Anaesthetic - Cover


by AC


Horror Sex Story: He has an accident and taken to the hospital where he has a highly unusual experience.

Caution: This Horror Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Drunk/Drugged   Rape   .

I remember starting to glaze a window at home and then I think the ladder tilted sideways and I fell off - at least that’s what I thought had happened. I couldn’t really remember clearly but I knew that I was now lying on a trolley in what was obviously a hospital examination bay. It was one in the morning and I’d been at there for hours, I was cold and severely pissed off.

There was a lot of activity, nurses rushing around and patients being wheeled from cubicle to cubicle. There was a drunk in the bay next to me who had apparently been out for a bike ride with his mate and broken his clavicle as he was launched over the handlebars. He was moaning about the pain he was in and the time he had to wait to be seen, he was complaining about everything, even the gown he was wearing was letting in draughts and his arse was exposed ... whinge, whinge, whinge.

I sat there quietly and waited my turn, an hour was not so bad but this was getting ridiculous. Just then a young nurse walked into the bay and closed the curtain behind her. She was about twenty, tall, blonde and very attractive, “She’d get it,” I thought to myself.

“Right, you’re next I think,” she said in a treacly voice.

“Yes, and I’ve been here for hours,” I said in what I hoped was an authoritative tone.

“Don’t get funny or you’ll be waiting until the next shift come on in the morning,” she said.

“I know you’re busy but I’m in a lot of pain here,” I remonstrated.

“I’ll give you some painkillers, but that’s the best I can do until a doctor’s free and there’s been a building fire in town so they’re all tied up with that.”

I watched as her hips swayed out of the room and thought about her arse cheeks rubbing together under her uniform. “She’d definitely get it,” I thought again.

When she came back she was carrying a small plastic cup, “Drink this and you’ll feel better,” she said as she held out her hand.

I tried to sit up but my back was in pieces, pain shot up my spine and I collapsed back onto the trolley.

“Oh dear, you are in a bad way aren’t you, here let me help,” she said and leaned over me. Gently she supported my shoulders and pulled me upwards, my face was pressed against her breast and I began to think about the soft swelling and the hard nipple at its end. I was beginning to forget about the pain and started to make the most of the situation. She now had me siting upright and whilst supporting me from the side and fed the contents of the cup into my mouth.

“That was revolting, what was it?” I asked.

She smiled and said, “Something to take away the pain and make you more relaxed, but not too relaxed.”

She fluffed up the pillow and then lowered me back down, “I’ll be back in a bit to see how you’re getting on,” she said and then left the bay. I couldn’t stop thinking about how sexy she looked.

Within a few minutes I was feeling better, everything seemed sort of hazy, I felt warm, it was as though I could feel the blood pumping around my body and gently warming every muscle. It was very pleasant and I began to dose off into a sleep.

I was dreaming, I could feel my clothes being removed and was now naked. A hand was touching my thigh; it was stroking me in soft and deliberate circular movements towards my groin. I decided to make it belong to the nurse and go with the dream. The hand moved upwards to my stirring cock and then held it. My shaft had gone completely erect and the hand grasped the base, squeezing hard. It felt too real to be a dream and I struggled to open my eyes, the light flooded in and I saw the shape of a person, it was the nurse and she was stroking my dick. I knew that I wasn’t dreaming this, no dream ever felt as real as this. I opened my mouth to say something, voice my concern, find out what was happening, nothing came out. I tried again and managed a sort of gurgling sound. She was smiling, laughing even. Then I heard words.

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