An Open Email to My Lover - Cover

An Open Email to My Lover

by Adoring Fan


Erotica Sex Story: Woman meets her lover

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   2nd POV   .

I’m anxiously waiting in the dark hotel bar, kicking my heel nervously against the bottom rung of the stool. Knowing that the next few minutes are going to determine the tone of the whole weekend, good or bad, knowing that what I want to happen is irrelevant as of this moment.

I’m wearing a short, tight, burgundy skirt; a tight, silky matching top with silver buttons opened to show cleavage; dark burgundy tights to counter the shortness of the skirt, my hair down across my shoulders ... My eyes are carefully lined black, making them appear greener. My lips, deep and dark to match my clothing...

Holding my wine glass, ignoring everyone else, watching the door with quick glances for you to appear. Turning to chat a bit with the bartender, legs crossed on the high stool. I smile up and tell him how I’m meeting a perfect stranger who happens to also be my best friend, drawing him into conversation to provide a buffer between me and the licentious bar-hounds. Raising up on my elbows on the bar, I make him laugh with my questions about the internet and netsex. He swears to me it’s not something he would ever do. “Oh, no?” I ask, raising an eyebrow and laughing with him. “Anonymous exchange of mental images, exciting, erotic, and completely without risk or blame? Now, come on, honey, tell the truth!” I wink at him and grab my glass.

The bartender blushes and smiles as he grabs the tap down to fill a beer order. I grin at him, knowing I’ve struck a nerve. I sit back on the stool and raise my glass to my lips and feel someone standing behind me. I turn quickly and realize you’re standing there, so close I have to look up to see your face.

“Oh my God, it’s you!”, I cry out, carelessly putting my glass on the bar as I hop off the stool to throw my arms around you ... I press my face into your neck, inhaling your scent, feeling your arms wrap tightly around me. My heart pounds as you hold me, nipples hardening, feeling your chest pressed against mine.

Eventually we step away, you holding me at arms’ length to look at me. Our eyes meet and we’re both speechless, smiling, flushed with the feeling of the moment. I smile up at you, leaning forward to kiss your chin lightly. “I’m glad you made it okay,” I half whisper.

It may be a first meeting, but it feeling like it’s been this way forever.

You kiss the top of my head and take my hand, pulling me away. I fumble for my purse, catching some bills and tossing them on the bar. The grinning bartender calls out, “Have fun, kiddo!” as you pull me from the bar into the restaurant and then the lobby. The bright lights there don’t shatter the moment in the least, as you stride me to the elevator and punch the button, turning to grab my ass in your hands as you kiss me deeply, pulling me to you. Sighing as I take your tongue deep into my mouth, arms tight around your neck; in the background, we hear the ‘ding!’ of the elevator. Stepping together inside, oblivious to everyone else, frantically kissing as though each of us feels the other might disappear at any moment, wanting to get as much as we can as soon as possible.

Making it to your room, desperately touching each other. No sounds but the whir of the air-conditioner and our frenzied kissing. You shut the door behind us and bury your face in my breasts, kissing down as you unbutton my shirt, feeling the scratch of your unshaved chin on my breasts. Moaning softly as you raise my skirt up over my ass, caressing my cheeks in the darkness, pulling down my tights and ripping them from my legs.

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