Another Day at Work - Cover

Another Day at Work

by Angel Tits


Erotica Sex Story: Cindy gets stuck in the elevator with two construction workers. What will she do?

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Mult   Consensual   Fiction   Group Sex   Oral Sex   .

Cindy stood waiting for the elevator. “Hurry up,” she said impatiently. “God, this is the slowest elevator in the world!”

She had 5 minutes to make it up to the boardroom before the meeting started. She hated being late to meetings. She’d just as soon not go at all, than to walk in late!!

She ran her hands over her suit skirt, smoothing out the wrinkles. She smiled to herself when she felt her front garter buckle. Underneath her very professional suit, she wore a black demi bra, thong and matching garter. Attached to the garters were very sheer black stockings with lace tops.

‘If those old farts I work for only knew how I dress under my conservative business suits!’ she thought to herself, laughing. To them she was just an old married woman.

“If they only knew,” she said softly, smiling. Ever since turning 40, she had become obsessed with sex and couldn’t seem to get enough! She certainly needed more than her husband was offering these days!!

She had already decided to start looking for someone else to help satisfy her needs. Even at 40, she could still turn a few heads. But she just hadn’t had the time yet to look for anyone.

The elevator finally arrived and the door opened. Cindy stepped inside noticing that there were two men already in the elevator. “6th floor, please,” she told the guy standing next to the control panel.

Hmmmmmm, construction workers, she thought to herself. Wonder what floor they’re working on? She looked at the control panel and noticed that the 6th floor was the only button pushed. She wasn’t aware of anything being done on that floor, but then she only went up there for meetings.

She looked over at the two men. Both were wearing tight jeans and t-shirts. One was tall and blond, the other a little shorter with black hair, pulled back into a ponytail. Both were young, probably in their late 20’s. Both were in very good physical shape. “Mmmmmmmmmm, not bad,” she thought to herself.

Suddenly the elevator shook and then started to fall rapidly. Then just as quickly, it came to a violent stop, causing Cindy to fall forward, hitting one of the construction workers, causing them both to fall to the floor.

“Sorry,” she said as the blond guy caught her in his arms.

“That’s ok,” he said in a deep masculine voice. He moved his rough hands down her arms. “You ok?”

“Yes,” she stammered, becoming aware of his masculine smell. That wonderful smell consisting of sweat mixed with aftershave. “Mmmmmmmmmmm,” she thought to herself.

Then everything went black for a few seconds until the emergency lights came on. “Where’s the emergency phone?” asked the other guy. “Over there,” said Cindy. He picked up the phone and informed someone on the other end that they were stuck in the elevator. “I see,” he said, hanging up the phone.

“Whole building has lost power,” he told the other two. “Probably going to be at least an hour before they can get us out.”

“Well, might as well join us on the floor,” said Cindy. “I’m Cindy, by the way,” she said smiling at both of them.

“Larry,” said the blond guy sitting to her right.

“Tony,” said the black haired guy, as he lowered himself down next to her.

“Damn,” said Larry. “What are we going to do in here for an hour?”

“I could think of something to do,” said Cindy, smiling. Both men turned and looked at her. “Oh shit, did I say that out loud?, she asked, blushing.

“Yessssssss,” they both said in unison.

“Well, it would pass the time,” she said smiling, as she placing a hand on each of the men’s legs. They looked at each other in disbelief.

But fearing she would change her mind, Larry leaned forward and kissed her passionately. Cindy responded just as passionately. Tony leaned down and started kissing her neck. She moaned softly. She had always loved having her neck kissed.

Larry moved down and started unbuttoning her suit jacket, moaning softly when he saw her black lacy demi bra. Cindy hurriedly took the jacket off, tossing it in the corner.

Larry reached down and unhooked the front clasp of the bra, and her large breasts sprang free.

“Beautiful,” he said huskily. He clamped his mouth onto her right nipple as Tony moved down and sucked in her left nipple.

“Oh God,” she moaned. She has always had a fantasy about being with two men at one time. Looked like she was going to get to fulfill that fantasy!

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