Lisa - Cover



Chapter 25

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 25 - Lisa has been married for a long time and now bored with her life. She's looking for a change.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Mult   Consensual   Mind Control   Lesbian   BiSexual   Fiction   Sharing   Wife Watching   Anal Sex   Bestiality   Exhibitionism   Oral Sex  

“I guess what I’d like more than anything else is some of that sixteen or seventeen year old cock. I get tired of all the old men that come in to get a massage, or a blow job or get laid. Just for a change I’d like to fuck somebody that didn’t ever have trouble getting it up, and sex was all new to him. Think how much fun it could be to teach someone about screwing and sucking who didn’t have any experience,” Mary Lou

tossed her red hair and grinned at the other two girls.

“With your figure, you shouldn’t have any trouble getting all the sixteen year old cock you could ever use,” Penny remarked looking wide eyed at Mary Lou.

“Why would you want a sixteen year old boy, anyway?” Lisa questioned her as the three of them sat over soup and salad at Penny’s house.

Lisa laughed at Mary Lou. “If you want a sixteen year old, then get a sixteen year old. What’s the big deal anyway?”

“It’s not so easy finding someone that age. They can’t come into the massage parlor because they’re not old enough, and where else will I meet a young lad like that?”

Lisa and Penny started offering her suggestions.

“Take out an advertisement in the want adds.”

“Hang out at the local high school when school lets out.

“Join the Boy Scouts of America.”

“Carry a sign ‘Sixteen year old boys fucked here’.”

“Call Hire a ‘Teen”

“Catch a sixteen year old girl, and use her for bait.”

“Take your clothes off and troll for alter boys at church.” “Get a teachers certificate and teach summer school.”

Mary Lou laughed at the suggestions. “Some how I don’t think you’ve solved my problem.”

“If your really serious, then I’ll bet we could get you a sixteen year old, but only if you’d be willing to share him with us,” Penny pretty brow knitted in thought. “I’ve got one right now, and I’ll bet he’d just love to screw you’re ears off if you just gave him a little encouragement.”

“Well, where is he? Just trot him right in here and I’ll let him have all of the encouragement he can use in a week.”

“He’s coming over this afternoon to mow my lawn. He’s only fifteen though. He’s a year too young for you.” Penny smiled at Mary Lou.

“The hell he’s too young. I’ll take him, I’ll take him?” Mary Lou panted in a little old ladies voice, cracking up the other two.

“And just What time does he come over to mow the lawn?” Lisa asked.

“Just about now,” Penny said looking at her watch. “He gets the lawn mower out of the garage if it’s unlocked and does the back lawn today, and the front lawn next week. If the garage door’s locked, he knocks on the door and asks for the key. Here’s what we’ll do. When he knocks, you answer the door and introduce yourself as my visiting sister. Get him a drink or something and work your wicked way with his body,” Penny plotted the seduction for Mary Lou.

“And just where will you two ladies be while I’m ravishing the poor young thing?” Mary Lou asked, licking her lips.

“Oh. We’ll go into the front bedroom with Dumdum and lock the door and be real quiet. He won’t even know that we’re here. “Or,” said Penny, “We’ll hold him while you fuck him.”

The giggles of laughter broke up all three. They had planned to drive to the beach that afternoon, however the sun hadn’t cooperated, and they had decided to just have lunch and maybe get some sun in the back yard later. Both Penny and Lisa had one piece swimsuits with shorts on over the suits. Mary Lou was wearing white shorts, and a shirt tied in a halter over her buxom breasts which jiggled each time she moved.

“To make this really exciting, we ought to catch you two screwing and make his life a little miserable before we make him screw all of us,” Lisa grinned at Mary Lou.

“That suits me, just as long as I get to fuck him first?” Mary Lou agreed with the plan of action with a giggle.

Penny ran to lock the garage, while Lisa took Mary Lou to show her where the master bedroom was located. The three of them mixed martinis and sipped while they waited for the lawn mower boy to arrive, Dumdum was installed in the front bedroom with the door closed.

The sound of the doorbell brought organized panic. Lisa and Penny rushed to the front bedroom. Mary Lou took a deep breath straining the tie on her halter top, pulled the material to offer more cleavage, and opened the door.

“I’m here to mow the lawn,” the dark haired youngster said. “Oh, Hi, I’m Mary Lou. I’m Penny’s big sister. What can I do for you?” Mary Lou took a deep breath, her jutting breasts almost spilling from their overworked halter.

The boy stood goggling at her, his eyes ran from her boobs to her thighs to her boobs and back. “I didn’t know Ms. Ekstein had such a pretty sister,” he almost stammered, “but I’m Terry and I came to mow Ms. Ekstein’s grass, but the garage door’s locked and I can’t get the mower.”

His pullover shirt was emblazoned with a big tiger head, and hung outside the shorts he was wearing. Short for his age, he was well muscled and trim with short curly black hair and big blue eyes with exquisite long lashes. Mary Lou stood aside, inviting him in, standing so he had to brush by her to enter. Her tits almost a fence that he had to push by to get in. “Well Terry, come on in and we’ll find the key. Do you know where my sister keeps it?”

“No Ma’am, I don’t know where Ms. Ekstein keeps the key,” he pressed by her jutting firm breasts, touching them with his chest and shoulder as he entered.

“Well Terry, let’s start in the kitchen and see if we can find them,” Mary Lou led the way, tossing him a dazzling smile over her shoulder, and catching him looking at her ass.

“Where shall we start looking. Is there any place that you’d like to look?” Mary Lou placed both hands on her hips in fists, taking a deep breath to strain the buttons a little more and shot out one hip to stand in that very provocative pose ladies sometimes use. His eyes fastened to the nipples under her blouse, then slowly met her eyes. He could think of a lot of places he’d like to look, under her blouse, or between her legs just for starters.

“I’d like to look anyplace you’d let me, Ma’am,” Terry said, boldly, almost afraid to look at her, she was so darn pretty and sexy in those shorts and halter. He wondered if she’d ever done it with anybody yet, or if she was still a virgin.

“Let’s look where I think the keys might be, then if we don’t find them, I’ll let you look wherever you want to.”

Terry thought how cute she was, and started getting a hard on. Turning aside so she wouldn’t see the bulge in his shorts, he helped her look in the kitchen drawers. Mary Lou standing so close to him that her bare leg was touching his and her soft breast would touch his shoulder each time she turned. After looking through the first set of drawers, Mary Lou took his hand and led him to the other side of the kitchen and a new set of drawers for them to look into.

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