in her neck, taking a good grip of her soft blond hair. Her hands put down my boxer and she looked at my dick.

“Oh it looks good,” she said. And her hands started masturbating me. She lowered her hair around my dick and then softly began to lick the head of my cock. I groaned and smiled, feeling her hair and her mouth on my dick. She sucked me in deep and then released me again in a rhythmic and slow tempo. In and out, and I felt her tongue under my shaft. She was pulling at my balls and sucking my dick deep into her mouth, this was to good to be true.

After some minutes I started feeling her tits. I felt average sized tits, with very hard nipples. I pinched here nipples and she groaned on my dick. The vibrations on my cock made me groan back, and she understood the signal. She started humming around my dick and while playing with her hair and tits I felt my orgasm cumin.

My dick went in and out of her mouth, faster and faster. She continued humming and suddenly I couldn’t hold back anymore.

I cried out, “Linda, I’m gonna come! Take me deeper.”

She started pulling me of with her hand while keeping my cock-head deep in her mouth. I felt the first blasts of cum fire out into her mouth. I fucked her now in her mouth and hand, making sure my seed wouldn’t fall on the ground. She swallowed it all, and after a minute I relaxed and started coming back on this earth. I looked at Linda, and she was still playing softly with my dick.

“That was great!” she said.

I pulled her up, and we started kissing again. I tasted my seed in her mouth, and when we pulled apart, a long string of saliva formed between our mouths.

Suddenly we realised that it was about time, and we cleaned up fast. We hurried back to our bar and arrived on time. Perfect. I wish I would have these kinds of breaks every day ... After the break, Linda and I cleaned and while doing that she started touching me again. Every time we passed each other she touched either my but or my dick. She was making me very hot again. I soon returned the favour and touched here as nice and intimate as possible. I had only touched her tits till then, so I started slowly. Pushing our bodies against each other every time we passed, when she bend over I softly pushed my dick against her ass and started riding her. By the time we were finished cleaning the both of us were about to explode.

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