Caught in the Act - Cover

Caught in the Act

by Kate Jackson


Erotica Sex Story: Whore wife caught fucking her husband's boss

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Mult   Consensual   Fiction   Cheating   Cuckold   Slut Wife   Wife Watching   Wimp Husband   Gang Bang   Oral Sex   .

I’m 32 and have been married to Greg for 11 years now. As far as I know, Greg has always been a faithful husband and I have no reason to believe that he has ever cheated on me. I, on the other hand, cannot say the same about myself. I’ve been fucked by many other men since I’ve been married and Greg never knew anything. That is until he caught me last month.

My husband has always been a great lover, but I could never resist the advances of strange men. I have to tell you that I’ve never had a shortage of admirers. My measurements are 39-26-36 and I’m a 5’4” brunette with blue eyes. My hair is long and full and drapes to the middle of my back, but I usually wear it in pigtails. Greg thinks I look like a teenager that way.

The first extra-marital sexual encounter I had was with Greg’s dad, Frank. The next man I fucked, after Greg’s dad, was one of the men who delivered our new furniture to the apartment. Greg was at work when the two delivery men arrived and I showed them where to place the couch, chairs, and dining room table. Both men were very big, very strong, and very black! The supervisor was at least 6’6” tall and had the largest hands that I’ve ever seen. His upper body was developed like that of a body builder and his waist and ass were comparatively small and firm. The company uniform he was wearing seemed like it was a couple of sizes too small. The man’s flaccid cock was well defined by the way his pants were stretched over it.

It looked like he had a polish sausage in his pants! Since the day I had my body fucked by that huge black cock, I’ve screwed just about any and every man that I thought I could without Greg finding out. I must have fucked or sucked my next-door neighbor at least 50 times. His cock is small and I can deep throat him easily. I’ve had the building manager lay me a few times (on his office desk!). One morning I stepped outside our apartment to pick up the newspaper and the paper boy (he was 15) saw one of my tits tumble out of my bathrobe when I bent over. He got an instant hard-on and I noticed it. I brought him into my apartment and gave him his first fuck, in my husband’s still-warm bed! He used to get a boner every time he’d see me after that. I fucked him several more times before his family moved away. I’ve been screwed by police officers more than a dozen times. I have a tendency to drive a little faster than the law allows, but almost every time I get pulled over, I manage to persuade the nice officer to let me off with a warning. Of course I suggest that I should receive some kind of discipline.

So, I suggest that I follow him to a deserted location of his choice to receive my just deserts. Usually the horny bastards lead me down some deserted, dirt road and then fuck me in the back seat of my car.

It would be impossible to describe every situation that I’ve been in that had me either fucking or sucking some strange man or men. The one that I write about now, is the one that Greg, my husband, caught me in. It happened in January.

Greg had invited his boss and some of his fellow office workers over to the apartment for a poker game. I was asked to prepare some refreshments for the gang and Greg told me that he needed to make a good impression on his new boss if he was going to get anywhere with the company. So, I agreed to make the appetizers and fix drinks for all the guys.

The poker game was supposed to start at 8 p.m., so around 6 o’clock I started getting ready. I figured that it couldn’t hurt for me to put on my best presentation for Greg’s new boss, so I bathed, put on my makeup, and dressed in a conservative skirt and blouse.

One of Greg’s office buddies arrived first. He introduced himself as Nick and I was really impressed at how handsome this guy was. My husband’s boss came next. He was tall, about fifty-ish and had a pretty good build for a man his age. Greg introduced him as

“Mr. Thompson,” but the man abruptly interrupted my husband saying, “Oh, come on Greg! ‘Mr. Thompson?’”

He took my hand and said, “I’m Jack and it’s a pleasure to meet such a lovely young lady.”

I smiled at him and thanked him for the compliment.

John and Carl were the last guests to arrive and the poker game began shortly after that. I fixed everyone a drink and served a tray of snacks. I overhead John complement Greg on his beautiful wife and noticed that all the men were commenting in agreement with him.

For the next three hours the men concentrated on their game, giving little attention to anything else. Around 11 o’clock, I was in the kitchen preparing another set of drinks for the guys when Jack walked in.

He said that the other guys were too good for him to keep up with and that he thought he’d come and chat with me for a while. I looked out at the card table and saw Greg and the guys all studying their poker hands and displaying the typical poker faces.

Jack asked me how Greg was so lucky to find and marry such a beautiful woman as me. I blushed a little and kidded him by saying that Greg might not have been so lucky if I had met his boss first. He laughed and then asked me if I was a member of a fitness club or something. I said no and then he said that he thought it was amazing how young and firm my figure was. I blushed again and told him his physique was pretty amazing also.

I handed Jack a drink I had made for him and then turned to open the oven to remove a tray of nachos I’d fixed. When I bent to take the tray from the oven, Jack ran his hand up under my skirt and felt my ass through my panties.

I smiled to myself and thought, “OK. So Greg’s boss wants a little feel of his employee’s wife’s ass.” I didn’t protest, but instead I said, “Oh! Mr. Thompson!”

He returned with, “Now, now. I told you to call me Jack.” He rubbed his hand over my ass and said, “Greg certainly does have good taste, and I’m sure he’ll go far.”

I straightened up and Jack winked at me and then moved his eyes up and down my body.

I looked out into the other room and noticed the game was still as intense as before. I looked at Greg’s boss while I played with a button on my blouse and asked him, “Just how far do you think my husband can go, Jack?”

He stared at my chest and said, “Well, that might depend on how far his wife goes!”

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