My Horny Sister - Cover

My Horny Sister

by Bob Banger


Incest Sex Story: A man recounts how his relationship with his sister turned sexual

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Consensual   Incest   Brother   Sister   First   Oral Sex   .

I’ve been thinking about this more and more lately and started looked online for somewhere I could write about my past experiences with my older sister. So here I am. This is all 100% genuine. All real. I don’t have a problem with it but just want to put it ‘out there’ for some reason. I’ve never spoken with anybody about this, and I’m not even sure that this is the right place, but I’ll give it a go.

These experiences took place when we were in our teens and living with our parents. I’m 18 months younger than my sister, and we’re both in our forties now with our own families. Nothing has ever been discussed between us about what went on back then and the stuff we used to do. Ok, deep breath. Here goes...

I suppose things started happening as we reached puberty, and we’d fool around fairly innocently. I was fourteen or fifteen, not sure. This progressed gradually into more intimate touching and from there onto sort of dry humping with our clothes on. We started kissing during this as well, proper kissing. This all used to take place while our parents were in the house, but we were always clothed and could easily stop if we heard anybody coming. Then, our parents started going out more and we got more adventurous.

One evening we were home alone and started playing around as we’d done often before. We were in the living room on the floor. My sister was wearing a skirt and had me in sort of a headlock with her legs. I managed to push my face up between her thighs so my mouth was on her pussy, but she still had her panties on. I started kind of massaging her pussy with my mouth through her panties, and she relaxed the grip she had me in with her legs. She was on her back and her legs fell apart, and I remember seeing a few pubes sticking out from the edges of her panties. I was horny as hell by now and decided to go for broke. I pulled her panties to one side and started licking away at her pussy. I clearly remember the taste and aroma as it was the first time I’d ever done this to a girl. My technique probably wasn’t the best but after a few minutes of this her hips started bucking and she was breathing heavily. I was furiously grinding my cock against the carpet as I lay flat on the floor between her legs, holding her panties to the side and licking away. She grabbed the back of my head and thrusted her hips up, grinding her pussy against my mouth as she was cuming. After she’d finished she pushed my face away, stood up, and calmly walked out as if nothing had happened. I went to my room and jerked myself off like a madman. It didn’t take long!

That was the first time we properly did anything. We didn’t speak about it - neither of us brought the subject up. About a week later, the same thing happened. This time though I took my pants down as I was licking her on the living room floor and removed her panties completely. She wouldn’t let me uncover her tits though. I stopped licking after a while and pulled myself up on top of her, intending to penetrate her. She didn’t let me though and pushed me off. I didn’t try again and just went back to making her cum with my tongue whilst jerking into my hand. I still managed to get some on the carpet though! Same again afterwards, no talking we just went to our rooms.

This happened several more times. She’d never let me see her tits though and never let me fuck her. We just ended up following the same routine of me licking her to orgasm. I was getting a bit frustrated with it to be honest. One evening we’d started as usual, I’d been licking her, tried to fuck her, but she’d pushed me away. This time though I just got up and went to my room without finishing her off. I heard her go to her room and that was that. As usual, nothing was said.

About two or three nights later our parents went out again. Usually, we’d both wait about 15 minutes (I guess we both thought they might come back if they’d forgotten something) and then meet in the living room and start our ‘routine’. I don’t even know why we used to do it there. It was where it happened the first time and kind of carried on from there.

Anyway, this particular evening I was lying on my bed after they’d left and getting rock hard while waiting for the usual 15 minutes or so. After only a couple of minutes, my bedroom door opened and there was my sis with just a towel wrapped around her. I was shocked because she’d never come to my room like this before. The light switch was right by the door, and she turned the light out, pushed the door closed (but not completely) and just stood there. I got up and went over to her and started kissing her. My hands strayed under the towel, and straight away I realized she didn’t have any panties on. I’ll never forget the feeling of running my fingers through her pubes and up down her slit as we stood there kissing, as we’d always been lying down before. Don’t know why it felt different, it just was.

Ok. So we’re there by the door with her leaning against the wall and me fingering her slit while we’re kissing. She was holding onto her towel at the front and not letting me pull it off her. I started pulling my clothes off as fast as I could while still kissing her, and then I was naked. I remember taking one of her hands off the towel and pushing it down to my cock, but she wouldn’t hold it and put her hand back up to the towel again when I let go of it. I took her hand again and led her over to my bed on the other side of the room. I remember stubbing my toe on a chair leg on the way, but I think the pain must have been dulled by the adrenaline!

She lay down on my bed, and we kissed some more before I moved down her body, gently pushed her legs apart and got my face between her thighs. Not having to remove her panties was a new thing, and I found it incredibly sexy that her pussy was just right there in front of me. Although it had been pretty dark, there was still some light coming from the hallway as the door wasn’t completely closed. I was so turned on. I started licking her and breathing in her scent, and she responded as always by raising and lowering her hips and she had a hand resting on the back of my head. I moved my hands up under the towel as I tongued her pussy and this time she didn’t try to stop me as I finally made it to her tits. No bra to get in the way this time, just straight onto them. I remember them feeling really warm. I already knew they weren’t very big, but they felt fantastic all the same. Her towel was sort of tied at the front over her tits and as my hands ran over them it undid. That was the first time I saw my sister’s tits. As I pulled the towel apart I was looking up from her pussy and the sight of my hands feeling her nearly made me cum there and then.

I decided after a little while to try the usual and get on top of her. I moved up her body and started sucking her tits. I’d obviously never done this before, and she seemed to like it. I thought I’d push my luck as our normal ‘routine’ wasn’t happening this time. I moved further up so I was facing her and we started to kiss again. I could feel my cock rubbing against her pubic hair and was expecting the usual push off. It didn’t happen though. We carried on kissing and I maneuvered my cock so it was rubbing her pussy slit. She still didn’t push me off so I decided to go for it.

