Lisa - Cover



Chapter 51

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 51 - Lisa has been married for a long time and now bored with her life. She's looking for a change.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Mult   Consensual   Mind Control   Lesbian   BiSexual   Fiction   Sharing   Wife Watching   Anal Sex   Bestiality   Exhibitionism   Oral Sex  

Lisa leisurely finished her second cup of coffee, left a tip and walked to the cashier’s desk at the front of the restaurant. Paying for her breakfast with a big bill, Lisa collected her change and walked out on the sidewalk, hailing a cruising cab. Wistfully, she realized that the driver was not her lover from the airport and the lake.

Arriving for the second time, Lisa bypassed the front desk and went directly to the elevators, pushing the button for Bill’s room, thinking that he’d had enough time to get rid of his over night lover by now.

She tapped on his door with quiet knuckles, the old shave and a haircut rap that they used since before they were married.

“I’m so glad that you’re here,” Bill grabbed her in his arms and kissed her, “I’ve missed you.”

She looked around the cleaned up room noting that even the bed was made and there was no trace of Sherry, her husband’s ebony haired lady friend of the night.

She glanced at her watch and asked Bill what time he had to be in school.

“Got to leave in a few minutes, school starts at nine thirty, and we’ve just got time for breakfast.”

“Dearest, I had breakfast on the plane, now I need sleep.”

“In that case, I’ll meet you here at the hotel about five.” “Why don’t I catch a cab and meet you at the school when you get off, and we can have a couple of cocktails, then come back to the hotel to change clothes and have dinner, “Lisa smiled at her lecherous husband.

“That’s too much trouble, let’s meet in the hotel bar. All the other students are staying here, and we like to have a few drinks after class. I’ll meet you in the bar instead.”

“Great idea, now you run along and get smart, while I bed down and get some sleep. Lock the door on your way out and leave the Do Not Disturb sign on the door, will you dear?”

After Bill left, Lisa showered and slid between the sheets, cuddled up onto herself and dropped into a deep and dreamless sleep.

The phone rang, Lisa fumbled and groped for the instrument, lifting it from the cradle.

“Hello Lisa, it’s me. I thought I’d call and let you know that we’ll get out of school at four, so I’ll see you in the Blue Boar about four thirty,” her husband’s voice announced to her sleepy ear.

“If your still in bed you’d better get up and dressed, ‘cause I’m bringing the school bunch with me, and I want you to look your best. See you in about an hour.”

Lisa sauntered into the Blue Boar Bar a little early, perched on a stool at the bar and ordered a martini from the barkeep. The bar was almost empty, a few patrons scattered at a couple of tables, and she was alone at the bar.

“Are you here for the photographer’s convention, or the guy’s from the computer school?” the bartender asked as he placed her martini on a small cocktail napkin.

“The school,” Lisa smiled at him.

“Now that’s a lively group. I’ve been with them all this week, and they do like to have their fun. You ought to do all right with that bunch. I know most of them by name if you need an opener. I’d be glad to introduce you, and get you started.” Lisa realized that the bartender thought that she must be a call girl or a hooker. The idea tickled her fancy, and she played with her martini stem, running her fingers along the length of the glassware erotically.

“Do you really think I’ll do all right with the schoolboy’s?” Lisa smiled at him.

“You know how they are when they get away from home and the wife and kids. All they want to do is show pictures of the family and buy me a drink or two. They really don’t want to fuck.”

“Guaranteed action,” he smiled back at her, “this group is all live wires. They have a few drinks before dinner, eat right here, go upstairs and study for a couple of hours and then back here to close the bar. A couple of them have been banging the cocktail waitress and they’ve all been trying to make all the girls in here the last two weeks, so I figure that you’ll get at least a couple of them tonight if that’s your pleasure.” “Both at the same time, or one after the other?” Lisa batted her ice blue eyes at the bartender seductively.

“Whatever,” he grinned at her, “If I wasn’t working tonight, I’d take you on myself. Maybe a couple of times!”

“If I wasn’t working tonight, I’d take you on myself, more than a couple of times!” Lisa shot back at him as he left to take care of another customer at the end of the bar.

Lisa smiled to herself, the bartender thought she was a hooker out to lay a couple of customers. The more she thought about it, the funnier it got. She wondered if she and Bill could make his school mates think that she wasn’t his wife, but instead was a hooker. It might be quite an adventure after all.

After all, a hooker fucked for money, and if she really did enjoy fucking, she could lower her price and get more cock than she could handle.

The more she thought about her idea, the more it excited her. The thought of being able to fuck for money, enjoy herself, and have her husband involved too, started her motor running.

She could pretend to be a high cost hooker, pitch the guy’s from the computer school, fuck around a little with them, and maybe even get her husband involved in a little gang bang. That might be the ultimate adventure to end all adventures.

She saw Bill and the rest of his group enter the bar, turned away and waited until they were seated, and then catching Bill’s eye, slowly shook her head and put her finger to her lips.

Bill looked puzzled, but didn’t jump up to grab her, or even say hello. In a few minutes she called the bartender over and indicating her husband, asked if the bartender would call him over and introduce him.

“You mean Bill. That’s his name. He’s one of the live wires of the group. I’ll tell the cocktail waitress to have him come to the bar for a message, and then I’ll introduce the two of you. What’s your name, honey.”

Lisa giggled, “My name’s Honey. How did you guess?”

Lisa watched the cocktail waitress lean over and whisper to Bill, and his eyes went to the bartender. The cocktail waitress wiggled her saucy bottom at Bill as she walked away from her conversation with him.

Bill went to the bar and talked to the bartender for a moment and then came down to where Lisa sat.

“Bill, Honey, Honey, Bill. You two talk for a minute and I’ll get you a drink Bill,” the bartender left the two of them while he mixed drinks for the crowd.

“Will you tell me, what in the hell is going on here? The bartender tells me that he has a hooker that wants to talk to me, and you pretend you don’t even know me. What game are you playing now, Lisa?”

“I thought it would be fun to fool the bartender and maybe your friends for a little while. When I sat down at the bar, the bartender thought I was a hooker, and I went along with the gag. Why don’t you go along with it too, and let’s see what happens. It might lead to an adventure or two.”

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