Hillary's First Stage Growth - Cover

Hillary's First Stage Growth


Chapter 1

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 1 - A magic amulet helps Hillary grow her breast. Can she ever have enough?

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Magic   Fiction   Oral Sex   Big Breasts   Body Modification  

Candy was smiling angelically at us having finished the story of how she developed her massive bust and the effects that that growth had on her life.

“Candy, are you happy now with how things turned out? An ‘L’ cup is really large! I’d thought of maybe an ‘F’ cup but I may set my sights higher now that I’ve seen how you look so, well, radiant and serene and so, so, well, LARGE!”

“Not an ‘L’ cup now. I grew more after that afternoon in the library.” Her smile was still angelic but there was now a hint of pride and immense satisfaction as well. “I now wear a ‘P’ cup bra. That’s what it would be if you measured by inches. I get bras custom made here in town now and the seamstress say cup measurements don’t really matter when you get to be this size.”

“Can you, I mean would you, I’ve never imagined...” Hillary was almost stuttering in her eagerness. “I’d like to see what your bra looks like.”

Candy turned to Ms. Le Faye. “Is it all right? I’d like to show Hillary if you don’t mind?”

At Ms. Le Faye’s nod Candy unbuttoned her coat. As she turned around to place it on the chair behind her she slipped it off her shoulders.

She bent over to place it on the chair, which pulled her skirt snug against her tight little bum. As she straightened up she reached up to release the bun that held her hair in place. With her arms up I was able to count each of the eight hooks that struggled to hold their burden in place. An expanse of shiny pink nylon described an arc from several inches below where the side panels disappeared around her rib cage to just below her armpits. The fabric I could see on either side would each comprise a normal ‘C’ bra cup.

As she turned to face us, it was obvious that the jacket had done an excellent job of hiding Candy’s true size. Her projection was at least a foot from the sternum.

“My GOD!” Hillary sighed, in awe and wonderment as Candy completed her slow turn. I almost echoed her but I’d completely lost my voice. Candy’s breasts were immense. There is no other word for it. Each bra cup used as much fabric as one of my T-shirts it seemed. Hundreds of flowerettes were sprinkled across the swaths of fabric that comprised each cup. There was a dusky, creamy cleavage of at least 6 inches that started four or five inches below her collar bone and disappeared into her bra almost half way to the juncture of her bra cups. Each bra strap was at least an inch wide although they seemed not to dig into her shoulders, as I would have expected given the mammoth load they were carrying. Candy’s pride was evident as she gazed down at herself and then at our open mouthed astonishment.

The bra cups reached from the bottom of her rib cage to her armpits, at least eight inches. The volume was easily larger than a basketball on each side.

“They look even larger when I take my bra off!” stated Candy proudly. “I love the attention Harvey gives me. I don’t dress to show myself in public, but I love to dress for Harvey. And he loves to see me dressed up. I wear outlandish costumes for him. Hillary, you come over and see them sometime, if you want to.”

“I will! I want to!” Hillary said immediately.

Merle purred from the desk and Ms. Le Faye took her cue.

“Well, that’s Candy’s story although there are lots of others you could listen to.” said Ms. Le Faye. “Are you still interested Hillary?”

“Oh, you bet! I can’t wait to get started! What can I do? When can I start?”

“Right now if you like,” replied Ms. Le Faye.

So saying, she once again picked up the pendant in front of her on the table. She removed the gold chain from around her neck and allowed the pendant and chain to rest in front of her in the sunlight that splashed on her desk.

Muttering something that I could not hear, she passed her hand over the pendant. A bright glow of light slowly grew from the crystal, becoming too bright to look at with in a few seconds. After the glow faded there were two pendants and chains where only one had been a few moments before.

At a gesture from Ms. Le Faye, Candy picked up the pendant and stood behind Hillary.

Candy slipped the pendant around Hillary’s neck from behind and fastened the clasp in the back. She had to reach up over her head to do so. She did not even come up to Hillary’s shoulder! However, despite the fact that Hillary was standing between Candy and me, I could see Candy’s vast breasts to either side of Hillary slender frame.

Hillary had a happy little smile on her face as she looked down and patted the pendant where it lay under her blouse.

Merle let out a small yowl of approval from his perch on the desk.

“Now remember,” admonished Ms. Le Faye, “that the effects of this type of spell vary widely. It may take some time for any effects to be observed, it may happen very rapidly. But when you are satisfied with the results, all you have to do is slip the pendant off. If you put the pendant back on, the effects will continue to occur again.

“Please feel free to visit us here. I think I speak for both Candy and myself when I say that.”

“Yes, please!” Candy concurred. “Like very much to get to know tall American girl. Love your hair! You grow big bosom like me! You already so pretty!”

“And try to confine your sexual activities to a more private place than a dorm room!” Ms. Le Faye added with a chuckle.

All the way back to the apartment Hillary kept touching at the pendant under her blouse.

“Just making sure it’s real,” she explained when she saw me watching her.

