Bobby and the Babysitter - Cover

Bobby and the Babysitter

by Cantank-erous


Erotica Sex Story: The babysitter meets the older boy for the first time

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Consensual   Fiction   First   Oral Sex   Babysitter   .

I arrived at the Thompson’s at six o’clock. Although babysitting is not the coolest thing for a high school senior to do, it’s better than working. “Hi Cindy,” said Mrs. Thompson as she answered the door. “The children are in the back ... Amy and Jordan need to be in bed by 8:00 ... Bobby is at football practice ... he should be home by 9:00 ... I’ll be back around 10:00 ... The numbers are by the phone. Bye.”

I said “Bye,” and went to find the children.

They were in bed by 7:30. I read them a story and they were out like a light by the time I got to the last page. I went down to the den to watch some TV. Hopefully Bobby would not be late. I was quickly becoming bored.

At 9:15 Bobby got home. Now even though we are next door neighbors, Bobby and I barely knew each other. You see Bobby is only 15 years old. We also attend different schools. As he walked into the den with just his football pants on I suddenly realized, Bobby was a hunk!

“Oh hi,” he said, surprised to see me. He was tall for his age, probably 6 feet. He had sandy brown hair, big brown eyes, and a muscular, hairless torso. He was gorgeous. In a daze, I stared at his smooth, toned chest and stomach muscles. “What are you looking at?” he asked, unaware of my admiration.

“You!” I said, and he immediately began to blush. “Wow, you have grown up Bobby.”

He was very embarrassed and began to stutter “C-Cindy, s-stop kidding.” But I wasn’t kidding. At 18, I had had sex only a few times with just my boyfriend. But suddenly I really wanted Bobby. I couldn’t believe how turned on I was.

“Bobby,” I said. “Have you ever kissed a girl?”

“Sure,” he said, unconvincingly.

“Do you want to kiss me?” I whispered as I moved towards him. He didn’t say anything. He just stood there staring at me. I put my hand behind his neck and kissed him softly. He responded, kissing me back.

Then I took his hands and placed them on my breasts. He began to gently squeeze my small pert tits as I rubbed my hands all over this smooth chest. I began fumbling with his pants as his hands found their way underneath my shirt. I groaned as Bobby carefully manipulated my sensitive nipples. “Ohh Bobby! Please ... use your mouth,” I whispered. He lifted my top and began sucking my breasts like a calf.

Finally getting his pants undone, I gasped out loud as I reached inside to grasp his penis. It was much larger than my boyfriend’s. I pulled back, looking down at his enormous dick. It looked even larger as my small hands began to stroke the shaft. I had never given a blow job before, but I couldn’t resist lowering my mouth over Bobby’s young, hot prick. As I slowly licked the underside of his shaft Bobby moaned, “Put it in your mouth ... please, oh god!”

Grasping him at the base, I carefully swallowed the beautiful round head. Although I could only take about 3 inches of his giant cock, I could tell Bobby was having a good time. His breathing was increasing rapidly, signaling his approaching climax.

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