Lisa - Cover



Chapter 47

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 47 - Lisa has been married for a long time and now bored with her life. She's looking for a change.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Mult   Consensual   Mind Control   Lesbian   BiSexual   Fiction   Sharing   Wife Watching   Anal Sex   Bestiality   Exhibitionism   Oral Sex  

Giving her coat to the flight attendant, Lisa settled into her seat, wondering if she would be able to sleep at all. She had slept all day, and woke at seven that evening, just in time to throw clothes into her two bags and dash to the airport. Lisa was feeling hungry, and hoped that some sort of dinner would be coming soon.

“Champagne or orange juice?” the stewardess asked.

“Champagne, please.” Lisa smiled back at her, and was given a brimming glass of the foaming wine to sip. The sexy blonde wife loved champagne, feeling that it was the most sensuous of all the wines.

While sipping, Lisa glanced around the forward cabin, watching the bustle of passengers boarding, and the efficiency of the crew. One of the male passengers boarded just before the door closed, and the stewardess indicated the seat next to Lisa. The male seated himself, got a glass of champagne and taking a book from his black bag, settled down to read.

Lisa, a little irked that he had not even given her a glance, took her compact from her handbag, looking at herself. Her icy blue hued eyes were clear, eye shadow on, lashes darkened, lips soft and tinted with lipstick, blush hinting at pink cheeks and the overall effect was quite good.

There was absolutely no reason that any handsome man, or even an ugly one for that matter, shouldn’t be turning hand springs to get only a smile from her.

Lisa listened and watched as the attendant demonstrated the safety precautions, and listened to the captain’s voice as he assured the passengers that they were about to take off. The large jet accelerated on the runway and with creaks and thumps, the landing gear and flaps were raised and the aircraft climbed swiftly into the night sky.

When the no smoking sign went off, Lisa thumbed through the airline magazine, listless and looking for diversion from the boredom of the flight. Her companion paid her no attention, and that irritated Lisa even more.

When the seat belt sign was turned off, Lisa left her seat, having to almost climb over her seatmate to get to the aisle, headed for the bathroom, closing and locking the door behind her. Pulling her dress up, reaching for the elastic band at the top of her panties, Lisa rolled them down over her lush hips and squatted on the john, peeing heavily into the metal of the toilet.

Finished, she drew paper, wiped her groin dry, pulling her panties up and dress down over her hips. Washing her hands, Lisa renewed her make up, combed her hair again and returned to her seat, brushing past the legs of her seatmate.

As she settled into the seat, she allowed her dress to pull high on her luscious thighs, deciding to put on a show, hoping to get some attention from her companion.

Glancing at his profile from the corner of her eye, Lisa saw him looking at her legs, and turned suddenly to face him, putting out her hand to him.

“Hi. My name is Lisa, what’s yours.”

“How do you do, Lisa. I’m Peter Weston.”

They shook hands slowly then Lisa asked, “Do you have any idea when we’ll eat? I’m starved.”

“First another drink, and then as soon as we reach our cruise altitude, we’ll get fed,” Peter assured her.

They continued small talk after having another cocktail, Lisa stuck to her champagne and Peter had a scotch and water. Lisa learned that Peter was a pilot for the airline and was dead heading home to Chicago after completing a series of flights. They talked about the airlines during dinner and also during after dinner drinks. Peter told her that he was married and lived outside of Chicago in the southeast part of the City. When the stewardess offered coffee, Lisa asked if she could have her tray removed, and she would hold the coffee. With the tray folded and stowed, Lisa squirmed, kicking her shoes off, folding her legs beneath her, and sat partially sideways, skirt riding high on the lushness of her thighs while she sipped her coffee and looked at Peter over the rim of her cup.

The glances he sent to her thighs were not lost to Lisa, and she moved her legs occasionally to keep his interest while touching his arm when she wanted to make a point in her conversation. After a second cup of coffee, the stewardess dimmed the lights while most of the passengers took pillows and blankets and attempted sleep.

They continued to talk quietly, Lisa asking what it was like living in hotels most of the time that Peter was away from home, and soon she questioned her handsome companion about his love life away from home.

“I’ll bet your sex life is just fine with all the attractive stewardess’s staying at the hotels with you. How often do you take one or more of the airline girls to bed, Peter?”

Her direct question startled Peter.

“I’m married,” he said.

“I’m married too, but I’m not dead. Just because I’m married doesn’t mean I don’t enjoy sex. If a nice looking man asks me, and I’m feeling horny, then sometimes I say yes. If a nice woman asked you if you wanted a blow job, what would you say?” “Jesus, Lisa. You really get to the point, don’t you. I don’t know what I’d say, since I’ve never had a nice looking lady ask me that,” Peter said with a sly grin.

“Well, you just think about it while I try to settle down and get some sleep,” Lisa told him, standing to get a pillow from the overhead compartment, making sure that he had a good view of her ass, wriggling a little as she went to tip toes to obtain a pillow. She knew it always paid to advertise.

Lisa squirmed back into her seat, facing Peter, again drawing her legs up, skirt riding high on her thighs and placing her head on her forearm, using the pillow for support. She closed her eyes and was soon breathing heavily and slowly, pretending sleep.

After a while, Lisa slowly peered from slitted eyes at Peter. He sat looking at her thighs, partially facing her, a puzzled expression on his handsome face, and Lisa knew that he was thinking about their conversation. Still pretending sleep, Lisa snuggled farther into the seat, feeling the hem of her tight dress ride even higher on her thighs until her legs were bare almost to her crotch. Her eyes glued to the zipper of his dark trousers.

Even in the semi darkness, Lisa could see the bulge of his prick, and she watched it swell beneath the fabric. First the fabric raised and Lisa could discern the head of his prick and the long shaft, then as she continued to watch, she could see it throb and continue growing, snaking its way down the leg of his trousers. Lisa suppressed a grin as she imagined just how horny he was. She made a small sound as if in sleep, and dropped one hand to the top of her thigh, squirming again, with one finger of her lax hand, pulled her hem upwards until her forefinger touched the smoothness of the crotch of her panties, feeling the wetness with the back of her finger.

Peter suppressed a small groan as he stared at her. She looked as if she was asleep, but was she? He looked around the first class cabin, seeing everyone else bedded down for the night. The stewardess, seeing him move, came to his seat.

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