Friendly Neighbours - Cover

Friendly Neighbours


Chapter 8

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 8 - Two neighbouring families join forces

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Ma/ft   mt/Fa   ft/ft   Fa/ft   Ma/mt   mt/mt   Consensual   Fiction   Incest   Mother   Son   Brother   Daughter   Orgy   Anal Sex   Oral Sex   Novel-Pocketbook  

Saturday, April 9:

Weeks before a picnic had been planned for this Saturday. It was almost noon when they reached the park and it wasn’t much later that the kids had demolished the lunch much faster than it had taken to pack it. They separated onto natural pairings.

Joan and Harry sat at the picnic table, talked, and fondly watched the kids. David and Susan sprawled under a tree and held hands. Allen and Alice found a secluded bench to talk over the exciting things that were happening. Joan smiled at Harry.

“I know what Alice and Allen are discussing.”

“How could you guess?”

“Well, the whole charade will be played out tomorrow afternoon. I’m sort of sorry it’ll all be over.”

“I know what you mean. I’ll be a little sorry too. I wonder how Susan’s going to react.”

“You’ll find out, she’ll be more willing than Alice was. She is more adventurous. She and David make a good pair. It could be that Alice let it slip though, just like David did.”

“Yeah, David was devastated that he’d let Allen find out. Allen said he even cried before he would tell him about it. I haven’t seen David cry in five years.”

The older kids conversation was following the lines that their parents suspected. Alice wanted to know in minute detail everything Allen had done with her mother last night.

“Did mom fuck you and suck your prick? Did you lap her cunt? Did you like it? Was it fun? What did it feel like? Were you surprised?”

This made Allen blush. They’d never even mentioned sex in conversation before. Allen didn’t expect Alice to use those particular four letter words.

He couldn’t get away with using circumlocutions either, he had to use those words too. Alice would tease him if he didn’t. Well, dad said you should use those words with someone you intended to do them, with. He blushed again and took a deep breath.

“Uh, yes to most of your questions. Your mom sucked my cock then I lapped her cunt while my prick got hard. After that she taught me how to fuck. That was neat! Then we did a sixty nine and there wasn’t any time left. I’m glad she taught me those things, now I know what to do when we get together the first time. I’m sorry that David let it slip, It might have been more fun if I didn’t know what was going to happen. Uh, what did you do with dad? Did you like it? Uh, did he fuck you?”

“Gee no, he was afraid he might make me pregnant and wouldn’t fuck me because I wasn’t on the pill yet. I wanted him to but now I’m sort of glad that he didn’t. I want you to be the first one to fuck me. He lapped my cunt, and I learned how to suck cock. That was fun and I found out how to make you feel good.”

They continued their discussion and compared notes. Each of them wanted to know in great detail what the other liked best. They were determined to make their first time together the best possible. The more they knew about the other’s likes and dislikes the better it would be.

Susan and David sat and held hands. David wasn’t going to let anything slip so he kept quiet. He was happy just to sit with Susan even if his prick did stay hard. He kept thinking about the things he would do with Susan after tomorrow. He would have to visit the rest room pretty soon and jerk off.

Susan wanted to talk to David about what was going to happen and couldn’t find a better ploy than the direct approach.

“Uh, David?”


“Was it fun fucking mom?”

David was startled. He blushed but he wasn’t going to let anything out this time. He was careful not to admit anything but he didn’t lie either.

“Uh, what makes you think I ever had a chance to do something like that?”

“Alice let slip that she’d had her cunt lapped by Harry and I asked questions until she told me. Harry will do things with me tomorrow afternoon then we can do things together. I can hardly wait for that. My cunt gets wet thinking about it. Your prick is hard too. Was it fun doing things with mom?”

Now that Susan knew what was going on David drew in a sigh of relief. He didn’t have to watch what he said so closely any more. He really did want to talk to Susan about everything that had happened.

“Gees, yeah. I really wanted to do things with you first but now I’m glad that your mother showed me how to do those things. I can make you feel a lot better now that I know how to do them and I always want to make you feel real good...”

“I’m sorry I know what’ll happen tomorrow. I don’t think I can hide what I know. I wanted to do things with you the first time too, but I guess you’re right. It will be better if we know what to expect.”

David couldn’t see any reason for Susan to fret.

“Uh, Susan, don’t be worried about knowing. I let it slip to Allen and your mother knew right away. Neither dad nor your mother were mad about it.”

“Oh? That’s neat. Then I don’t have to worry.”

