Sister-in-law's Assets - Cover

Sister-in-law's Assets

by Bad


Erotica Sex Story: He long admired his sister-in-law. One day he had his chance with her

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Fiction   Workplace   InLaws   Anal Sex   Oral Sex   .

My sister-in-law Jackie and I worked together at a car dealership. I was a sales manager and Jackie worked in the back office handling credit approvals. We had always got along well ever since we met when my wife brought me home to meet her family.

At the time of these events, I was 32 years old and she was 27. She was a real thin woman with a very nice butt and perky tits that were too oversized for her frame. I have admired her for a long time. When she is at work she struts by me I have a hard time to not look at her ass. She has dark brown hair green eyes and a very nice personality.

One busy Friday I had so much paperwork to finish that I stayed after work to finish it. I was busy working away when Jackie came up behind me

“Working late?”

“Yeah, it was a busy day and I don’t want to deal with this tomorrow.”

“Me Too.” She replied, then she put her arms on my shoulder and looked over one side to see what I was doing. I turned that way and our lips were less than an inch apart. I was uncomfortable at that time, but before I could turn away we were in a deep kiss. The french kiss took my breath away. Jackie was an amazing kisser.

We stopped and looked at one another. I didn’t know what to say, so I turned around in my chair and she put one leg on each side of me and we began to make out. It was late enough that no one was there except us. I reached with my hands down and took hold of that wonderful ass of hers.

It was Friday which meant dress down day for the office staff, so she had on some nice tight jeans and a sweater. I rubbed her beautiful ass all over. I then ran my hand up the back of her sweater and unhooked her bra so those perky big tits could be set free. I started to squeeze them and fondle the nipples. She then got up and pulled her sweater and bra off over her head. I had seen her in a bikini before and wondered what those tits would look like and they where better then I had thought, they were barely affected by gravity.

I pulled her close and started to suck on them twirling my tongue around the nipples. She was moaning and pulling my head closer to her. Soon she reached down and kissed me again and then pulled my tie off and slowly unbuttoned my shirt. She then kissed me all the way down my chest until she got to my pants. She opened up my pants and reached in my boxers with one hand and stroked my hard dick. Her hand expertly manipulated my cock into maximum hardness. Deftly, Jackie pulled my cock out of my boxers and quickly took it in her mouth all the way to the back of her mouth. The speed of her action took my breath away. My cock didn’t even have time to feel the cool air before it was in warm wetness. Jackie slid my cock in and out of her mouth as she swirled her tongue around the tip. I wanted to explode. I did everything to not come because I wanted to fuck her ass so bad. I have had so many dreams about it and they were about to come true.

I pulled her head up and lead her to the conference room. I picked her up by her nice ass and set her on the table. It was now dark outside but the moon shined through the skylight and on to her skinny little body. I laid her back and pulled off her jeans while she spoke words expressing her horniness and want. I then put my head in her panties and rubbed my face up and down her pussy. I then pulled down her panties to see her beautiful pussy. It was trimmed so perfect. I could not resist. I stuck my tongue in her slit and licked her up and down. I then stuck it as far in as I could. She moaned and pushed my head hard into her. My dick was so hard that I had to get relief, so I pulled her panties all the way off and pulled her by the sides of her ass to the end off the table. I dropped my pants and boxers to the ground and guided my dick to her heavenly mound. I inserted the tip, it was so wet. I poked the tip it and out until she said, “Come on, fuck me, fuck me hard!”

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