Lisa - Cover



Chapter 21

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 21 - Lisa has been married for a long time and now bored with her life. She's looking for a change.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Mult   Consensual   Mind Control   Lesbian   BiSexual   Fiction   Sharing   Wife Watching   Anal Sex   Bestiality   Exhibitionism   Oral Sex  

Lisa called Susan about the harem party the next weekend, told her about the latest adventure and got Susan’s promise to help decorate the house in harem style. The two girls met for shopping in San Francisco on Monday.

Lisa and Susan went on a buying crusade, incense from china town, one roll each of pink and of red silky material from a dress making shop, brass bowls from a Cost Plus store, and candles from a shop in Redwood city.

They dropped by a Greek restaurant in San Mateo and talked to the manager, were promised harem food and serving dishes to be delivered and served for an eight o’clock dinner party Saturday night.

Susan counted the guests and found they were one man shy. Lisa counted again, admitted error, placing a telephone call to Mary Lou.

“Can you or Barbi bring a man to the party to even the male female ratio?” Lisa asked Mary Lou.

“Barbi and I both have the same boy friend. We do every thing together if we can, so if it’s fine with you, we’ll bring John along. He really is a nice guy and what’s better, he’s game for anything. He likes to fuck and suck as much as Barbi and I do.”

Lisa thought that a great idea to bring John and told Mary Lou to invite him for the party Saturday night. They chatted and then severed the conversation.

They explored the yellow pages, finding a shop that had pillows in San Jose. They called and found him open until nine that night, and drove down. They bought over thirty pillows special order after being assured that the shop could have them made and delivered by Friday.

Lisa arrived home exhausted, waking several times during the night with details of the party running through her head.

Susan arrived early Saturday morning and the two hung the pink material in the living room, making a huge tent complete with the delivered pillows for sitting. The brass bowls, incense and candles were placed and adjusted. The room looked like a harem.

“Are you going to let Dumdum bring his prick to the party?”

“Why not. He’s the best cunt lapper that either you or I know, and he’s got a long thing that likes fucking. I’ll sneak him in after the party’s going good. Can’t you just see him climbing on some hot assed pussy and humping her in front of the men. Let’s go get him now and see if he likes out hard work today.”

They giggled about the huge great Dane, walking next door to get the dog. He made himself at home in the harem atmosphere.

Lisa decided to bring him in after they had eaten and the catering staff had departed. After all, the guests were broad minded, so maybe Dumdum could have some fun too.

After Susan left, Lisa took one last slow walk through the harem. She had the living room and two bedrooms connected by the hallway looking like harem tents, lavish with brass and candles, filled with soft pillows of every hue, with incense to burn and fill the air with perfume. The other two bedrooms were for changing into the harem costumes that Larry would have delivered later that day. Everything looked perfect, so Lisa took a nap in the spare bedroom.

When Lisa woke, she had coffee to wake up, then printed a sign in big letters, ‘GUESTS PLEASE ENTER THRU SIDE DOOR’ and placed it on the front gate. Her house guests would now get their first view of her harem after they entered at the side and changed into their costumes.

Black George called about six, telling Lisa that Betty could not make the party, but that he would bring another willing date if she had no objections, so the party was still even.

Bill arrived shortly after six, showered and shaved, admired the decorations and fixed cocktails for them both, Lisa drank hers then showered and applied makeup, put on a long hostess gown and was having another drink with Bill when the doorbell rang. Bill returned with an arm load of boxes containing costumes, adjourning to the bedroom to sort costumes and pick out the ones they liked.

The costumes for the men included long full sleeve shirts, vests open at the front, voluminous trousers and a colored cummerbund for the waist, all of the material cream colored except for the cummerbund, which came in various colors.

Costumes for the ladies had full pants slit up the side from ankle to waist, a type of girdle of metallic cloth, a full slaved blouse and armless vest, and a brassiere of the same metallic material. The female costumes included all colors of the spectrum, made of material so sheer that they only pretended to hide the wearer.

Lisa and Bill donned their costumes, drinking another cocktail when the first guests arrived at the same time as the caterers.

Soon, the rest of the guests filtered in, with George and his date Mary bringing up the rear. George brought a huge Turkish water pipe with eight hoses emitting from the stem as a present for the party.

Quickly all were in costume, being served cocktails by the caterers and almost before they downed the first drink, dinner was served. The heavy mustashioed waiters insisted announcing each dish as they served. ‘Boiled camel with sheep eyes’, and ‘goat fried in camel fat with dates’, were just a few of the outrageous menu items. Lisa knew what was in the dishes and good beef was the major ingredient, however, for a harem, who knows what harem girls like to eat.

The lazy dinner was finally over, the dished collected, the caterers departed, and they were getting to know one another better. George’s date Mary was light brown, cheerful, bright eyed and looked at home in her bright red costume. Lin, Doc’s Chinese wife was adorable in her silver costume, while Mary Lou had picked a fabric that matched the color of her emerald eyes.

Barbi, dark haired had a dark blue outfit, while Polly had picked white. By now they were starting to become fast friends.

“If you’d like to crank up the water pipe, I just happen to have some really good stash right here in Mary’s purse.”

Soon they were puffing on the water pipe, the girls giggling about the mouth pieces. Each was carved amber, four were shaped like cocks and four were shaped like nipples.

“Hey, I think I know the guy that modeled for this one.”

Mary Lou brought everyone to fits of laughter.

Lisa excused herself and in her bedroom, removed the metal brassiere, then returned. It took a while until John noticed her bare breasts under the gauze of her blouse that she had open to the waist. Her breasts swinging free just covered to the nipple by the gauze.

“Now that’s my idea of what a harem girl should wear!” John remarked staring at Lisa’s warm pink nippled quivering tits. It wasn’t long before the rest of the girls had made a trip to the bedroom, returning in various combinations of costumes.

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