John and Elaine - Cover

John and Elaine

by J & E


Erotica Sex Story: A man recounts the sexual exploits of his wife with other men

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Mult   Consensual   Fiction   Sharing   Wife Watching   Oral Sex   .

The following is an actual true to life experience brought to you in a layman’s writing style. My wife Elaine and I would like to share our sexual experiences with your readers. This is a second marriage for both us and when Elaine and I began dating we were also dating others as well.

Elaine and I began sleeping together on our first date, actually we had returned to her apartment after a movie, and while I was trying to get up the nerve to try something she started rubbing my cock through my pants. Feeling it swelling she unzipped my trousers and gave me the best blowjob I’d ever had. And to make things even better she wasn’t a spitter, and swallowed every drop from me.

I knew that if she would go down on me on our first date that she was also doing the same for the other men she was dating but we were not as yet in love with each other so it really didn’t matter to me. In fact I found the idea of her screwing other men strangely arousing.

I didn’t mention my feelings about this to Elaine and she never talked about what she did with others until one night when I arrived to pick her up for a date. Just as I turned onto her street I noticed a car pull out of her drive and turn the opposite way down the street. I didn’t think much about it until I rang the doorbell.

Elaine, thinking I was the other man, called from behind the door as she opened it “What’s the matter Jim. Haven’t you had enough for one day?” When she saw it was me and not Jim she was as startled as I. Standing in her open doorway with nothing on she gasped “I, I thought you were someone else.”

“Obviously.” I replied.

“God, I’m sorry John. I guess I lost track of time.”

I realized that I had become extremely excited seeing her that way and knowing that another man had just made love to her. All I could say was “Did you and your friend enjoy yourselves?” I didn’t mean this the way it sounded and Elaine replied, “Don’t be angry. Please. You had to know I have been dating other men and we don’t really have anything permanent do we.” We were in her apartment now and I said, “We could if you wanted.”

“What do you mean, we could?” she said.

“I mean we can have whatever you want,” I said.

“I want you to forget about what just happened and love me,” Elaine said.

“I do love you,” I said. “And I don’t want to forget about what just happened. I want you to tell me about what happened while I screw your brains out.”

Elaine said, “You mean now?”

“Right now,” I replied as I picked Elaine up in my arms and carried her to the bedroom.

Her bed was a mess. I could smell the musk from their lovemaking. I noticed a large wet stain on the sheets and knew that on that spot another man had emptied himself in my beautiful Elaine’s cunt. I knew also that she must have enjoyed it just as much as he had, and that only served to make me more excited.

I placed Elaine on the opposite side of the bed from the wet spot, and said as I began tearing at my clothes “May as well mess up both side now hadn’t we.” Elaine said as she was nervously trying to unbuckle my trousers “I love you John. I really love you.” My trousers fell to the floor and as I buried my face between her legs to kiss her pussy, I said, “Just tell me what happened.” I noticed Jim’s cum was still seeping from her pussy. I didn’t know how I felt about eating her out with another mans cum still inside her. I only knew that I wanted more than anything for her to start talking and for me to start eating.

“Are you serious?” Elaine asked.

“100 percent.” I said in a muffled voice because by now I had her cunt lips parted and was trying to reach her depths with my tongue. I could taste Jim’s cum on my tongue and feel its almost pleasant burning sensation on the back of my through.

Elaine began. “I’ve known Jim for about four months now. I met him while shopping and he invited me to join him for a drink. We talked and he told me he was married and that his wife had an affair with his neighbor. He admitted that he had invited me for drinks hoping to get even with her but didn’t think he could go through with it. I was really attracted to him right away and I told him that he shouldn’t encourage something if he couldn’t follow through. He asked if I was serious and I told him I was indeed. He asked where we could go and I told him to follow me in his car. We came here and made love for hours.”

“He was good then?” I asked.

“The best.” Elaine continued. “Since then Jim has come over about two or three times a week. He called this morning and wanted to by come today.”

“What time did he arrive?” I asked.

“About Ten. He wanted me to give him head as soon as he got here.”

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