Lisa - Cover



Chapter 43

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 43 - Lisa has been married for a long time and now bored with her life. She's looking for a change.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Mult   Consensual   Mind Control   Lesbian   BiSexual   Fiction   Sharing   Wife Watching   Anal Sex   Bestiality   Exhibitionism   Oral Sex  

“Look what I found knocking at our door,” Cindy grinned at the group sitting on the floor around the hot tub.

“Let me introduce Billy. This is Lisa, and Mary, and Ten, and you know both Ezra and Jerry, and I’m Cindy. Now, how about a glass of champagne, or would you rather have a brandy?”

“Brandy sounds fine, if it’s not any trouble for you.” Billy slapped hands with Jerry and Ezra and nodded to the girls. He stepped over to Ten and shook hands, then seated himself, legs crossed by Mary Wong’s side.

Cindy brought a brandy glass for the small black person by the tub, handing him the amber liquid filled glass, seating herself at his side, her robe falling partially open.

Cindy’s fantastic figure, silken skin, red hair in soft waves around her face, full lips smiling, swelling breasts peeking out from her robe, breasts at Billy’s eye level, full pink nipples peeking from the silken fabric,

Billy stared at the red headed, almost nude waitress, until Lisa spoke to him, diverting his attention from Cindy.

“You’re the first midget I’ve ever met,” Lisa smiled at the small black man across the sunken tub.

“Before I do something dumb, like telling a midget joke, are you sensitive about your height?”

Billy took a sip of the brandy, looking Lisa full in the face.

“Lisa, I’m not sensitive about my height or anything else. I’ve already heard all of the short jokes that can be told, and I’m just here to have a good time. I’m not a midget, however, I’m a dwarf. There is a difference you know.”

Mary Wong tossed her long black hair, and asked, “What is the difference between a midget and a dwarf? All I know is that both are small, but are there any other differences”

Billy smiled at the pretty Chinese girl, “A midget is a perfectly formed person, just small in stature, but a dwarf is small in some parts of his or her body and normal in others. For example, my hands and feet are normal size, but my legs are short. My torso is shorter than normal but my head is about average, and I can wear a size seven hat”

Lisa looked Billy in the eyes, “You’ve named all of the parts, except the ones I’m most interested in. Just what are your dimensions in that area?”

Billy grinned, “Those dimensions are just fine, thank you for asking. If you really want to know, I’ll tell you this, that those dimensions are bigger than my hat size.”

Lisa gave him a wicked grin, “And if your hat size is seven and your bigger in other dimensions, then I don’t know why you’re keeping your dimensions under your hat, so to speak.” Cindy giggled, “How tall are you, Billy?”

“Thirty six and one quarter inches high in my stocking feet, which was great when ladies wore mini skirts, but it’s not as good now.”

Cindy giggled at Billy, “I bet that it’s fun in a crowded elevator.”

“You’re not going to bring up that old joke about the midget sticking his nose in everybody’s business, are you,” Billy sighed with exasperation.

“I’ll tell you this, lying down, I’d be taller than any of the ladies here!”

Ezra laughed along with the others, “Billy, these girls are all dying to ask you how big your thing is, they just don’t want to offend you. Why don’t we get down to the business at hand, and let them find out.”

Billy took another slow pull at the glass of brandy, looked sideways at Cindy and said with a mischievous grin, “Is this another one of those ‘I’ll show you mine if you’ll show me yours’. Because if you want to see my naked body, you have to get naked too. It seems like you and I are the only two here with clothes on our bodies.”

Cindy giggled like a naughty little girl, and pulled the soft robe from her shoulders, letting it fall to the floor, her body full and exciting, breasts trembling with her slow movements, nipples hard and pink standing from her generous tits, erect and indicating her heavy erotic passion.

“Now we’re all nude but you, I’ve shown you mine, now I’d like to see yours.”

“Not so fast, pretty lady. Everyone here is undressed now, so when I take my clothes off, I don’t want anyone watching.” “Everyone close your eyes and I’ll get naked and jump in the pool, then we can all start out even. It looks like I’m the only one that hasn’t been in the pool yet.”

The group laughed, but closed their eyes as Billy rapidly divested himself of his clothes, and opened their eyes when the heard the splash of his body entering the hot tub.

He spluttered and coughed, “Why didn’t you tell me it was so damn deep?” He coughed. “I almost drowned before I found this seat to stand up on.”

The girls went into hysterical laughter at the tiny figure angrily standing on the bench on the inside of the hot tub, hands gesturing his frustration at the depth of the water in the tub.

His well muscled tiny body stood with water up to the nipples on his chest and as Lisa slid into the water to stand in front of Billy, the water rose to cover his nipples.

They group talked for some time, Cindy handing Billy his glass of brandy, and when he drained it, went for another refill. Her lush body undulated back into the room, and she bent to offer Billy his brandy snifter, to have him shake his head.

“I’ll get dried off first, then I’ll have the brandy,” his voice asserted as he pulled a towel to himself and covering his body with the towel, climbed from the water, to sit on the side of the tub. Lisa, still in the water moved to him, putting her hands on his knees, opened his legs to stand with her full breasts resting on his thighs.

Billy casually caressed the rounded spheres, tickling her nipples until both rosy nubbins stood erect from the creamy mounds of jelly like flesh that was so resilient and elastic under his finger pressures.

Lisa watched the towel covering Billy’s groin, when his prick began to twitch under the rough covering. Her hands crept the short length of his thigh to slip under the towel and feel between his legs. His breath shuddered from his lungs as her soft creeping hand caught and touched his hairy balls.

“What are you finding under there, Lisa?” Cindy giggled. “I can see you’ve found something by the look in your eyes, and the smile on your face. How about showing the rest of us girls what you’ve got in your hands.”

Lisa smiled at the pretty red head, and with a toss of her hand, pulled the towel away from Billy’s waist.

“Oh my,” Mary Wong giggled. “Look at that. The little man is not quite so little, after all.”

Billy’s black prick, wet with drops of water, lay across his hairy thigh like a coiled black snake. Fat as a sausage and semi hard, his ebony uncircumcised prick lay from his balls, over the top of his thigh and drooped down by his hip.

Lisa’s fingers darted from his balls to capture the length of his black hose, lifting it from his lap to examine the hooded length closely. The heavy uncircumcised foreskin covered the glans and closed over the tip of his prick leaving a solid length of gristle skin almost like a nipple. The solid veins stood from the root of his prick in relief, while Lisa’s fingers caressed the length of his organ, sliding over the smoothness of the black skin.

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