“Uh, excuse me, I have to go to the men’s room”

“Are you going to jerk off. I’m going to finger fuck myself. My cunt’s dripping wet.”

David was startled but he recovered quickly.

“Yeah, I guess I have to. My prick’s been hard so long my balls are beginning to ache. I had to do it right after we got to the park too.”

“I know. I finger fucked myself then too.”

They went their separate ways. Virtually the same conversation took place on the bench. Allen blushed and said he had to visit the men’s room. Alice giggled and asked him if he was going to jerk off. Both of them admitted that this was the second time.

Joan and Harry watched the kids and burst out laughing when they disappeared into the rest rooms.

“I wonder how come they all had to go at the same time.”

“I can make a good guess and if I weren’t an adult I think I might join them.”

“You’re not alone. I think they have the right idea. When they’re through in there I think we ought to take them home and separate them. The boy’s balls must be aching by now.

Sunday, April 10; Afternoon:

It was Palm Sunday and it went as it had the week before. They went to church, had lunch at a restaurant, came home, and Jane took three kids to a movie. To nobody’s surprise, Harry felt like staying home so Susan’s grounding went into effect.

Harry prepared himself as he had for Alice and waited for Susan to appear. Susan had been doing some thinking. David had told her Harry and Joan weren’t upset that Allen knew what was going to happen. If that case she was going to take the bull by the horns or, in this case, the man by his prick.

Harry was seated in his easy chair when she wandered in. She looked at him shyly and moved toward him.

“I don’t think you love me any more. You haven’t asked me to sit on your lap for more than a year.”

She pushed his book away and sat on his lap. She felt a lump and wiggled her hips. Harry’s prick hardened and pushed itself into the crack of her ass. Susan got in the tag line before Harry had a chance.

“Oh, I’m sorry, did I do that to you? I’ll have to make it soft again. Does your prick get soft like Allen’s does when he shoots off? I saw mom make it soft a couple of times when you were doing things with her on our couch.”

She reached into the waistline of his shorts and wrapped her hand around his prick. It felt even bigger than it had looked when he was fucking Joan. She wondered if she could get it in her mouth and if it would ever fit into her cunt.

“Wow! Your prick is way bigger than David’s. It’s even a lot bigger than Allen’s and I thought that his prick was big.”

Harry was startled but once over his surprise was almost doubled up in laughter.

“All right, you know what’s supposed to happen this afternoon and your not going to let me seduce you, but you can’t rape me either. You’ll have to save that cute little snatch of yours for David. Outside of that it’s your choice of what you want to do.

“The reason I haven’t let you sit on my lap is that I didn’t think you were ready to make my prick soft again before this and the last time I had you in my lap you were getting mature and attractive enough to make it hard.”

“Oooo, can I suck your cock? I want to do that so I can practice up to do a real good job on David. I can’t wait to suck his cock and have him fuck me. Mom will get us the pill on tomorrow, won’t she? Can David fuck me then? Oooo, I can hardly wait for that. I know he did a lot of things with mom on Sunday and Tuesday when he said he had to go to the dentist too, but he wouldn’t even let me feel his prick when I wanted to.”

“Whoa, slow down. Let me try to take those one at a time. I’d love to have you suck my cock. I’m sure your mother will have you on the pill the first thing tomorrow morning. If she does you can spend tomorrow afternoon with doing things with David and tomorrow night you can spend the whole night with him. You can do anything you want with him. I’m sure he wants to do every one of those things with you too. I know he wants to lap your cunt and fuck you. He wants to make you feel as good as you want to make him feel.

“Don’t worry about how good a job you can do on him. Anything you do will seem perfect to him. He loves you as much as you love him. As far as not letting you feel his prick, hooray for David, I’m proud of him for that. I don’t think I could have done that at his age. Has that covered all your questions?

“Now, why don’t we go to my bedroom and get undressed. I’ll be happy to teach you as much as I can about sucking cock. You ought to ask your mother for some pointers too. She’s an expert cocksucker and she knows what David likes.” Susan was on her way upstairs by the time Harry finished the sentence, stripping off her clothes as she went. Harry followed her and picked up her garments on the way. They got to the bedroom and Susan bounced on to the bed.

“I want to learn how to suck cock, Harry. Can I do that first?”

Harry grinned at her.

“Be my guest.”

Harry lay back on the bed, Susan got between his legs and held his eight inch cock in her hand. She watched a crystal clear drop of pre cum form at his pisshole, licked it off, then she looked up with her eyebrows raised.

