It Started in an Elevator - Cover

It Started in an Elevator


Chapter 5

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 5 - Mother and son get stuck in a hospital's elevator

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Mult   Consensual   Fiction   Cheating   Incest   Mother   Son   Rough   Anal Sex   Oral Sex  

Neither Mom nor Dad was in when I woke up. I grabbed some toast and rushed out of the house. I had an exam that morning and barely made it. When I came home, I fully expected the cold shoulder treatment. I knew now that before Mom had been upset with herself, not me, so it took a couple of weeks for the guilt to wear off. I probably couldn’t expect a visit to The Room until Dad’s next poker night.

However, Mom was attentive from the moment I walked in the door. It wasn’t that she was overly friendly, she was just her natural self. Surprised but overjoyed, I didn’t stay in my room like I usually did and hurried downstairs after dumping my stuff to hang around with her.

When Dad came home Mom asked me to help her in the kitchen. So I stood beside her, peeling carrots and potatoes while she prepared the rest of dinner. Dad sat in the kitchen for awhile, which was unusual, and tried to join in the conversation. Obviously, he felt guilty about leaving a huge mess the night before and thought his company would make up for it. He soon left when it became clear that Mom only responded when necessary, and then begrudgingly. I guess he knew he was in the doghouse so he slunk off.

While Dad was still in the kitchen, Mom pressed her knee against mine and held it there. I looked nervously past her at Dad but didn’t pull mine away. Our connected limbs swayed back and forth. I can’t tell you how sexually intense that simple pressing of knees was. The unusual contact sent shivers of excitement up and down my legs, stirring my loins as much or more that peeking under Mom’s dress. When I finished peeling the vegetables, I turned to face Mom and asked if I should set the table.

“Sure, and tell your father dinner will be ready in half an hour.”

I was startled when she suddenly stepped forward and stretched up to give me a quick kiss on the mouth, then pressed her lips into the side of my neck, letting her breasts sag heavily against my chest. It may have been wishful thinking but I thought her pelvis moved suggestively.

“Go on, now, before you get me into trouble.” She laughed and turned away.

That night after dinner, Mom let her skirt ride up high on her legs when Dad’s favorite show was on and she knew he was distracted. She was well aware that I was looking and cast a mischievous glance my way now and then.

The next day was similar, except that I was there for breakfast and was able to see the movement of Mom’s unconstrained breasts through the gap of her loosely belted robe. Again, she revealed more when Dad’s attention was elsewhere. When I left for school, she patted me affectionately on the butt. The evening was a repeat of the previous night except the teasing was even worse given that Mom wore a looser skirt. Once, when Dad got up to get himself a drink—normally, he would have asked Mom or me to get it for him—Mom looked down at her legs and made a production about brushing something away. Of course, she had to open her legs wide enough for me to see her panties. The skirt was tugged down when we heard Dad’s footsteps returning.

I loved it but wasn’t sure if I could take this kind of teasing until Dad’s next poker night. My balls were blue and I knew Elaine was incapable of relieving that kind of pain. Tomorrow was Saturday and I found the thought of having plain sex with her particularly unsatisfying. I wanted to take Mom downstairs to The Room instead.

I was up in time for breakfast and another loose robe display. My foggy brain awoke with a start when I saw what was under the robe. Mom was wearing a sexy, lacy negligee with a bodice that was very, very low. Her tits almost spilled out each time she let the robe part for me to take a look. When she sat at the side of the table, she let the robe fall off the leg on my side, revealing the entire length of her thigh and even a bit of the side of her ass. She arched her back to stretch once while Dad was reading the newspaper and I could see the entire profile of her tit through the gap in the robe.

“What are you doing today?” Mom asked Dad.

He looked cornered. He probably had no plans but knew if he didn’t he would be given something to do.

“Oh, I promised Bob I would go over and help him get his boat ready.”

That was probably untrue but Dad was a master at avoiding chores.

Mom looked disappointed. “How long will that take?”

“Well, we need to pull the leg off so it’s hard to say. Could be a couple of hours, could be four or five.”

“If it’s a couple then I have some things you could do around the house.”

“Ryan will be here, won’t you son?” Dad applealed, looking at me like we were friends and I owed him. “Anyway, you know I can’t do heavy lifting.”

“It’s not that heavy,” Mom said.

“Can’t Ryan do it?”

“Do what? I haven’t even told you what I want you to do.”

“The doctor told me not to strain myself.”

“Well, we wouldn’t want that, now would we?”

“Helping Bob will be enough exercise. I’ll probably need to rest after that.”

“Okay, okay, I’ll get Ryan to do it but if you finish early you can come home and help.”

“I’ll be here if we get done early. Oh shit, is it that time already?” Dad looked at his watch and got up. “I better get going.”

Dad rushed to get out the door. He called me just as he was about to leave. Looking past me to make sure Mom wasn’t looking, he stuffed three twenties into my hand.

“Do whatever she wants, son. I’ll, uh, make it up to her later.”

I guess he wasn’t going to get home early.

“What’s that?” Mom called, appearing in the kitchen doorway.

“Nothing dear. Gotta go.”

Dad shut the door and I marveled at how easily Mom had manipulated him. Mom’s laugh jerked me out of my reverie.

“Like a book,” she said, raising a hand toward my departed father. The robe fell open, exposing the sexy negligee underneath. What little was covered of her breasts could still be partly seen through the lace. My eyes dropped lower to the skimpy material barely covering her mound.

“Ryan, I’m up here.”

I jerked my eyes up. “What,’ I stammered. I had been caught red-handed and tried to cover up. “I was just wondering, what was it you wanted Dad to do?”