I reached down and got my cock into the position that I thought was right to enter her. I’d never done this before so it was a bit of a guess. I pushed forward, but it didn’t seem to be going in. I reached down again and moved it slightly as I pushed, and then I felt something give and I was inside her! Just a bit at first but I was definitely in. A bit more pushing and I was in further. I knew that this was her first time as well, and I whispered in her ear if she were ok. She whispered back “yes, keep going.” I’ll always remember those words! I started thrusting slowly into her but quickly felt that I was going to cum. I tried to hold back but couldn’t. I didn’t know what to do so I pulled my cock out and my cum spurted all over her pussy and some up onto her belly.

I wasn’t sure what to do so I rolled off her and lay beside her, fingering her pussy. Before now I just used to rub her slit, between her lips. This time I slid my finger right in and I remember thinking how tight it was and that my cock had just been in there. It didn’t take long before I could tell she was going to cum. I’d gotten to know the signs by now. When she came she grabbed the back of my hand and held my finger inside her until she finished. We lay there for a minute or two and then normal service resumed - She got up without saying anything and went back to her room.

So that was our first time. I knew it was naughty and brothers and sisters shouldn’t be doing this, but damn it felt so good. That was just the start of it!

Feels good to finally ‘talk’ about this for the first time ever. As far as I know, only me and my sister knew any of this. I can’t imagine she’s told anybody, but you never know.

Fast forward a few days from our first time. Nothing has been said between me and my sister. We’ve probably been a little shy with each other but if our parents noticed anything, they didn’t say. It was a weekend, Saturday, or Sunday, can’t remember and it’s not important. Mum and dad were going out with friends for a couple of hours but not until later, around 9:00 pm. or something. I’d been sitting in my room for hours wondering if anything would happen with sis when they were out and was going out of my mind not knowing whether she’d want to or not.

As soon as our parents were out of the house I stripped down to my boxer shorts and went to my sister’s room. Her door was shut, and she was playing music. I remember feeling very nervous and just sort of drummed my fingers against her closed door, not wanting to walk right in straight away. No reply though, nothing. I did it again, and she turned her music off. I just stood there in the hallway wondering what to do next. Then, I heard her flick her light switch. I turned the hallway light off, and I could tell that she must have turned her bedroom light off as it was dark under the small gap at the bottom of her door. I stood there for a while longer and then slowly opened her door. Sure enough it was dark in there, but her bedroom was at the front of the house and a streetlight lighted up her window a bit so I could see ok.

I went over to her bed and she was under the duvets. I asked if she were awake (I knew she must have been but asked anyway) but she didn’t answer. I sat on the floor beside her bed and put my hand under the covers straight onto her knee. She didn’t move or say anything. I started slowly rubbing her leg, moving my hand further and further up until I felt her pubic hair with my fingers. She had no panties on again. I could feel she had a t-shirt or something on though. I knew that we were going to fuck again at that moment and I removed my own underwear.

I got my other hand under the covers and slowly pushed her other leg over so that I could get access to her pussy with my fingers. I rubbed around her pussy a little and then stroked my finger between her lips. Fuck she was wet. I mean really wet. The only time she’d been that wet before was after I’d been licking her to orgasm and I hadn’t even started licking her this time.

My finger slipped easily into her hole, and I started fingering her. The angle was awkward though so I got up on the bed and straight between her thighs. I wanted to see those tits again so I pulled her shirt up and started licking and sucking her nipples like before. I planned to lick her pussy next but when I moved up to kiss her first, she got her tongue in my mouth and wrapped her ankles around my calfs/backs of knees so I couldn’t move down.

I forgot about the pussy licking and reached straight down to move my cock into position. As I did, she sort of raised her hips and my cock slid straight inside her. No pushing or fumbling this time, straight in. I remember thinking how hot and wet she felt inside. More so than the first time, or maybe I just didn’t notice first time around.

So there I am, under the covers in my sister’s bed. I’m on top of her, her legs are wide open and my cock is inside her pussy. I’m naked and she’s just got a t-shirt on which I’ve pushed up so her tits are out and pressing against my chest. We’re kissing deeply with our tongues in each other’s mouths. My sister loved kissing.

As I started to move inside her I remember thinking that I was going to cum pretty much straight away. It felt a bit different from the first time. Her pussy was incredibly tight around my cock but she was absolutely soaking, and I was moving in and out much easier this time. In an attempt to make things last a bit longer I pushed my cock all the way into her and stopped thrusting. I pulled my mouth away from hers and started kissing her neck instead. She responded to this by grabbing my ass with both hands and grinding her pussy against me. She was holding me deep inside her and started bucking her hips up and down. I don’t know how I managed to keep myself from cuming, but I did. It didn’t take long before she started to cum though.

My sister had always been fairly quiet when she orgasmed. Her body would shake, her hips would thrust up and down and her breathing would get real fast and heavy. She hadn’t been very vocal in the past though. This time she started to moan softly as she began to cum. I remember it being a huge turn on for me. She got louder as her orgasm came. Not like fake porn-star moaning, just really sexy and right in my ear. She had both hands on my ass and was pulling me inside her as she was cuming. I’d stopped moving, and she was doing all the work but as a felt her cuming I couldn’t hold back any longer. I started thrusting again and within a few strokes I knew I was going to blow. I think I told her I was going to cum but when I went to pull out she was holding my ass even harder, holding me inside her.

I think the first spurt of my cum was inside her. I’d managed to get my hand between us to pull my cock out but was just too late. The rest of my cum went into her pubes and over the inside of her thighs. I remember looking down, and the sight of my sister’s pussy covered in my spunk will stay with me forever.

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