Night In - Cover

Night In

by J. A. Aumond


Erotica Sex Story: Having a gay roommate can be traitorous

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/Ma   Rape   Gay   Anal Sex   Oral Sex   .

Terry and David were roommates at NYU; David was studying business at the College of Arts and Sciences and Terry was a dance major at Tisch. They had, over the course of their freshman year, become very close and often told each other everything. When David’s girlfriend Michelle had dumped him, it was Terry’s shoulder he had cried on. When Terry admitted his homosexuality to David he didn’t even flinch:

“David can we talk about something?”

“Sure, man, what is it?”

“I just want you to listen and understand about me. I hope it doesn’t change things, but if it does I understand.”

“Come of it, Terry, just tell me already.”

“I’m gay, David.”

All David said was, “I’m you’re friend I couldn’t care less who you fuck, as long as they were worthy of you.”

What Terry didn’t tell him though, was the fact that he also had a giant crush on David. And thus whenever problems arose they knew the other one would be there for them. Yet, all this time Terry kept his secret love of David quiet. He would help him get girls, and would spend nights masturbating pretending it was David who was rubbing his cock. One night after a dinner in the Village, David brought a girl he met from a bar in midtown back to his dorm.

“Oh yeah, David, that’s it harder!” The blonde with that C-cup demanded as David’s naked pristine body glimmering with sweat rose over the girl and entered her with swift deliberate strokes.

“Yeah, bitch, you’re so hot, tight cunt...”

She bucked her hips to meet his strokes. Her tits jiggled with each buck, sending the ripples of an orgasm through her body. She let out an impassioned howl as David scooped her up and held her in the air against his chest as he came. He pulled out and unrolled the condom from his dick. This was the age of safe sex and he really didn’t want to be a father yet. He pulled her to him and kissed her on the lips.

“God that was good, David.” The blonde said.

“Yeah, you were great.”

Terry at this moment opened the door to the apartment. The blonde pulled on the blanket to cover her bare breasts, but David just lay there naked. “Evening, Ter.”

“Hey, Dave, don’t mind me I just have to get my script, play rehearsal.”

The blonde then recognized him, “Hey wait, you played Harold Hill, in the Music Man, last semester didn’t you?”

Terry let out a flattered smile. “Guilty as charged.”

“You guys up for a threesome?”

“What?” David asked.

Terry looked at David with a questioning eye.

“Oh, come on Davey, you know you want to.” and with this she began to kiss his neck and slid her tongue down and began to suck on David’s nipple.

“Well I guess, ooh, that tickles, I guess so.” And with that he leaned over and helped himself to her tits. He began to suckle them like a baby as Terry got undressed.

“Just lean back and let us do the work,” Terry said as he and the blonde laid David on his back. Then they both lowered their mouths to David’s cock. The blonde worked on the head, while Terry licked David’s balls. David moaned with pleasure as his cock became erect once again. Terry and the blonde then licked up and down opposite sides of the shaft. Their lips and tongues touched as they enjoyed David’s dick. They slowly started at the base licked in one swipe to the head and Terry took it all in his mouth. While he did this Terry moved to David’s upper half, she kneeled on the bed and then straddled David’s face.

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