Lisa - Cover



Chapter 59

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 59 - Lisa has been married for a long time and now bored with her life. She's looking for a change.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Mult   Consensual   Mind Control   Lesbian   BiSexual   Fiction   Sharing   Wife Watching   Anal Sex   Bestiality   Exhibitionism   Oral Sex  

The steak and mushrooms were delicious, and Gary a generous host with the wine bottle, refilling Lisa’s glass until her head was a little fuzzy. Realizing that this was the first meal she had had today, the lovely blond started sipping slowly, afraid that she might get more alcohol than her system could or would tolerate.

Simbe and Gary laughingly led the conversation through many topics, mirth bubbling from the table as the part African lady told some high tales of when her husband courted her. Simbe had been an actress and part time model when she had met Gary. He’d been working in Safe and Loft, a detective sergeant, and one of his cases involved the theft of some contracts and a small amount of bonds from her agents safe. Simbe’s contract was one of those stolen, and in the process of investigation, she and her future husband met.

“That man wouldn’t take no for an answer, either from me, of from my agent. He found out that the secretary took the files, and hid them, just to cause an uproar. It seems that my agent, married, was banging his secretary, and had promised that he was going to get a divorce and marry her. However, when the divorce didn’t take place, she caused problems that she’d later solve, to show him that he needed her more than he needed his wife.

“What happened to her?” Lisa asked Gary, bending forward until her bosom was almost fully exposed, and the pink nipple brushed against the folded hem of her neckline. Gary’s eyes were on her breasts as he answered her.

“The agent fired her, and then dropped all charges. Later his wife divorced him when she found out about him screwing his secretary for years. He’s got a new secretary, and I guess he’s banging her now.”

“All’s well that ends well,” Simbe said, “I got a husband and lover, my agent’s got a new secretary to bang and I’m about as full as a tick from dinner. Let’s all jump up and help me clear the table, and then we’ll have some liqueurs after dinner with our coffee.”

The three shuttled dishes from the table to the kitchen while the coffee perked, loading the dish washer and set out coffee cups and liqueur glasses.

Relaxing in the living room with Drambuie and coffee, the conversation continued, with both Simbe and Lisa teasing Gary. Simbe with words while Lisa teased him with her body, occasionally allowing him a peek at a nipple, or crossing and uncrossing her legs, to allow him a look at the softly shaded valley between her sleek thighs.

“You know what I’d like to do right now?” Simbe remarked.


“Let’s go skinny dipping in the hot tub. We’ll bring our coffee and liqueurs and just go naked. Have you got any hang-ups about nudity, Lisa?”

“Not even one little hang up. I like to take my clothes off, remember? On top of that, I’m smashed. Maybe the water would sober me up a little.”

“Far out,” the dark husband grinned. “I can’t wait until I see the rest of this blond bomb shell’s body. She’s been showing me bits and pieces all night, so now’s her chance to show me the whole body in one piece.”

“Hell,” the blond shrugged her shoulders, her head swimming from the effects of the alcohol, “Anybody that want’s to see my body, all they have to do is ask! I didn’t think you even noticed.”

“That’ll be the day, when he doesn’t notice a beautiful lady. He’s been nursing a hard all night, but I don’t know if it’s you or me that he’s after.”

“Ladies, ladies,” Gary held up his hand. “Let us not quibble about for who the bell tolls, let us instead, enjoy the clapper.

The girls burst into laughter as he stood, his fly unable to conceal the outline of his hard prick, as he bowed to them, sweeping his hand in a grand gesture. “I shall retire to the master bedroom, to shower and don a robe. I shall then meet you lovely ladies in the hot tub.”

He turned and sauntered toward the stairs, and then calling over his shoulder.

“Last one in is a rotten egg.” He broke into a run, up the stairs.

Simbe bounced to her feet, and ran to the end of the living room, drew the heavy drapes, and opening the wide glass sliding door to an alcove outside.

The hot tub was centered in a tile covered area in the alcove, and Simbe opened a door to a cabinet, handing Lisa a hanger for her gown.

“Here you are dear, hang your dress up here and I’ll get our drinks. Meet you in the pool.”

As the African beauty sauntered off, Lisa bent and tested the water with her fingers. Steam rose softly swirling above the surface as Lisa found the water pleasantly hot, and with five quick flicks of her fingers, pulled off her robe and hung it on the hanger as Simbe returned with the drinks on a tray from the now pitch black living room where she had turned off the lights as she came out with the bottle and drink tray.

“Holy moly lady, no wonder my man has a hard on. Looking at a body like yours, I’d have a hard on too. You should never wear clothes, you ought to just go around displaying your body for all to admire,” Simbe said as she set the tray down by the side of the pool.

Lisa blushed at her compliments, stepping quickly over the edge and putting her foot into the water slowly. It was almost too hot, and she jumped when the tub hissed and then a cascade of bubbles swirled around beneath the water to pop on the surface.

“It feels good on the skin when the bubbles hit you,” Simbe explained as she took off her kaftan, standing proudly naked and preparing to get into the water with her blond friend.

Her breasts, conical in shape and topped with nipples the size of cherries, wobbled on her chest firmly, as she advanced into the water.

“Seeing you nude, Simbe, makes my mouth go dry. You’re one of the most beautiful ladies I ever saw, and your figure is stupendous. I don’t know about a hard on, but you make my clit throb just looking at you.”

“Ain’t this a mutual admiration society, though,” Simbe giggled in an African street accent as the two, one light coffee, one all cream, leaned down entering the tub until only their necks and heads protruded from the water.

Lisa leaned back, her head resting on the redwood of the edge of the tub, her eyes half closed looking upwards and enjoying the water when she heard a Tarzan yell.

Gary, on the balcony above, clad in a white terry cloth robe, and swung his leg over the railing and started climbing down the ladder leading from the balcony to the deck of the hot tub enclosure. His sexual organs exposed, his ass still wet from the shower as he climbed down the rungs of the ladder.

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