Candy Striper - Cover

Candy Striper

by Cynthia C.


Erotica Sex Story: Bored and sex starved housewife takes a volunteer position at the local hospital

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Oral Sex   .

Men often complain that their wives aren’t interested in sex, but my husband doesn’t complain at all—I’m the one with the complaint!

From early morning to late at night, my husband works as a heavy equipment salesman. He makes tons of money, but he never makes love to me except for a half-hearted effort on Saturday mornings.

What’s even worse, when he gets home at night he usually falls asleep on the couch. We never see a movie, go out to dinner, or even just go to the mall to get out of the house. Yes, if it wasn’t for the fact that he gives the kids and me all the money we need, life would be unbearable.

The worst thing, though, is that I really loved him before he began to think of nothing but work. I still do love him I guess, and that’s why for 15 years I never thought of cheating on him. I always thought everything would be all right if he’d just think of me sometimes instead of how many bulldozers he can sell to the big account in Idaho!

Anyway, when I told him I was getting bored and needed something to do during the day (he doesn’t want me to work; he says he makes more money than we could ever spend, and he might be right!), he said “Why don’t you do volunteer work at the hospital. That should keep you busy!”

Although I don’t like the sight of blood, I responded to an ad in the paper looking for hospital volunteers. As I was given a tour of the hospital, the volunteer coordinator explained that I would basically help the nurses-make sure ice water bottles in rooms are filled, maybe push a patient around in a wheelchair, get newspapers for the patients, and so on. It didn’t sound too difficult, so I told them I would begin on Monday.

Since I’m just 36, I was easily the youngest volunteer in the hospital. Most of the daytime help consisted of retired gents, or elderly widows after the retired gents. Still, everyone pitched in and made themselves useful. After the first week, I was finding the work very rewarding and I looked forward to my four-hour shift three days a week! I was still frustrated by my husband’s lack of attention, but the volunteer work companionship.

After about three weeks on the job, the head nurse assigned me the job of filling up the ice water bottles in each room. The wing I was working on were mostly orthopedic patients. It wasn’t very crowded, and several of the rooms only had one patient in them. As I pushed my cart along, I reached the last room in the corridor, took a bottle off the car and breezed unannounced into the room.

I didn’t think before pushing aside the privacy curtains that surrounded the bed, and I soon learned why they were closed! The patient, a good-looking male around my age, was sitting up in the bed masturbating himself while looking at a pornographic magazine! While my sudden entrance briefly startled him, his reaction startled me.

“Well,” he said, “did you come to just watch, or did you want to give me a hand!”

I then realized that instead of putting the ice bottle down and leaving, I had just stood there staring at his huge prick. Maybe it was because I hadn’t seen an erect cock at home in a few weeks, or maybe I was just in shock at finding this patient jerking himself off. Whatever the reason, I finally responded by blushing, mumbling, “Excuse me,” and rushing out of the room.

Soon it was time to go home, but that night I could hardly sleep. And, when I did, all I did was dream about that man holding his huge cock and pumping his hand up and down on it. I soon woke up and, with fantasies of that big cock floating through my head, I began to caress my clit with my fingers, moving slowly back and forth until I felt a wetness between my legs.

My clit was now swollen and responding to the least bit of pressure, so as I rubbed it around and round, I inserted two fingers into my cunt. Imagining they were the patient’s huge cock filling me, I felt my body begin to respond. But, I knew my fingers were no match for his huge prick. I began to rub myself faster and faster, and a quickening arose in me. Faster and faster I moved my hands, but my own hands could not provide the satisfaction I needed!

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