The Other Sister - Cover

The Other Sister

by Cabroncito


Erotica Sex Story: Sister-in-law is an incredibly good looking woman.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Fiction   Cheating   InLaws   Anal Sex   Oral Sex   .

As I entered the gymnasium with my girlfriend Susie, I could feel every set of eyes upon me. I loved the attention! We entered with about 2:30 left in the third quarter. The gym was packed so we just had to stand along the baseline. We watched the home team earn a victory and the gymnasium began to empty. Now it was time to meet the parents! We walked along the sideline as they were coming down the bleachers. I quickly took in the two people I was about to meet. Her father was a strong looking man with silvery, gray hair. Her mother was a very pretty woman with nice features. I shook hands with both of them and had a pleasant conversation, after which they invited me to their house for coffee. I accepted the invitation and we left the gymnasium.

Upon reaching their house I noticed a hot tub up on the top deck. I remember thinking it must be right off the master bedroom. I made a mental note to take advantage of it when I had the chance!

We entered the very spacious and beautiful home. I took in all the decorations and features the house had to offer. A big kitchen, a nice home theater and of course the hot tub! We sat down and her mother poured the coffee. As I sipped the coffee, my life took a drastic change!

In walked one of the most erotic women I have ever seen in my life! She was gorgeous! Long, blonde curly hair and perfect tits (about a C cup) — not too small, not too big, and definitely not plastic! But the best features were further down her body — long, slender legs leading up to the most perfect ass I had ever laid eyes on! It was her sister — and man did I ever have an instant crush!

She introduced me to her and our eyes met for the first time. Hers were a pool of green!

She said, “Hi. Nice to meet you. I’m Silvia.”

“Hi. I’m Tom.”

We stood there holding each other’s hand for a few seconds and then sat down. She smelled so good! Like jasmine — one of my favorite perfumes. As all of us talked, I began to feel more and more comfortable. I also began stealing more and more looks at the beauty that sat before me. I commented that I could feel all the looks when we entered the gym that evening. Her father commented that happens often in small towns.

Silvia added, “Plus it’s not often that really good-looking guys come to Albion.”

That made me feel good! Not that I needed any additional help at the time, as my cock was really stirring in my pants! We finished the coffee and Susie and I headed back to the university. I hung out with the family quite often in the next year, even spent the night at their country house a few times, in a separate bed in the basement, of course! I remember stroking my penis to orgasm several times picturing those beautiful, blonde curls bobbing up and down on my stiff organ. I tried so many times to put the thoughts out of my mind, due to the fact I was now engaged to Susie, but my efforts never worked!

A year later I was at a party for her parents’ anniversary. They had been married for 25 years and had one hell of a party to celebrate! Going through several kegs, we were all good and tanked after a few hours. I had to piss really bad and groped my way to the bathroom in the reception hall. I remember thinking, “Jesus, I can drink a lot of beer!”

As I pissed, the bathroom door opened. It was Silvia! She was so drunk she didn’t even notice she had entered the wrong bathroom! I was just tucking my cock back into my pants when she realized her error.

“Oh my god, Tom! I’m so sorry,” she said.

“No problem,” I replied.

Then we just stood there for a moment until I came to my senses, or what was left of them.

“Well, I should get back,” I stammered.

“Yeah, but not before I welcome you to the family,” she said with a nasty grin.

And with that she came to me and kissed me full on the mouth, sliding her moist tongue past my lips. Even as intoxicated as I was, my cock stood at full attention, bulging in my pants as my heart was racing like crazy! My tongue responded to hers and we kissed for what seemed like forever. I tried to play it cool and not seem too eager. As we kissed we were both very gentle in giving each other an expert tongue massage.

Finally she broke away. “Wow, that was nice! Welcome to the family, Tom,” she said as she exited the bathroom. I was blown away and stayed in the bathroom a few extra minutes to try and cool off. Finally I rejoined the party.

Susie and I recuperated from the bash and the next morning embarked on a weekend-long trip to New York, during which we fucked like rabbits. She took full advantage, fucking me like there was no tomorrow. The only negative of the trip was the kiss I could not get out of my head. Silvia was all over my mind, in my thoughts and dreams. As Susie and I fucked, I could only picture her younger sister. I had to bend Susie over and slam it in her from behind just so I could imagine it was Silvia. At the end of the trip, Susie remarked that it was the best sex she had ever experienced. I was happy to oblige my fiancée, but longed for her sibling. Fate finally presented me with the opportunity.

It was spring break, and I was stuck at work with a fucking mountain of paper work to do. I had just finished exams at the university and was pissed off thinking about Susie traveling with her parents to Colorado to go skiing, a yearly ritual. I really wanted to go but just could not leave my job. The week and the job dragged on, as it seemed like Susie would never come home. I was getting really sick and tired of jacking off. I needed to fuck really bad.

It was Thursday afternoon, almost quitting time. One of my buddies strolled into my cubicle and asked me if I wanted to go for a beer. I accepted and we went to a bar close to work. We shot some stick and downed a few pitchers. Before getting drunk, I took off for home.

As I was driving, I remembered, “Fuck! I was supposed to collect the mail for Susie’s parents and take care of the family pooch!”

I hightailed it out to their house. I fed and replenished the water for the dog. Then I went inside to put the mail on the table. I didn’t knock, thinking there was no one home. I walked in and heard Silvia yell from her upstairs bedroom, “Who’s there?”

“It’s just me, Tom.”

“Oh, well close your eyes because I’m in my underwear and my clothes are in the dryer,” she responded.

“Ok, they’re closed,” I lied.

She walked down the stairs and I was greeted by this blonde beauty in her matching red bra and bikini underwear. My god she looked terrific.

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