Mom lowered her hand and pulled the robe closed. She kinked her hip to the side and that pushed her right leg flush against the robe all the way down. I traced an imaginary line along the outside of her leg to her toes and back, then moved up over her hips and into to her waist. I skipped past her breasts, though I wanted to linger, and looked Mom in the eye.

“What was it you...”

Mom took my hand and turned, pulling me behind her. The thin robe couldn’t hide the shape of her ass. We were half way up the stairs before she spoke again.

“What was it your father said at the door?”

My cock had already swollen to fill the limits of my pants. We reached the top of the stairs and Mom stopped with me two steps lower.

“Uh, I ... he said, um...”

“Didn’t he say you should do whatever I want?” Mom looked over her shoulder with teasing eyes. “Didn’t he pay you to do that?”

Mom dropped my hand and walked down the hall and into her bedroom, shaking her hips in an exaggerated fashion.

I wasn’t sure what to make of this. I had expected nothing much to happen after Dad left and for Mom to disappear. Then I would look for her in The Room and we could have our fun in the dark the way we always had. This blatant flirting made me nervous.

Mom was in her bedroom, waiting, so I stiffened my resolve and walked down the hall. She had stopped by the side of the bed but twisted around to sit when I came in, pushing herself back to prop up against the pillows. I walked up to the bed and waited for Mom to let me know what to do. She put a hand behind her head and toyed with the edge of the robe with the other.

“Get undressed,” she said, sliding one foot up on the bed which raised her knee and caused the robe fall away from her legs.

I peeled off my short-sleeved shirt, pushing each shoulder back in exaggerated fashion, wanting to look my best. I tensed the muscles in each arm unnecessarily as I unbuckled my belt and pushed my pants down. I tried not to stumble when I took off my socks but did anyway. I stood in my underwear, waiting.

Mom didn’t say anything but looked at me expectantly. I started to shuck my shorts down quickly the way I normally did but caught myself and did it slowly. Mom smiled. I pushed the back down over my ass and flipped the front down to free my cock. It sprang forth with vigor, making me proud, and the small gasp from Mom was an added treat. I remembered then that Mom had never seen me in the light. With greater confidence, I pushed the shorts down my legs and stepped out of them, then stood before her for inspection, and hopefully an invitation to join her on the bed.

“Mom patted the bed. For some reason, I hesitated and Mom reached out to grasp my cock. I stifled a groan.

“Do you like the way I look?”

“Yes,” I croaked, casting my eyes over her body, half concealed by the robe.

Following my eyes, Mom parted the upper part of the robe. The nightie no longer covered the panties and her mound was prominent under the sheer material.

“I don’t think we need the dark anymore. Do you?” Mom flexed her hips, pushing her mound upwards.

“Um, I guess not.”

“Then lie down with me.”

Mom released my cock and I clambered onto the bed between her legs, which she opened to make room. I started to lift her legs but she shook my hands off.

“Take my panties off.”

She didn’t have to tell me to do it slowly. I removed them in a manner that showed just how much I appreciated what was underneath. When I peeled them off the last foot, Mom lifted her knees up and drew her feet close to her ass.

“Kiss it.”

I complied eagerly, pushing my face into her bush. I licked and slathered, pushed my tongue in deep and darted it around her swollen lips. When her hands found my head and her fingers plied the hair at the back of my neck, I knew I was doing well. She arched her back while I serviced the parts she steered me to and her whole body wiggled constantly on the bed. The first sign of her orgasm was the rush of fluid onto my face. It didn’t take me by surprise; I already knew that Mom signaled her pleasure generously.

Mom smiled when I wiped her juice from the sides of my mouth. She pushed herself forward off the pillows and pulled the negligee over her shoulders, pausing with her arms stretched straight up so I could enjoy the stretched, upward thrust of her bare breasts. Abruptly, she dropped her arms to let her tits bounce on her chest and jiggle about. The nipples were hard and prominent, begging to be sucked. Mom let the negligee fall from her fingers and leaned back into the pillows.

“Make love to me,” she whispered.

I fell upon her breasts, grasping one and sucking the nipple of the other. I put my tongue and fingers to work playing with the best toys a guy could ever dream of having. I kissed Mom thoroughly and though I enjoyed it I was keen to return to pleasuring her tits. When I entered her, I didn’t try to bend her legs back the way I did in The Room. We fucked fully stretched out, legs pressed against legs, arms together and stretched out over her head, bodies glued and writhing in unison. It was the most intimate, loving sex I had ever experienced. We even rubbed our faces together when we weren’t kissing as if we couldn’t bear to be separated.

I unleashed my full load within her. Not once did I think of pulling out. I left my cock inside after we were done. We didn’t speak, not even a single word. My cock never got soft enough to fall out and after a long time, maybe half an hour later, I started moving again. Just a twitch here and there to start, but soon we were moving with a definite rhythm. We were perfect together, each part of our bodies knowing instinctively how to respond to its counterpart, rubbing, pressing, bumping, thrusting ... whatever seemed to work.

The second load felt just a voluminous as the first but of course it wasn’t. Still, it surged through my shaft with violence and gushed into Mom’s womb with as much force as the first load.

“My, my,” Mom whispered when I was done, clutching me with her arms and entwining her legs around mine. “Don’t pull out. I want another one.”

“I won’t,” I promised, and I didn’t.

We had to lay like that for quite a while before I was hard enough but eventually, with Mom’s targeted urging, we made love a third time. There was no bending into awkward positions, no turning over, no pulling out and spraying with spunk, but I was satisfied beyond words.

We knew Dad would be home before dinner but Mom and I did it one more time, downstairs in the living room, in case we didn’t hear him come in. She had knelt on the couch and looked out the window, commenting on how people didn’t look if they saw that someone was home. I was about to say something but Mom lifted the back of her dress and the words fluttered away. She wasn’t wearing panties and I quickly positioned myself behind her.

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