Lisa - Cover



Chapter 58

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 58 - Lisa has been married for a long time and now bored with her life. She's looking for a change.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Mult   Consensual   Mind Control   Lesbian   BiSexual   Fiction   Sharing   Wife Watching   Anal Sex   Bestiality   Exhibitionism   Oral Sex  

A few minutes at the checkout desk, and Lisa was in the back seat of the unmarked police car. A short ride north along Lake Michigan brought them to a modern townhouse two stories high, the Lieutenant parking in the spot by the garage.

Gary helped her from the back seat, opening the door with no inside handles, and grabbing her bags, escorted her to the front door with the older detective following. Opening the front door, the sergeant motioned her inside with a tilt of his head.

Lisa entered a small foyer, and then into a well furnished living room, while the sergeant climbed the staircase with her bags. Lisa plopped onto the couch, until the sergeant returned, looking at the decor.

Primitive painting on the wall, natural wood carvings of African design, dyed black, and some large leafed tropical plants in brass and copper planters made the room most attractive and warmly primitive.

Gary returned to the room with his wife, a part African beauty with curly hair, large limpid eyes and a slim figure.

His wife’s tan shirt and tan shorts fitted her full breasted figure to perfection, her ass straining the fabric of the shorts with the curvaceous half moons defined by the crease. If Gary’s skin was the color of coffee with heavy whipping cream added, then his wife had the whole pint poured in the cup.

She advanced gracefully to Lisa and stuck out her hand.

“I’m Simbe. Welcome to our home. Gary tells me that you’re going to be our guest for a week or so. Let’s you and I go upstairs and let these two guardians of vice and the law return to their jobs, while you and I get acquainted.”

Lisa was almost pulled to her feet by the smiling wife, and following her host, she turned grinning at the Sergeant.

“You certainly have good taste in your women Gary, your wife is so lovely. I think I’m going to like staying on vacation here.”

Her eyes dropped back to the front of his fly, staring hard at the outline of his cock as she let Simbe pull her upstairs. Simbe led Lisa into the master bedroom, and flouncing onto the king sized bed, looked up at her guest.

“Gary tells me that you’re not a vice cop, not a cop at all, but you’re a private citizen working with him and Bob to get some information on a hooker ring. How in the world did you ever get mixed up in this?”

“I can’t talk about it, ask Gary if you want to know more, but for now, let’s just be friends. How did you ever get such a lovely name as Simbe?” Lisa asked her black friend.

Simbe giggled, “My mother named me after the lion, Simba, but she couldn’t spell worth a damn, so I turned out to be Simbe. I was born in August and I was already a Leo so Simbe turned out just right for me.”

“I love it,” Lisa giggled in return.

“It suits you to a tee. You’d make a fine lion, or should I say lioness, because with that figure, you couldn’t possibly be a lion.”

Simbe laughed, and sitting on the bed, offered to help Lisa unpack her things. Leading her to the adjoining bedroom, the tawny lady helped Lisa hang her things in the closet, admiring her choice in clothing, rolling her eyes in mock outrage at the sexy under things, until the two were convulsed in giggles. “Come into the kitchen with me, and help me fix dinner for the master of the house.”

“Pick out a bottle of wine for us do drink while we work on dinner, and while you’re at it, pick a red for dinner. We’re having steak and salad, and mushrooms. Nothing very fancy, I’m afraid, but I didn’t know you were coming.”

Lisa fiddled with the table in the dining room, setting for three, drinking a chilled glass of Riesling, chilled with an ice cube, while Simbe washed the salad and prepared the steaks with some marinade.

“Let’s go in and sit in the other room and relax until Gary gets home. He’s usually home about seven or seven thirty, and we mostly eat about eight. I try to plan meals that I can cook after he gets home, since with this job he sometimes works late. He’s on days this week, but tomorrow he starts on nights, and then he doesn’t get home until after two or three. I don’t know why that man got into Vice, he’s the biggest cock hound I ever met,” Simbe said, smiling.

Lisa giggled, “You mean he really likes his pussy?”

Simbe snorted, “Listen Lisa, all that man ever thinks about is pussy. That smooth bastard is the biggest cock hound on the force, and I ought to know. I’ve dated most of the black officers on the force, and a double handful of the pale variety too, before we settled down and got married. He’s even a legend on the force, and it’s filled to the brim with pussy hungry bastards.”

“Does he still fool around now that you’re married?” Lisa asked her new friend.

“Fool around, hell,” Simbe giggled, “He don’t fool around, he gets right down into it.

“Sure he fools around on me, but I knew he would when we got married, and we both decided that what the other one did when we were apart, was his or her own business, and I can fool around a little on the side if I want too, just in case some good looking stud turns me on.”

“I love that horny bastard, and he loves me, so a little strange stuff in his life or mine doesn’t fuck up our marriage.”

“Sounds reasonable to me,” Lisa nodded.

“As long as a little adventure once in a while doesn’t get either of you in trouble with the other, then I think it’s fantastic. And, speaking of being in trouble, can I use you phone to make a call to my husband?”

Simbe looked at Lisa.

“Gary said that you weren’t to make any calls, but what the hell, you make any calls you want, and it will be a secret between us two. I won’t tell if you won’t tell.”

Lisa hugged her friend, and giggled.

“I’ll put the calls on my credit card, that way he’ll never know.”

Simbe told her to use the phone in the bedroom. Lisa called the Clark Hotel, asked for room 1410, telling Bill that she was staying with a girl friend for the week, while he was still in school. He laughed and told her she was telling him a story, and was probably staying with a boy friend.

“Have a good time on your vacation, honey, and don’t let him wear our that tight little wet pussy of yours. I’m going to wear out Sherry’s pussy tonight, wish you could be here to join in with us. You have a good time and I’ll see you later.”

After discussing that they would leave each other messages at the hotel desk if needed, Lisa told Bill she loved him and hung up, very much relieved at his attitude over her being away from him for the week. She felt a tenderness for her husband well up and even grinned at herself in the mirror before she left for the downstairs living room.

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