Lisa - Cover



Chapter 29

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 29 - Lisa has been married for a long time and now bored with her life. She's looking for a change.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Mult   Consensual   Mind Control   Lesbian   BiSexual   Fiction   Sharing   Wife Watching   Anal Sex   Bestiality   Exhibitionism   Oral Sex  

“I don’t like it any better than you do, but it’s going to be more money and I think it’s well worth any inconvenience that we suffer for the good we’ll get later.”

“It’s sure easy for you to say, you’re the one who’s going, I’m the one staying here while you go to Chicago for a month or six weeks,” Lisa’s voice was filled with anger.

“Well princess, you can’t have it both ways. Either come with me and be bored, or stay home and be lonely, there’s no middle ground unless you want to come for a couple of weeks and then go back home later,” Bill’s voice was getting higher and louder at her argument.

“I don’t particularly want to go to Chicago, why didn’t they have the training in Hawaii?” Lisa reply was petulant and petty.

“Don’t ask me. I didn’t set up the training schedule, and I wasn’t consulted about where the training was going to be. Why don’t you just come along and then if you don’t like it, you can come back home,” Bill looked at Lisa with raised eyebrows. “Bull shit! I am not going to Chicago!”

“Suit yourself, Lisa. If you get lonely, you know where I’ll be.”

Lisa sighed, remembering the conversation the previous night. Bill departed on a United flight early in the morning and Lisa wouldn’t see him again for five or six weeks, depending on how Bill did at the training center in Chicago. She knew he would be studying most of his free time and wouldn’t have time for her, and that pissed her off, and Chicago pissed her off. She sat nursing a martini, feeling both rejected and dejected.

The slim bodied housewife knew that the school was important to Bill. His office was getting a new computer complex and Sam, his boss, had decided that Bill was the rising young executive that would run the project after installation.

His new position would mean more than six thousand a year in increased pay, and no telling how much in bonuses at the end of the year.

One thing for which Lisa was thankful, Angela was not going to this class. Both Angela, Bill’s secretary, and Marian, Sam’s secretary were to attend the next class, were after Bill.”

Bill swore that he hadn’t gotten into Angela’s panties, yet. Just a blow job that his secretary has given him while hidden under his desk, early one Saturday afternoon. Marian and Sam had both been in the office at the time that Angela was both hiding and blowing.

Marian had quickly understood what was happening, however, Sam was still unaware that Bill and Angela were having illicit sex with Angela sucking his cock from under his desk. Since Angela and Marian were the best of friends, they had done a little female plotting, and Bill’s reputation was rising with the company, due to their help.

Lisa knew that all of this new found sexual adventures were working to her advantage, but she was still pissed that Bill was to be gone.

She called her girl friends. Mary Lou was working, Susan was having dinner with her married lover after telling Bull that she was working late. Penny had a date for the first time with a man she had met while shopping, Barbi was working with Mary Lou, and no one else answered the phone.

Lisa was doing a slow burn. She considered calling some male friends that she and Bill had, but dismissed that idea as stupid and dangerous to her married life. If she was going to play around, it was better if it was not with a friend of Bill’s unless Bill gave his acceptance of the idea.

It was nine forty five, she was pissed off and a little drunk, Sunday night, nothing she wanted to see on television and she was bored.

Suddenly she jumped and ran to the bedroom, opening the closet door and pulled her dresses along the bar, metal hangers making rasping noises. She grabbed a dark brown dress, tossing it on the bed.

Stripped off clothing and started the shower running. In minutes she had showered, applied makeup, sprayed on enough perfume to lure a boat load of sailors, pulled the dress over her otherwise naked body, grabbing a small purse. She moved money, her keys and wallet, and added a comb and brush. Stalking through the house, turning off the lights and got into her car, backed out of the garage and closed the door by pressing the auto genie in the car. She drove away heading to Highway 101, then turning south.

Lisa had always enjoyed driving, and with her skirt pulled high on her warm thighs, leaned back and started calming her nerves.

Her free hand toyed with her naked pussy, feeling the slit gently, and wondering what to do now that she was out of the house.

It came to her in a flash, The Alameda theater. That’s where she would go. If nothing else, she could sit and play with her cunt and watch the movie. Making up her mind about the destination, made her feel better, and hovering at seventy on the speedometer, one eye on the rear view mirror, she proceeded to San Jose.

Parking her car in a side street south of the movie house, Lisa stood at the ticket booth and set a ten dollars bill on the counter. The sexy and pissed off blonde received a strange look from the girl behind the counter. Probably not too many women came to a screw movie alone.

“Screw her,” Lisa thought, “I don’t care what she thinks. If she sneers at me, I’ll slip her the power so fast she won’t know what hit her. I’ll have her strip naked and cock sucking all the male patrons inside of ten minutes.”

The girl counted out five singles and handed them to Lisa, saying, “Have a nice day,” and adding a big smile.

“She doesn’t know just how close she came to getting her belly full of sperm, all through her mouth!” Lisa stalked off, entering the theater.

She turned toward the screen and took a seat in the middle about half way down on the lower floor. There was nobody within five rows of her and she slouched down in the seat and started watching the movie.

An orgy on the screen, bodies fucking and sucking each other in groups. Not much of a plot, the photography was poor and the acting nonexistent. As her eyes grew accustomed to the dark, she could see around her that the theater was almost deserted, and decided to head for the balcony and the back row where there might be some visual action going on. Anything would be better than the dull movie.

At the top of the stairs Lisa could head left or right. The rear row was deserted and the delectable blonde moved to her left, sitting in the middle of the last row.

The movie ended just as she sat down, and previews of coming attractions started. Some of the movies looked like they might be good but she knew by now that only the best hot scenes would be shown and that the movies were never as good a she imagined they could be.

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