“What shall I do? What would feel best to David?”

“Honey doll, you started out just right. Why don’t you do whatever you want to and find out how I react? That’s the best way to find out what you want to do. Not everybody likes the same thing. You have to test each partner before you find out what’s best.”

Harry was so hot he didn’t have the patience to lead her through step by step. Harry was sure Susan would know what to do and as hot as he was he was sure whatever she did would feel good to him.

Susan licked the sensitive underside of Harry’s prick. She found the loose skin under the pisshole that made Harry react most and spent some time massaging it with her tongue. She licked another drop of pre cum off the head of his cock. She sucked Harry’s hairy balls, one at a time.

Alice couldn’t lick Harry’s ass but Susan wasn’t as squeamish. She wanted to practice that too so she could do it to David. She was sure he was going to lick her ass and wanted to be able to return the favor. She licked Harry’s ass crack and over his asshole. Wow! It was worth doing, it really made Harry jump. Susan tongue fucked Harry’s ass. She was going to make David squirm when she did this to him. She licked her way back to Harry’s prick and sucked on his balls on the way.

Harry’s prick was huge. She’d never get it all in her mouth. She wrapped a hand around the base of his prick and lowered her mouth over its head. Harry’s hips bucked and Susan’s lips rested against her fingers. She pressed her tongue against the underside of Harry’s prick, sucked as hard as she could, and lifted her head. To her delight, Harry wiggled and pulled his hips back.

Susan sucked hard and bobbed her head. These young virgins could bring him off in half the time it took Joan. It was very exciting to have sex with them. The tension built up in Harry’s loins, his back arched, his body quivered, he grunted; spurt, spurt, dribble, dribble; Susan got her first taste of cum.

Susan thought it was neat. She didn’t think she would ever get enough of it. Her cunt contracted in a sympathetic orgasm. She hoped Harry liked what she’d done. She hoped David would like it when she did it for him. She sucked on Harry’s shrinking prick until it was limp then let it slide out of her mouth and sat back on her heels and looked anxiously at Harry.

“Did I do it right? Did I make you feel good? I want to do it right. Tell me if I missed anything.”

“Honey doll, it couldn’t be more perfect. David couldn’t possibly find anything to complain about. Let me catch my breath and I’ll give you a trip around the world. That’s something special and you want to wait for a special time but it’s something you want to do to David too. Your mother says it drives him up the wall.”

“Oooo, good. That’s what you did to Alice, isn’t it? She told me all about it. I want to know all the special things.”

Harry started out with french kissing and Susan caught on right away. She enthusiastically sucked his tongue when he thrust it in her mouth and offered her own tongue to have him suck it. Harry nibbled and licked all the appropriate spots. He found her tits were very sensitive and sucking them was exciting to him as well.

He stopped for a few licks of her sopping cunt on the way down to the bottom of her feet, got the appropriate wiggles and giggles, and proceeded along the backs of her legs. Susan jumped when he licked the back of her knees and wiggled while he licked the inside of her thighs. Harry made a production of licking her ass crack and rimming her ass.

When Harry turned Susan over she arched her back and moaned with her desire. She wasn’t thinking of David now she was feeling her own urgent need. Her almost hairless cunt begged to be lapped.

A quick swipe of Harry’s tongue along the length of her cunt had Susan squirming all over the bed. Susan was having more massive orgasms than she’d ever had before. Her head tossed from side to side and her hips arched up off the bed. Harry kept the action going until she collapsed and shudders ran through her body. It was his turn to sit back on his heels and grin. He’d given this little virgin the time of her life.

“Wow! Nothing could feel that good!”

Harry moved up beside her and hugged her and she held him close. Her shivering subsided and she offered her mouth for some more kissing. Something interesting was pressed against her thighs. Harry’s prick was hard again! Susan turned end for end and licked the drop of cum from its head.

Harry moved his head between Susan’s legs and rimmed her ass. She returned the compliment. She couldn’t understand why Alice couldn’t do that. She liked the way it made Harry’s ass cheeks clench and relax when she did it. She was going to see how long she could make David do that. It would be fun.

Susan was much less violent this time when she got to sucking on Harry’s prick. She took her time. What really felt best to Harry? She licked all around it and studied all the responses she got. She took the head of his prick in her mouth and massaged it with her tongue and found that Harry’s thighs tensed when she did it. She filed that for use with David.

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