Lisa - Cover



Chapter 11

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 11 - Lisa has been married for a long time and now bored with her life. She's looking for a change.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Mult   Consensual   Mind Control   Lesbian   BiSexual   Fiction   Sharing   Wife Watching   Anal Sex   Bestiality   Exhibitionism   Oral Sex  

The sexually aroused couple had watched their “Epic Movie”, many times, marveling at the quality of the tape, even though the video camera had been hidden in the closet of the master bedroom, and its ability to capture on tape the sexual antics of the eight of them during their party.

Lisa’s busy mind has continually worked on her husband. She’d enjoyed the dinner party and the fucking and sucking following, beginning to direct her sensual thoughts into Bill’s mind at every opportunity.

They tried the Alameda theatre again, but it was a bad night and they were not able to entice any patrons to join them. Lisa watched a thin man at the end of their row jack off, but he was evidently not aware of her raised skirt and Bill’s fingers in her pussy, or else was too shy to join them.

They discussed their next “Adventure”, talked over each others fantasy’s, but neither of them came up with a way to get their dreams on tape, while they still were two weeks away from the next dinner.

Lisa’s next door neighbor, Penny, was talking to Lisa about vacation time, and that she would have to put her great dane in the vets for her two week vacation. Lisa liked the gentle big dog and offered to take care of him and feed him while Penny was away.

“It’s no trouble at all, I’ll feed him in the morning before I go to work and play with him at night when I get home. Don’t worry, Penny, it’s dumb to leave him at the vets when he’ll be happier here.”

Bill, working at the office Saturday when Penny left on her vacation, Lisa deciding to take the dog for a walk. Excited about the walk, Dumdum, short for Sir Dumwald of Dumcourt, pranced and licked Lisa, his tongue lolling from his huge mouth.

Walking Dumdum was a pleasure. Lisa had unsnapped the lead and let him walk with her unattached, when she found he would obey her commands.

Rather than take Dumdum home, Lisa kept him for company the rest of her morning. His cheerful and clownish behavior keeping her laughing at him. He watched every move she made while she cleaned up the house and washed dishes. Lisa kept up a steady one sided conversation with the dog, enjoying his company.

“I’m going to take a shower, Dumdum,” she crooned at him, “so you’ll just have to amuse yourself.” “I wonder if my power would work on animals? I don’t ever remember ever trying to make any animal do what I wanted, but maybe it could work on Dumdum.”

She got the echo chamber working, “She’s a nice lady, I like her. She rubs my ears nice, she talks to me, and likes me. If she were a bitch dog I’d fuck her. She smells good, I like her, I like the way her pussy smells. I’d like to lick her between her legs. I’ll go into the room where she is and lay down on the floor.”

Lisa stood by the bed, directing her thoughts to the animal, watching the door, waiting to see if the animal would obey her mental commands.

Bill’s office was practically deserted, with a small staff still working on Saturday, catching up the paper work still not finished at the normal end of the working week. His secretary, Angela, in the outer office, typing up a set of office memo’s while Bill worked on the new budget for his staff.

Angela, married but sexually very desirable, even though Bill had coveted her on occasion, he had kept their relationship on a business only basis.

Bill leaned back in the high backed chair at his desk, hands behind his head, propped his feet on the desk and relaxed for a few minutes, thinking about his lovely sensual blonde wife’s sexual adventures of the past few weeks.

First the movie theatre, then the party. It almost blew his mind to find how much fun it was having sex and games with his blonde wife, including their casual sexual conquests.

He’d found that he was thinking more about sex now than ever before, even planning how to get into sexual situations with others, including his wife in the actions.

Thinking about the party, brought his cock to attention, hot and throbbing in the tight confines of his slacks, glancing at the closed door of his office, regretting that the office had no lock on the door, but hearing the typewriter clattering outside the door, Bill opened his slacks, pulling his cock free.

Slowly moving his hand up and down the turgid length of his shaft, masturbating while thinking and day dreaming of the orgy at their home, Bill’s fist moved over the swollen length of his erect and leaking cock.

Dumdum entered the bedroom door, his broad muzzle pushing at the door, opening it to his entrance. Lisa puzzled with wonder. Had the animal really read her thoughts, or had he come into the bathroom to be near her.

They walked in the bedroom, Dumdum happy to be with her, Lisa also pleased with his happy antics. She talked to him as she started to remove her clothing. When she reached behind her back to unfasten her brassiere, in that graceful and yet awkward movement women use, Dumdum was looking at her breasts. Lisa looked at his big brown eyes and told him that dogs are not interested in tits, however, when she rolled her panties down, Dumdum stared at her pubic region, with a hungry look, his great jaw has snapped shut as her pussy came into view, his level stare centered on her cunt.

Lisa tilted her pretty head to one side, speaking to the big dog.

“Well, Dumdum. Do you think I have a good figure? Are my tits good enough for you? If you don’t care for my titties, maybe you’ll like my pussy instead. Do you like pussy Dumdum? Lisa moved her hand to entangle the curls framing her pussy, running them through her fingers, head tilted, watching the big dog watching her.

“That’s her cunt, where she has her front paw. It’s just like a bitch cunt. I’d like to lick it.”

The great dane jumped, his eyes level with her, then began prancing around to jump around upon her freshly made bed, tail wagging, body bouncing.

“Get off that bed this instant!”, She scolded the dog, as he jumped down with a woe begone expression, down on his fore legs, his rump high in the air, he lay looking at her sadly.

“All right clown, I’m not mad at you, come here and I’ll love you.”

Dumdum laid his head in her lap while she sat on the edge of the bed, his rolling eyes looking up at her as she hugged the huge head. His tongue lapped at her thigh, dog kisses, then lowering his head snuffled at the curly hair of her crotch, his nose deep pressed to her pussy, his tongue lapped at the opening.

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