That night as we got ready for bed, Hillary stood in front of the mirror looking at herself and the pendant that nestled high up, just below where a line would be drawn between the very tops of her breasts. The look on her face was difficult to read.

“Honey, what are you thinking,” I asked.

“I’m just wondering how I’m going to look with wonderfully large breasts! All my life I’ve really wanted them and now it’s going to happen! I’m so excited I can’t wait! Do you think I’m bigger yet?”

“I don’t see any difference,” I said. “ It’s only been a few hours! Give it some time!”

Nonetheless, Hillary measured herself. As she entered the numbers in to a small notebook she said, “Day one. 36-26-39. 138 pounds, just like always.”

The next few days were filled with anticipation. No change was evident although Hillary insisted that she felt fuller across the chest and reported tinglings and strange feelings shooting between her crotch and her breasts from time to time.

On the week anniversary of our conversation with Ms. Le Faye, Hillary had dinner with Candy and came back all excited.

“I had such a nice time with her, she’s so sweet and warm. It’s funny, you sit with her a while and you sort of forget how she looks and then some guy will walk into a wall or something and you suddenly realize just how big she is! She’s so unaffected by all the looks she gets. Of course, she can’t sit in a regular booth because her boobs sort of rest on top of the table, or press against the table if she pushes them underneath the table. She showed me before we sat at the table. It was almost funny watching the waiter try not to stare at her! She’s so in love with Harvey that the attention she gets from other men just doesn’t seem to register on her. Although I do think she has a bit of the tease in her. She told me to be patient, that when it happens, it happens. She sounded so Zen! I want it to happen now! I can’t wait to have larger breasts.”

Two days later we were sitting at the food court in the mall finishing up lunch. All lunch long Hillary’s head had been on a pivot, she was watching everyone who walked by.

“Hillary, what in the world are you doing? You are so distracted today. Every time I say something to you I have to repeat myself.”

“Oh, honey, I’m sorry. I’m watching the girls.”

“I thought that was my job.”

“Oh, silly, I’m trying to decide how I’m going to look and how big I’m going to get. Now scoot over here for a minute.”

I switched sides on the table so we were looking the same direction.

Hillary pointed to a couple of women walking past.

“Now there is a woman with a nice pair of tits. Do you think I should get that big? How about bigger? Like that lady, there! Those have got to be Double D’s. Look how tight the sweater is on that young thing over there. She’s not all that big, but she’s proud of what she’s got! I’m going to be proud too! Ohhh, look at her! See how she bounces! I bet she’s not wearing a bra under that! Oh, honey. I’m so excited!” Her hand stole into my lap and cupped my crotch. “But I’m going to be really, really big. None of these women are nearly as big as I’m going to be! I’m going to be big and then bigger! Bigger than Candy! I’m taller than she is so I can carry a bigger load!” Her hand was patting and squeezing and pulling at me through my pants!

“Hey, watch it. If you get me all excited I’ll never get out of here,” I protested. “I can’t walk through the mall with a hard on. People will point!”

“Well, I want you hard! So let’s go home now! I’ll get you hard and soft so fast you’ll be dizzy from blood deprivation of the brain!” she hissed.

Back we went to Hillary’s apartment. As usual Mrs. Murgatroyd’s daughter was sitting on the front porch steps as we approached. And as usual, she beat a hasty retreat into the house when she saw us coming.

“That little girl is so shy!” said Hillary. “Sometimes I think she’s spying on me but I’ve never really seen her? She just always seems to be around, is all. She doesn’t have any friends that I know of. I can’t figure out why she isn’t in school, either. Oh well, I’ve got bigger things on my mind right now.” She grinned as she gave my crotch a grab.

The Mystery of the Shy Girl, as I had thought of it, faded from my mind as we entered Hillary’s apartment and headed for the bedroom. As always, I was fascinated to watch as Hillary’s pussy, which felt so tight when I slipped a finger into it, was able to comfortably accommodate my girth and length. Thank God I’d found her, I thought as we wrestled in passion on the bed. Despite the rather unique way we had met the sex was always great! And Hillary was an enthusiastic and vocal lover!

I didn’t hear from Hillary for two weeks after that day. When I did get a call from her, she sounded upset as she asked me to come over.

Mrs. M’s daughter was keeping her usual vigil as I drove up and this time she gave me a half wave as she got up and disappeared.

“Must be my boyish charm,” I muttered as I walked up the stairs to Hillary’s apartment door in the rear of the building.

“Nothings happened” Hillary sobbed. She threw herself into my arms as I walked in.

“What do you mean?” I asked

“Look at me! It’s been weeks and nothing has happened. Every day I measure, every day it’s the same! This pendant isn’t doing a damn thing,” she wept.

“Are you sure?” I asked, although from looking at her it didn’t seem that her chest was any bigger at all.

“Yes I’m sure. I’ve measured 36-26-39 since high school! Nothings changed! I’ve felt all these weird tinglings and throbbings and so on! But nothing happens!” She picked up the notebook she’d been keeping and flung it across the room.

The source of this story is HotSexStories

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